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Areal Precipitation Data Analysis

 To find out runoff from a catchment and most

of other hydrologic analyses, it is important
to know the average precipitation of a certain
part of catchment or for the whole of the
catchment area.

 To find out average precipitation on

watershed, records of precipitation from
different rain gauge stations is used.

Areal Precipitation Data Analysis
 There are many factors which affect the
reliability of average precipitation of watershed
determined by using the data from individual
stations in the watershed e.g.
 The total number of rain gauges and their
distribution in the catchment (larger the number of
rain gauges, the reliable will be the calculated average
 The size and shape of area of catchment
 Distribution of rainfall over the area and
 Topography of the area.
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

 Conversion of point precipitation of various

gauging stations into average precipitation of that
area is a great experience and some serious skills
are required.
 There are three methods to find average
precipitation over a basin. Accuracy of estimated
average precipitation will depend upon the choice
of an appropriate method.
 These methods are described below:
 Arithmetic Mean Method
 Thiessen Polygon Method:-
 Isohyetal Method
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Arithmetic Mean Method
 In this method the average precipitation over an area is
the arithmetic average of the gauge precipitation values.
 We take data for only those stations which are within the
 This is the simplest method but can be applicable only
for flat areas and not for the hilly areas i.e. this
method is used when:
 Basin area is flat and
 All stations with in practical limits are uniformly
distributed over the area
 The rainfall is also nearly uniformly distributed over
the area

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

 According to this method

 1 
P (average) =    P
 n  i 1
Pav = [P1+P2+P3+…………+Pn]/n
 Where Pi is precipitation at station ‘i’ and there are ‘n’
number of gauges installed in the catchment area from
where the data has been collected.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

 Example
 Six rain gauges were installed in a relatively flat area and
storm precipitation from these gauges was recorded as 3.7,
4.9, 6.8, 11.4, 7.6 and 12.7 cm respectively from gauges 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6. Find average precipitation over the
 As the area is relatively flat so we apply the arithmetic
mean method. According to arithmetic mean method
P(average)=(3.7+4.9+6.8+11.4+7.6+12.7)/6 = 7.85cm.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

 Thiessen Polygon Method

 The fundamental principle followed in this
method consists of weighing the values at
each station by a suitable proportion of the
basin area. In this method, polygons must be
changed each time if the number of stations
is changed.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

 The following steps are used to determine average

precipitation by Thiessen Polygon Method.
 Draw the given area according to a certain scale and
locate the stations where measuring devices are
 Join all the stations to get a network of non-intersecting
system of triangles.
 Draw perpendicular bisectors of all the lines joining the
stations and get a suitable network of polygons, each
enclosing one station. It is assumed that precipitation
over the area enclosed by the polygon is uniform.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Measure area of the each polygon.
 Calculate the average precipitation. For the whole
basin by the formula
P (average) = (P1 A1 + P2 A2 + ...........+ Pn An)/A
P1 = Precipitation at station enclosed by polygon of
area A1
P2 = Precipitation at station enclosed by polygon of
area A2 and so on
Pn = Precipitation at station enclosed by polygon of
area An
And ‘A’ represents the total area of the catchment.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example
 Following is shown
map of a catchment
having 6 rainfall
recording stations
 Find the Average
Precipitation over the
whole catchment.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 The recorded precipitations are shown on the
topographic map of the catchment. The Thiessen’s
Polygons are constructed by the method explained
above. The precipitation and polygon area are given
Station Precipitation (mm) Polygon Area (km²)
Daggar 48 5,068.76
Besham 33 4,349.17
Shinkiari 25 1,399.25
Phulra 32 1,693.80
Tarbela 56 2,196.33
Oghi 30 2,234.29

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Solution
 The calculations are best done in tabular form as shown in Table
Table: Average Precipitation by Thiessen Polygon Method
Station Precipitation P (mm) Polygon Area A (km²) PxA (x106 m³)
Daggar 48 5,068.76 243.30

