Basic Oilfield Calculations

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Basic Oilfield Calculations

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Width Area of a Rectangle = Length x Width

Answer in Square Units.

Length • Area of a Circle = π r2

• =πxrxr
• = π x D/2 x D/2
• = π D2/4
• = 0.7854 x D2
Diameter • = 0.7854 D2

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Cross- Sectional Area

The Cross-Sectional area is the

difference in area between the larger
circle and the smaller circle.
• I.E. X-Section Area = (D2 x
0.7854) – (d2 x 0.7854)
• As 0.7854 is common to both
sets of brackets we can
simplify this equation.
• X-Section Area = 0.7854 x (D2
– d2)

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Grade & Yield Strength of Steel

• Tubing & Casing are classified according to 4

– OD (inches or millimetres)
– Weight (per foot in air)
– Grade ( A letter followed by a number e.g. N-80)
– Thread

The grade tells you the strength of the material.

E.G. N-80 means the yield strength of the steel is 80,000 psi.
P-110 means the yield strength of the steel is 110,000 psi.

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Grade & Yield Strength of Steel

The Grade of the steel refers to the yield of the steel in Lbs/sq in.
∴ We can use this in conjunction with the X-Sectional Area to

work out the joint yield strength of the tubing or casing.

• Example:- Red Book Section 200, page 10. 3 1/2” N-80 10.3#
– OD = 3.5”, ID = 2.922” Grade = 80000psi.
– Pipe yield = 0.7854 (3.502 – 2.9222) x 80,000 psi
• = 2.915 sq. in. x 80,000 lbs/
• = 233,227lbs.
• ≅ 233,000lbs

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• Volume of a Cube = Length x

Width x Height
H • Answer in Cubic Units.

Volume of a Cylinder = X-Sectional Area x Height

= 0.7854 x D2 x Height
Answer in Cubic Units

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Tubing, Casing & The Red Book

• Diameter in inches
• Height/Length in Feet
• Volume in Barrels
• From Red Book Section 210 Capacity

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Hydrostatic Pressure

• The Pressure Due to the Height of a Column of Fluid.

• The only Two things that effect Hydrostatic pressure is
the height (TVH) & the Density of the Fluid Column.

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Hydrostatic Pressure
• The Pressure Due to the Height of a Column of Fluid.
• The only Two things that effect Hydrostatic pressure
are the (TVH) & the Density of the Fluid Column.

Depth is measured in Feet & Density is measured in

Lbs/Gallon or ppg.
∴ We need to be able to Convert the Density to a
Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient.

We do this by dividing the fluid density (ppg) by


The Gradient of a Fluid is the weight of a 1 Foot High 1”

square column of the Fluid.

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Determine Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient

• Start with rectangular

tube (closed on
bottom and open on
231 in. • Fill with one gallon of
• Height of fluid
measures 231 inches

1” 1”

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Determine Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient

• Convert 231 inches to 19.25 ft

(gradient of interest is psi/ft)
• To solve for the hydrostatic
pressure gradient of any
231 in. density fluid: Fluid density
(ppg) ÷ 19.25 in²/ft
• Example: 10 ppg ÷ 19.25 in²/ft =
0.5194805 psi/ft hydrostatic
pressure gradient
1” 1”

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Specific Gravity Pressure

• Fresh water has been assigned the Specific Gravity of 1.

• Specific Gravity is a dimensionless figure! It is actually a
• Any thing heavier than fresh water will have a Specific
Gravity greater than 1.
• Anything lighter than water will have a Specific gravity less
than 1.
• This ratio helps us when we are working out hydrostatic
• E.G.: If the fluid has a S.G. of 0.85, then its gradient will be
0.85 of the gradient of fresh water.
• I.E.: 0.433 psi/ft x 0.85 = 0.368 psi/ft.

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0API Gravity Pressure

• Fresh water has been assigned the oAPI (American

Petroleum Institute) Gravity of 10.
• When measured on their scale it gave a reading of 141.5.
• ∴ We have to use the following equation to convert oAPI
Gravity to a Specific Gravity
• ___141.5__ = Specific Gravity
131.5 + oAPI
• E.G.: API Gravity = 38o
• ∴ Specific Gravity = 141.5
131.5 + 38
• = _141.5 = 0.835

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Types of Pressure Pressure

Hydrostatic Pressure ? Pressure created by the weight of a column of fluid.

Applied Pressure ? The Pressure applied to a system with

a pump or by the Formation.
Felt equally throughout a closed liquid

Total Pressure ? Hydrostatic Pressure + Applied Pressure.

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Pressure & Force

Force = Pressure x Area


Pressure Area

Pressure = Force/Area Area = Force/Pressure

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Pressure Due to a Column of Gas

• Gas is Compressible so its gradient will change according to

depth and the Gravity of the gas concerned.
• To make life easier for us Non Mathematicians, we use a
correction Factor Chart when working out pressure at depth.
Gas Gradient Correction Factors

Depth 0.60 Gr. 0.70 Gr. 0.80 Gr. 0.90 Gr.

1000ft 1.0210 1.0246 1.0282 1.0317
2000ft 1.0425 1.0498 1.0571 1.0645
5000ft 1.1098 1.1194 1.1390 1.1691
10000ft 1.2316 1.2751 1.3201 1.3668
To find the Downhole Pressure Multiply Surface Pr.

By the factor Where G.G. Column & Depth Row Intersect

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Pressure Due to a Column of Gas

Gas Gradient Correction Factors

Depth 0.60 Gr. 0.70 Gr. 0.80 Gr. 0.90 Gr.

1000ft 1.0210 1.0246 1.0282 1.0317
2000ft 1.0425 1.0498 1.0571 1.0645
5000ft 1.1098 1.1194 1.1390 1.1691
10000ft 1.2316 1.2751 1.3201 1.3668
To find the Downhole Pressure Multiply Surface Pr.

By the factor Where G.G. Column & Depth Row Intersect

E.G. WHP = 6000psi, depth = 10000ft & Gas Gravity = 0.80

∴Pressure @ Depth = (6000psi x 1.3201) = 7920.6psi

N.B. 7920.6 = Total Pressure, Hydrostatic Pressure =1920.6psi

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