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• Ravi Subramanian, an alumni of IIM-Bangalore,
batch of 1993,
• Currently working with a leading foreign bank in
its Retail Banking unit.
• He has worked with various MNC banks and now
lives in Mumbai with his wife and daughter.
• First book- ‘If God was a Banker.’
• This is his second book.
The book was published in 2007
Publishers : Rupa. Co
It is a story of the author- Ravi
Character of the story are:
The author himself
His wife and
His daughter- Anusha
Ten Commandments
 Aspire High
 Stay Positive
 Be a Winner, Not a Wimp
 Be Honest to yourself
 Value time
 Strive for Perfection
 Befriend Achievers
 Share the Success
 Watch Out on Health
 Build a Mind Boggling Profile
Aspire High
• To acquire the Ferrari you need to ASPIRE and
when you aspire, do not compromise for anything
but the best.
• These is a method, to acquire your Ferrari - CBA.
C – Constantly take stock of your aspiration
B – Balance between Success and Failure
A – Adopt an attitude to deal with situations

“Dream your painting and then

paint your dream.”
Stay Positive
• Be optimistic , chase the negative thoughts away.

• A positive frame of mind will surely get you

closer to your Ferrari..

“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile

the moment a single man
contemplates it.”
Be a Winner, Not a Wimp
• Do not whine and whimper about ‘work-life’ balance.
• The author introduces a concept here – the LFL
– Every employee in an organisation falls in one of these three
 L-Leaders – scarcest – 5-7%
o Organization depends on them.
o Barely care about work life balance.
 F-Followers – maximum fall in this.
o They are the followers of the leaders.
 L-Laggards – 10-13%
o They are the junks.

“The Ferrari is not meant for

Be Honest to Yourself
• Set and follow the highest standard of Integrity in
your personal and Professional lives.
• IF you are high on Integrity , people will respect and
value you.

The Ferrari can be yours if you are

absolutely unwilling to compromise on
integrity and ethics.
Value Time
• Value your own time and the rest of others , and be
rest assured that Ferrari will come to you.


“To get all there is out of living, we must employ

our time wisely, never being in too much of a
hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our
sense of the enormous value of a minute.”
Strive for Perfection

• No one is perfect.

• Earning the Ferrari is all about constantly

upgrading yourself, improving your skill-sets
and equipping yourself for the future.
Befriend Achievers

• Be in the Company of the Winners

• Join Winning Organisations and Teams

“The greenest bush will always be found on the

periphery of a well fertilised field.”
Share the Success
Share your success with others , if you commit
to uplift the down trodden, you will become
the true owner of Ferrari.

“If you light a light for somebody, it

will also brighten your path.”
Watch Out on Health
Remain fighting fit and be in perfect shape.

“Time and Health are two precious assets

that we don’t recognise and appreciate
until they have been depleted.”

Build a Mind Boggling Profile
• Time to build up a profile for yourself.
• Target your audience and announce your
• You will own the Ferrari in no time.

“Good work not advertised is akin to kissing a

girl in the dark. You don’t know who you
kissed, neither does the one you kissed.”
Ferrari Stands for
• Fortune for
• Every
• Right
• Rigorous
• And
• Resourceful
• Individual

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