Besham 33 4,349.17 143.52

Shinkiari 25 1,399.25 34.98

Phulra 32 1,693.80 54.20

Tarbela 56 2,196.33 122.99

Oghi 30 2,234.29 67.03

Total 16,941.60 666.02


 PiAi
i 1
Mean Precipitation = i n = 666.02x106x10³/16941.60x106 = 39.3 mm
 Ai
i 1 Continued…
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example
 From the data given in Table below, which was obtained
from Thiessen Polygon map of a catchment, find out the
average precipitation of the catchment.
Table: Precipitation Data
Sr. Gauge Area of Thiessen Sr. Gauge Area of Thiessen
No. precipitation Polygon No. precipitation Polygon
(cm) enclosing the (cm) enclosing the
station station
(sq. km) (sq. km)
1 10.2 416 4 9.4 520
2 8.1 260 5 15.2 390
3 12.7 650 6 7.6 325

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Solution
 According to Thiessen Polygon Method
P (average) = (P1 A1 + P2 A2 + ...........+ Pn An)/A
 The calculations are shown in tabular form in Table 3.5
Gauge Area of Thiessen Polygon enclosing Volume = PixAi (x104 m³)
precipitation (cm) the station (sq. km)

(1) = Pi (2) = Ai (3) = (1)x(2)

10.2 416 4243.20
8.1 260 2106.00
12.7 650 8255.00
9.4 520 4888.00
15.2 390 5928.00
7.6 325 2470.00
Total 2561 27890.20

So P (average) = 27890.20 ÷ 2561=10.9 cm

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example
 There are 10 observation stations, 7 being inside and 3 in neighborhood of a
catchment. Thiessen Polygons were drawn for a storm data from these observation
stations and the data given in Table 3.6 below was obtained. Find out the average
precipitation of the catchment.
Table: Average Precipitation by Thiessen Method
Sr. No Gauge precipitation Area of Thiessen Polygon enclosing the
(cm) station (sq. km)
1 5 100
2 3 160
3 4 200
4 3.5 215
5 4.7 250
6 6 175
7 4 100

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Solution
 According to Thiessen Polygon Method
P (average)=(P1 A1 + P2 A2+ ...........+ Pn An) /A
Gauge precipitation Area of Thiessen Polygon enclosing Volume = PixAi (x104 m³)
(cm) the station (sq. km)
(1) = Pi (2) = Ai (3) = (1)x(2)
5 100 500
3 160 480
4 200 800
3.5 215 752.50
4.7 250 1175
6 175 1050
4 100 400
Total 1200 5157.50

So P(average) = 5157.5 ÷ 1200 = 4.3 cm

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Isohyetal Method
 The most accurate method of averaging precipitation
over an area is the isohyetal method.
 For estimation of average precipitation of the
catchment by isohyetal method the following steps
are used.
 Draw the map of the area according to a certain
 Locate the points on map where precipitation
measuring gauges are installed.
 Write the amount of precipitation for stations.

 Draw isohyets (Lines joining points of equal

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Measure area enclosed between every two isohyets or the area
enclosed by an isohyet and boundary of the catchment.
 Find average precipitation by the formula.

P (average) = (P1 A1 + P2 A2 + ...........+ Pn An)/A

P1= Mean precipitation of two isohyets 1 and 2
A1= Area between these two isohyets.
P2 = Mean precipitation of two isohyets 2 and 3
A2 = the area between two isohyets 2 and 3.
and, so on
Pn = Mean precipitation of isohyets n-1 and n
An = the area between these two isohyets.

 It may be noted that the last and first areas mentioned above
may be between an isohyet and boundary of the catchment. In
this case the precipitation at the boundary line is required
which may be extrapolated or interpolated.
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example 3.10
 In a catchment of area 1,000 sq km, there are 8 rain gauges, 5
inside the area and 3 outside, in its surroundings. Isohyets were
drawn from the data of these rain gauges for a storm. From the
isohyetal map the following information was obtained: areas
between 1 and 2 cm isohyets, 2 and 3 cm, 3 and 4 cm and 4 and
5 cm isohyets was 105, 230, 150 and 220 sq. km, respectively. The
area between one end boundary which has 0.75 cm rainfall and
1 cm isohyet was 120 sq. km and the other end boundary which
has precipitation of 5.5 cm and isohyet of 5 cm was 175 sq. km.
Find average precipitation.
 In the isohyetal method we have to calculate the average
precipitation of every two consecutive isohyets. This is given in
Table below.


