ABRAHAM His FAITH Hebrew Heritage Grafted in Dec. 14 2019 Dumaguete

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Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

December 14 2019






brother aike: youtube channel

God gave us PRRD through the vote of the
people so that he will be an instrument of
change for good. There had been so much
iniquities the common people had been gone
through..and so many leaders came to
pass..and God perhaps heard the prayers of the
suffering of small people to end up the slavery
or bondage that believers had experienced in
Gen 26:5 I will do this
because Abraham obeyed
my voice and kept my
instructions, my
commandments, my
statutes, and my laws.”
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

Not an option but is the Foundation of our Faith

Christianity didn’t start with Apostle Paul neither

with Jesus/Yeshua Himself..
Gal 3:29 If you are Messiah’s, then you are Abraham’s seed and
heirs according to promise.

But with the Father of Faith “ABRAHAM the Hebrew.”

The very essence of our faith is “RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD”
Not creed, set of theological worldview, or ideas
Abrahamic faith is relationship with the Only GOD YHVH through His Son Yeshua.
YHVH is active in the lives of the true believers.
By EMUNAH…… that He exists.
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset Unity - Awakening the One New Man reveals:
Since the beginning, our Lord planned to
single out the Nation of Israel. Then, after
Messiah comes, to reunify Israel and the
other Nations. The appointed time has
arrived. This is the hour for Unity. Unity -
Awakening the One New Man confirms:
Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb
satisfies all of God's requirements for
redemption and restoration to reunify the
Kingdom of God. Yeshua has become our
peace. This is God's plan for Unity.
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

These 12 noteworthy authors,

Messianic Jews and Christians, show us that
understanding this vital connection fulfills the
call to Unity.
Grasp our True Identity in Unity - Awakening
the One New Man:

• Recognize the Lord's Calling on My Life
• Understand God's Plan to Build His Kingdom
• Allow the Spirit to Refocus My Identity •
One New Man is the Harbinger to Messiah's
YHVH original intention with the 12 Tribes of Israel
- is to train them to become priests and kings ( through the Torah=
manual for priests and kings)
- over the course of time Israel failed YHVH.
 in the NT - the Mystery of Gentiles grafted in to Israel through
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
 they can now saidbecome
to them, “Ifpriests and kings
you were Abraham’s through
children, you would do being born again
the works of Abraham.
in the
Gen 26:5 because
I will do this

Abraham obeyed my
voice and kept my
instructions, my
commandments, my
statutes, and my laws.”
‫זָהָ ב‬
 In conventional Hebrew, the word
comes from a root meaning to shimmer.

 There is obviously a connection between

 In Exodus 25 verse 11, the construction
of the Ark of the Covenant is described:
 And thou shalt overlay it
with pure gold, within and
without thou shall
overlay it and shall make
upon it a crown of
round about.
Further in EXODUS 25verse 17, the mercy
seat is also to be of :
And thou shall make a mercy seat of
pure gold.​
Even in the last book of our Ancient Prophetic Text

And the building of the wall of it

was of jasper; and the city was
pure gold, like unto clear glass.
How can something so valuable become or devoted
to destruction?

Let’s find out.

In the Biblical text gold or Zahab in Hebrew occurs many

times. It is one of at least six Hebrew words for gold but the
only one that appears in the book of Joshua.
• As Joshua and his army prepare to conquer
Jericho, Joshua is given instructions by Yehovah
to set apart certain things.

In Joshua Chapter 6 verses 18 and 19 we read:
 And ye in any wise keep yourselves from the
accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves
accursed, when you take of the accursed thing,
and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble
it. But all the silver, and , and vessels of
brass and iron, :

 The and the phrase

the accursed thing is Cherem. Let’s first explore
the word Zahab.
In Joshua Chapter 6 verses 18 and 19 we read:
 And ye in any wise keep yourselves from the
accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves
accursed, when you take of the accursed thing,
and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble
it. But all the silver, and , and vessels of
brass and iron, :

 The and the phrase

the accursed thing is Cherem. Let’s first explore
the word Zahab.
So the first mystery we find in the Hebrew pictographs tells us
why gold is found on the ark and the mercy seat. ***
' We are to behold the Son of God who will be cut off and pierced for
Zahab is a constant reminder to us of the value of what Messiah has
done on our behalf.
When you next view Zahab remember that it reminds us of
the perfect spiritual plan of our Heavenly Father to extend His
grace to us through His Son Yeshua Ha-Mashiach the perfect
Lamb of God.
The disciple of Yeshua named Matthew wrote
something we should note here. In his Gospel,
Chapter 23 verse 17, he quotes Yeshua:
Ye fools and blind: for whether
is greater, the gold or the
temple that sanctifieth the
The value the Zahab or the gold
holds comes from something greater;
- the temple does not get its
greatness from its gold but instead
The numbers these letters represent confirm this

Zayin is the number 7 and denotes spiritual

Hey is the number 5 and refers to grace.
Beyt is the number 2 and refers to God the

It was the perfect spiritual plan of our

Heavenly Father
to extend His grace to us through His Son. ***
But something in Zahab seems to wrongly demand worship of us.

