Make in India

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Job Creation and Economic

Development and to give the Indian
economy global recognition

• India is one of the world's fastest-growing

• The tenth-largest in the world by nominal
GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power
parity (PPP).
Where Are We?
• India has been recording sustained trade
deficits since 1980 mainly due to the high
growth of imports, particularly of crude oil,
gold and silver.
• Invited global companies to pick India to
locate factories, promising to replace red tape
with red-carpet welcomes.
• To make India break into the top 50 in the
World Bank’s ease of business index ranking
from the current 134th position.
Zero defect,
zero effect
• "Our manufacturing should have zero defect so
that our products should not be rejected in the
global market. Besides, we should also keep in
mind that manufacturing should not have any
negative impact on our environment."

• Make in India is an international marketing

campaigning slogan coined by the Prime
Minister of India, on September 25, 2014 to
attract businesses from around the world to
invest and manufacture in India.
Major objective

• The major objective behind this initiative is to

focus upon the heavy industries and public
enterprises while generating employment in India.
• To facilitate
– Investment
– Foster innovation
– Enhance skills development
– Protect intellectual property
– To built best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure
The highlights and
purpose of Come, Make in
India are-
• The campaign, 'Make in India' is aimed at
making India a manufacturing hub and
economic transformation in India while
eliminating the unnecessary laws and
regulations, making bureaucratic processes
easier and shorter, and make government more
transparent, responsive and accountable.
• The government emphasized upon the
framework which include the time-bound
project clearances through a single online
portal which will be further aided by the eight-
members team dedicated to answering investor
queries within 48 hours and addressing key
issues including labor laws, skill development
and infrastructure.
Following sectors have
been included by the
Government in this
5 things ‘Make In India’
will do
• #1 Guide Foreign Investors
• #2 Assistance to Foreign Investors
• #3 Prompt Response
• #4 Provide Relevant Information
• #5 Proactive Approach
Decade of
manufacturing in India
• This is not the first time India is focusing on its
manufacturing sector.
• In 2006, the UPA government put out a
national strategy for manufacturing. It even
dubbed 2006-15 as the “decade of
manufacturing in India.”
manufacturing still
remains a pipe dream

•India has huge potential, but not much has been

achieved so far.
•Nokia has just closed its manufacturing operation.
Kenichi Ayukawa

• "Costs of production in India increase because

of various government policies, procedures,
regulations and the way some of the laws are
implemented," said Kenichi Ayukawa,
Managing Director and CEO, Maruti Suzuki
India Ltd, at the 'Make in India' campaign.

• Ambani said in order to succeed in this

campaign, it was important to be open to
capital and expertise from all over the globe,
and implementation of GST will make India
one market and strengthen overall Make in
India programme.
‘Made in China’ campaign
launched with ‘Make
in India’
• Coinciding with Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s ‘Make in India’ pitch, the Chinese
government has launched a ‘Made in China’
campaign with a host of tax concessions in an
effort to retain its manufacturing prowess.
• China will encourage high-tech imports,
research and development (R&D) to upgrade
‘Made in China’, a decision by the Chinese
central government said.


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