4 Po=0.75

5 A F

5 4 3
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
Isohyet Isohyetal Average of Area enclosed Volume
No precipitatio precipitation of two between two (x104 m³)
n (cm) consecutive isohyets isohyets
(cm) (sq km)
0.875 (for isohyet and 120 (for isohyet
Boundary 0.75 105.00
boundary) and boundary)
1 1 1.5 105 157.50
2 2 2.5 230 575.00
3 3 3.5 150 525.00
4 4 4.5 220 990.00
5.25(for isohyet and
5 5 175 918.75
Boundary 5.5
∑ 1000.00 3271.25

P (average) = (P1 A1 + P2 A2 + ...........+ Pn An)/A

= 3271.25/1000 = 3.27 cm
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example
 From the data given in table below, which was obtained from isohyetal map
of a catchment, find out the average precipitation of the catchment.
Table: Data from Isohyetal Map.
Isohyet Isohyetal precipitation Area enclosed between two isohyets.
No (cm) (sq km)
1 2.5 390

2 5.0 520

3 7.5 650

4 10.0 390

5 10.0 390

6 7.5 442

7 5.0 546

8 2.5
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Note that the isohyet No. 1 and 8 were out of the
boundary of the catchment. The area between isohyet
No. 1 and the boundary was estimated to be 312 sq. km
and that of between isohyet No. 8 and boundary was
494 sq. km. Precipitation on these boundaries was
interpolated as 3.0 and 3.1 cm, respectively.
 In isohyetal method we have to calculate the average
precipitation of every two consecutive isohyets. This
is given in Table below:

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
Isohyet Isohyetal Average of precipitation Area enclosed between two Volume
No precipitation of two consecutive isohyets (sq km) (x104 m³)
(cm) isohyets (cm)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = (3) x (4)

1 2.5 3 (for isohyet and 312 (for isohyet and 936.00
boundary) boundary)

2 5.0 6.25 520 3250.00

3 7.5 8.75 650 5687.50
4 10.0 10.0 390 3900.00
5 10.0 8.75 390 3412.50
6 7.5 6.25 442 2762.50
7 5.0 3.1 (for isohyet and 546 (for isohyet and 1692.60
boundary) boundary)

8 2.5
∑ 3250 21641.1

P (average) = (P1 A1 + P2 A2 + ...........+ Pn An)/A

= 21641.1/3250=6.66 cm Continued…
Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Example:
 From the
isohyetal map
shown in
Figure below
find out

Fig.: Isohyetal Map Continued…

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
 Solution:
 The isohyets are drawn on the topographic map by
interpolating rainfall depths at given stations. Once
isohyets are drawn, the area enclosed between
consecutive isohyets is determined either by
planimeter or other suitable more precise method.
 The calculations for average precipitation are given in
table below.

Estimation of Average Precipitation Over A Basin
Isohyte value Av. Isohyte Area Between Consecutive Volume
(mm) Value (mm) Isohytes (km²) (x106 m³)
Boundary and
25.0 310.53 7.76
25 and 30 27.5 2220.71 61.07
30 and 35 32.5 2968.38 96.47
35 and 40 37.5 2231.86 83.69
40 and 45 42.5 2303.52 97.90
45 and 50 47.5 2731.90 129.77
50 and 55 52.5 2689.70 141.21
55 and
55 1484.99 81.67
Total 16,941.60 699.54

Mean Precipitation Depth = Volume/Area

= 699.54x106x10³/16941.60x106
= 41.29 mm
Intensity of Precipitation

 The rate of occurrence of precipitation is called

intensity of precipitation or precipitation occurring in
unit time is known as intensity of precipitation.
 To find out intensity of a certain interval the points on
graph of accumulative precipitation vs time are
chosen in such a way that we get the maximum
difference for the given interval.

Intensity of Precipitation
 Example
 Find out maximum intensity of precipitation for the intervals
of 5, 10 & 15 minutes having rainfall data given in Table.