In the Torah, in the Book of the Exodus Chapter 32 verse 3 and 4 we

find this:
And the people brake off the golden
earrings which were in their ears, and
brought them unto Aaron. And he
received them at their hand, and
fashioned it with a graving tool, after
he had made it a molten calf: and they
said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which
brought thee up out of the land of
Everything Cherem belongs to Yehovah.
In Joshua Chapter 7 verse 12 we see what happens when this
is not done:
Therefore the chidren of Israel could not
stand before their enemies, but turned their
backs before their enemies, because they
were : neither will I be with
you any more, except ye destroy the
from among you.
Psalm 119 gives us a better understanding. Perhaps written by King David the entire
psalm, which is the longest of all the psalms, is a prayer by one who delights in living
according to the Torah which contains the words of Yehovah. Verse 72 says this:
The law of thy mouth is better unto me than
thousands of gold and silver.
The word law here is Torah.
The psalmist is reminding us where the real gold is to be
uThe words of Yehovah that Moses spoke were the real
gold, the real Zahab.
When you next view Zahab remember that it reminds us of the perfect
spiritual plan of our Heavenly Father to extend His grace to us
through His Son Yeshua Ha-Mashiach the perfect Lamb of God.
Every aspect of the development of Israel’s national life as revealed by God through
Moses had to do with maintaining his presence, his glory, among them. From the
sacrificial system to personal intimacy; from agricultural techniques to hygiene;
from business practices to treatment of people with special needs – everything
that God commanded was because he, the Master of the Universe, dwelt among
In the centuries that followed, Israel risked losing God’s glory. Eventually, this did
indeed tragically occur at the time of the Babylonian captivity as recorded in the
eighth through eleventh chapters of the prophet Ezekiel. Contrary to what many
people think, the loss of God’s presence was not due to Israel’s moral imperfections. God had
made provision in the Sinai Covenant for wrongs committed. The glory departed due to
long-term rebellion against God as expressed mainly through idolatry.
Israel had outrightly rejected God in other words.
But that is not the end of the story. Ezekiel, Isaiah, and the other Hebrew
prophets predicted over and over again that God’s glory, his presence, would
return to Israel. ==> The restoration of God’s presence was guaranteed to Israel
based upon his earlier unconditional and eternal promises to Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob.
By the end of the writing of the Hebrew Scriptures, God’s glory had not yet
returned. As prophesied by Jeremiah and decreed by the Persian King Cyrus,
many Jewish people returned from Babylon.
• They resettled the land and rebuilt both the Temple and Jerusalem. But the
nation continued in a state best described as tentative. On one hand God was
with them during this period – there would not have been a return otherwise
– but not to the extent anticipated by the prophets.
• For most of the time from the return until the destruction of the second
Temple in the year 70, Israel continued under foreign rule, a sure sign that all
was not right between them and God.
• Where was the promised Messiah?
Your word
is a lamp to my feet And
a light to my path.
To the Torah
and to the witness! If
they do not speak
according to this Word, it
is because they have no
From the Hebrew
What do the wheels in Ezekiel represent? name ‫יְחֶ זְ ֵקאל‬
In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet describes 'a flying (Yechezqel) meaning
chariot' that is ... of Israel, and what some refer to as "God will strengthen",
the Millennial Temple visions or the Third Temple. ...
from the roots ‫חָ זַק‬
Inside this wheel chariot were beings with the
(chazaq) meaning "to
'likeness of man'.
strengthen" and ‫אֵ ל‬
The wheel-like image in the Book of Ezekiel and the
('el) meaning "God".
cosmogram, Dr. Pruitt suggested, “represented the
universe, and the path we travel through this world
and the afterlife”
and “it stands for the enduring connections
between this world and the next, the power from
above and below.”
Ezekiel 10 and more! ... 8:4 ) that when he was in vision at Jerusalem he saw the same appearance of the glory ...
The removal of the glory of God from the temple, and its being upon the wing to be gone (v. .... But the same
Spirit being both in the living creatures and in the wheels ...
Because, God has Loved in such a manner the
satan’s world, so that He Gave His Son, the
Only Begotten Risen Christ, in order that
whoever is Continuously by his choice
Committing for the Result and Purpose of Him,
should not perish, but definitely should, by his
choice, be Continuously Having Eternal Life.
JOHN 3:16
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

what'S IN THE name of yeshua:



YHVH has become my YESHUA SALVATION --

Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

Not an option but is the Foundation of our Faith

Christianity didn’t start with Apostle Paul neither

with Jesus/Yeshua Himself..
Gal 3:29 If you are Messiah’s, then you are Abraham’s seed and
heirs according to promise.

But with the Father of Faith “ABRAHAM the Hebrew.”

