Kel 2 (Kardiovaskuler)

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The cardiovascular system is an important system in supporting cell
life, the life of individual living things. This system is one of two
fluid circulation systems in the body, namely blood circulation and
lymph circulation. For the sake of vital blood circulation in these
multicellular organisms, the body has pumping organs and channels.
The heart is the driving pump of blood while the channel for blood
is blood vessels which are channels with elastic walls. Thus there
are three components of this blood transport system, namely: the
heart, blood vessels and blood fluid. The vascular system serves not
only oxygen transportation but also the distribution of substances
absorbed from food. Blood vessels transport them to cells (the
exchange of substances in capillaries), where with the help of
oxygen, they are turned into energy (ATP) to carry out the metabolic
processes needed for life, or are used to make body structures.
The heart is a hollow muscular organ located in the connective
tissue space (mediastinum) between the spine and the sternum.
The heart wall consists of 3 layers (tunica) namely :
1. Endocardium is located in the subendothelial layer.
2. Myocardium consists of heart muscle cells.
3. The epicardium is the serous membrane of the heart, forming
the visceral pericardium boundary.
Blood circulates through a closed system of elastic tubing
that can be divided into the following segments: (1) Arteries that
carry blood from the heart and distribute it; (2) Capillaries where
the exchange of substances occurs; (3) Veins that return blood to
the heart; (4) Lymph vessels that serve fluid transport and immune
cells. There are three types of blood vessels, namely arteries, veins
and capillaries.
Regardless of their oxygen content, all blood vessels that
leave the heart are called arteries and all blood vessels that lead to
the heart are called veins. For example the pulmonary artery that
leads from the heart to the lungs carries oxygen-poor blood. On the
other side of the pulmonary veins that lead from the lungs to the
heart carry oxygen-rich blood. Similarly, the umbilical artery
carries oxygen-poor blood while the blood in the umbilical vein is
rich in oxygen.
Blood is formed from two parts, namely the elements of blood and
plasma cells. Blood elements are composed of erythrocytes, leukocytes and
platelets. Leukocytes, some of which are phagocytic, are one of the main
defenses against infection and circulate throughout the body through the blood
vascular system. By penetrating capillary walls, these cells are rapidly
concentrated in tissue and participate in inflammation. The blood vascular
system is also a means of transporting oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2);
the first is mainly bound to erythrocyte hemoglobin, while the latter, besides
being bound to erythrocyte protein (mainly hemoglobin), is also transported in
solution in plasma as CO2 or in the form of HCO3.
Plasma transports metabolites from the site of absorption or synthesis,
channeling them to various regions of the organism. It also transports remnants
of metabolism, which are removed from the blood by excretion organs. Blood,
a distribution of hormones, allows the exchange of chemical messages
between distant organs for normal cell function. Furthermore it plays a role in
regulating heat distribution and acid-base and osmotic balance. Plasma is an
aqueous solution containing substances with large and small molecular weights
which constitutes 10% of its volume (7% plasma proteins, 0.9% inorganic
salts, the remaining 10% consists of several organic compounds of various
acids amino, vitamins, hormones, lipids, etc.)
some organic compounds from various amino acids, vitamins,
hormones, lipids, and so on :
1. Erythrocytes
Mammalian erythrocytes have no nucleus, and in humans are
biconcav discs with a diameter of 7.2 μm (figure 13-4).
2. leokosit
Based on granules (buitran-granules) specific to the cytoplasm,
white blood cells are classified into 2 groups: granulocytes and
3. Trombosit
Pieces of blood (platelets) are nucleated cells, disc-shaped with a
diameter of 2-5 μm.
1. Sistole and Diastole
Ventricles push blood in small volumes and simultaneously to the
pulmonary arteries and aorta. This repeated contraction of
ventricular myocardium is called cystole; the relaxation is called
2. Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is the volume of heart's blood pumping out within a
certain time span. The volume of circulation is related to the amount
of blood released by the heart per minute. The left and right heart
always transfer blood in the same amount, because if the opposite
blood in one circulation will quickly be blocked, while other parts
will suffer from lack of blood.
Arterial blood pressure is the pressure when the left
ventricle pumps blood. Pressure can be palpated with the
fingers in the superficial arteries (eg radial). Blood pressure
is not constant, but varies between systole and diastole
pressure. Normal systolic blood pressure is around 120
mmHg, diastolic above 80 mmHg.
If we use the universal laws of physics for blood flow through
the blood vessel system, Ohm's law for electrical circuits
states: that is, the flow rate increases with increasing pressure
difference, and decreases with increasing vascular resistance.
Flow barriers become overcome is created by the internal
friction of flowing fluid. bloodflows relatively easily through
large vessels, but smaller arteries,and especially arterioles and
capillaries, against currents with high resistance created by
small diameters (peripheral resistance). Therefore, the greater
the peripheral resistance, the greater the pressure needed to
overcome it.
The perfusion needs of one organ can be fulfilled in two main
 Increased arterial blood pressure
 Decreased peripheral resistance
An increase in blood pressure is not the most suitable solution
because all organs will receive more blood flow, and moreover a
double increase in blood pressure (240/160 mmHg) will only
produce twice the flow. Decreased peripheral resistance with
local vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) causes significant
changes in blood flow. This is due to hemodynamic physics,
where resistance to fluid flow in the tube (blood vessels)
depends on the length of the tube, fluid viscosity, and the power
of the four-radius of the tube (r4) (Hagen-Poiseuille law). Thus,
a decrease in arterial radius of only 16% will double the
resistance. On the other hand doubling the radius of the vessel
will result in a 16-fold increase in blood flow.

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