Table: Rainfall Data

Time (Minutes) P (cm)

0 00
05 12.5
10 20
15 42.5
20 62.5
Intensity of Precipitation

Solution: Since the Maximum difference is always

critical when intensity is to be calculated
For 5-minutes interval the maximum difference is 22.5
so, intensity for 5-minutes interval = 22.5 / 5 = 4.5
For 10-minutes intensity = 42.5 / 10 = 4.25 cm/min.
For 15-minutes intensity = 50 / 15 = 3.33 cm/min.
Depth - Area Relationships
 The distribution of rainfall is usually not uniform over
the area.
 The precipitation is maximum at the centre of storm
and decreases as we move away from the centre of
 For rainfall of a given duration, the average depth
decreases with the area in an exponential manner.
Mass Curve
 Precipitation recorded by a weighing type and float
type recording rain gauge is in form of a graph. It is
a plot of cumulative precipitation against time in
chronological order (ascending order). This is
called mass curve of rainfall data.
 Intensity of rainfall for a certain duration is
determined from this graph. This graph gives a
complete history of a storm regarding the duration
and magnitude of precipitation.
 In the case of non-recording rain gauges the mass
curve is to be plotted from the data in which both
duration and magnitude of precipitation have been
observed for different time intervals during storm.
Mass Curve
2nd Storm-----(cm)
 Accumulated Precipitation (cm)

1st Storm-----(cm)

 Time (days)
Depth-Area-Duration Curves
 Analysis of both the time and areal distribution of a
storm is required in many hydrologic studies. Depth
area duration curves provide requisite information for
such studies.

 It is necessary to have information on the maximum

amount of precipitation of various durations occurring
over various sizes of areas.

 The development of a relationship between maximum

depth-area-duration for a region is called depth area
duration analysis (DAD analysis).

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
 First the severe most rainstorms that have occurred in the
region under question are considered.
 The Isohyetal Maps and Mass Curves of the storm are
 A Depth-Area Curve of given Duration of storm is
 Then from study of mass curve of rainfall, various durations
and the maximum depth of rainfall in these durations are
 The procedure is then repeated for different storms and the
envelope curve of maximum-depth for duration D is

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
 A similar procedure for various values of
D results in a family of envelope curves
of maximum depth vs area, with duration
as third parameter. These curves are
called as DAD curves.

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
Depth Area Duration Curves
Typical depth-area-duration curves are shown in figure
EUD (mm)




0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Area (km²)

6 hour rain 12 hour rain 24 hour rain

Fig.: Typical Depth Area Curves Continued…

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
 Example

 The isohyetal map shown in Figure is for 10 hour storm

over a catchment area. Area enclosed between two
consecutive isohyets is shown on the map and isohyetal
interval is 5 cm with storm center having precipitation of
30 cm.
 Find:
 The average precipitation of the catchment by isohyetal
 The Equivalent Uniform Depth of rain for depth area
duration curve.

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
Isohyte (cm)

30 60
25 and 30 100
20 and 25 90
15 and 20 130
10 and 15 200
5 and 10 400 5 cm
10 cm
15 cm

25 cm 20 cm

30 cm

Fig.: Isohyet Map
Depth-Area-Duration Curves
 Solution
 The calculations are performed in Table. The
average precipitation is found by summing up area
enclosed by consecutive isohyets multiplied by
average isohyte value and whole sum divided by
total area.
 The EUD is found by dividing cumulative volume by
cumulative area. The Figure shows variation of EUD
with area.

Depth-Area-Duration Curves
Isohyte Area Cumm. Area Mean Volume Cumm. EUD
(cm) enclosed enclosed Isohyte (x106) Volume (cm)
(km²) (km²) (cm) (x106)
1 2 3 4 5= 2x4 6 7=6÷3

30 60 60 30.00 18.00 18.00 30.00

30 & 25 100 160 27.50 27.50 45.50 28.44

25 & 20 90 250 22.50 20.25 65.75 26.30

20 & 15 130 380 17.50 22.75 88.50 23.29

15 & 10 200 580 12.50 25.00 113.50 19.57

10 & 5 400 980 7.50 30.00 143.50 14.64

Table: Finding EUD

Depth-Area-Duration Curves


EUD (cm)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Cum m . Area (km ²)

Fig.: Depth-Area Curve

Assignment 4
 Draw Thiessen polygons and Isohyetal Map of
Pakistan with help of GIS.

Assignment 5
 Example 3.14
 (You can Use Excel File to solve this and do not forget
to add your roll number in each station data value
against each day)
 All the Problems given in the Exercise portion of Text
Book of Hydrology


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