The very essence of our faith is “RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD”
Not creed, set of theological worldview, or ideas
Abrahamic faith is relationship with the Only GOD YHVH through His Son Yeshua.
YHVH is active in the lives of the true believers.
By EMUNAH…… that He exists.
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset Unity - Awakening the One New Man reveals:
Since the beginning, our Lord planned to
single out the Nation of Israel. Then, after
Messiah comes, to reunify Israel and the
other Nations. The appointed time has
arrived. This is the hour for Unity. Unity -
Awakening the One New Man confirms:
Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb
satisfies all of God's requirements for
redemption and restoration to reunify the
Kingdom of God. Yeshua has become our
peace. This is God's plan for Unity.
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

These 12 noteworthy authors,

Messianic Jews and Christians, show us that
understanding this vital connection fulfills the
call to Unity.
Grasp our True Identity in Unity - Awakening
the One New Man:

• Recognize the Lord's Calling on My Life
• Understand God's Plan to Build His Kingdom
• Allow the Spirit to Refocus My Identity •
One New Man is the Harbinger to Messiah's
YHVH original intention with the 12 Tribes of Israel
- is to train them to become priests and kings ( through the Torah=
manual for priests and kings)
- over the course of time Israel failed YHVH.
 in the NT - the Mystery of Gentiles grafted in to Israel through
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
 they can now saidbecome
to them, “Ifpriests and kings
you were Abraham’s through
children, you would do being born again
the works of Abraham.
in the
1Pet. 2:5 you also, as living stones, are being built up,
a spiritual house, a set-apart priesthood, to offer up
spiritual slaughter offerings acceptable to Elohim
through ‫יהושע‬Messiah.
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
1Pet. 2:9 Butsaid
you are
to them, “If youa chosen
the works of Abraham.
Abraham’s children, a
you would royal

priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a

possession, that you should proclaim the praises of
Him who called you out of darkness into His
marvellous light,
what Hebrew means in Hebrew?” “The one who crosses over.”
“Yes, and what did the Hebrews cross over to get to the Promised Land?”
“ ”
 “They crossed the Jordan River to enter into the land of Israel.
But they crossed the Red Sea to get out of the land of Egypt.
 So before theyJoh_8:39
could Theyenter
answeredthe new
him, “Our land,
father they
is Abraham.” had to leave the
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
old land. the works of Abraham.

 As important as is the act of entering is the act of exiting.

So you have an entire book of the Bible named after it, the Book of
Exodus, which means the leaving or the exiting.
 Exiting is as holy as entering. You can’t have the one
without the other.” ***
Exiting is as holy as entering. You can’t have the one without the other.”
“You can’t enter unless you leave.”
 “ . It’s simple, but profound.
. And what was the
first thing he had to do?” “Leave?”
“ The first call of Abraham was ‘ him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA . . . and to a
Joh_8:39 They answered
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
land I will show you.’ The first command was ‘
the works of Abraham.

The rest, all the blessings, all the promises of the

Promised Land, and the future, all rested on the
words ‘ .’ You see,
The rest, all the blessings, all the promises of the
Promised Land, and the future, all rested on the
words ‘ .’ You see,
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
the works of Abraham.
 to come with Him. But in order to do
that, they had to first , drop their nets, get out of their boats,

Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
 But we can’t know any of these things without first being willing
the works of Abraham.

to leave.
John 8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA said to
them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of
Heb_11:8 By faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out
to the place which he was to receive for an inheritance. He went
out, not knowing where he went.
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
Heb_11:17 By faith,saidAbraham, being
to them, “If you tested,children,
were Abraham’s offered up Isaac.
you would do Yes, he who had
gladly received thethe works of Abraham.
promises was offering up his one and only son;

Why don’t you call me lord and not

James 2:23 and the Scripture was fulfilled
which says, “Abraham believed ELOHIM, and it do what I say
was accounted to him as righteousness;” and Brother words of mine do them
he was called the friend of ELOHIM! Im your friend …..
 But the law is not only of the physical realm, but of the spiritual.
 If you want to get to the place where you aren’t, you must
 first leave the place where you are. Leave the old, and you will
enter the new.
 Cross the Red Sea out of your Egypt, and you will also cross the
Jordan River into your
Joh_8:39 promised
They land.”
answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
the works of Abraham.

 Where do you need to go?

 What promised land has God called youmto enter? What must you
first leave? Begin your exodus today.
 end times application : the greater exodus we all leave for Goshen in
the final 7 years of tribulation

 Where do you need to go?
 What promised land has God called youmto enter? What must you
first leave? Begin your exodus today.
Heb_12:1 We too, then, ... let us lay aside every weight
and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA

with endurancethe the

works ofrace
Abraham. set before us,
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do

Heb 12:1 Kaya't ... itabi natin ang bawat pabigat at ang
pagkakasalang madaling bumibitag sa atin, at tumakbo
tayong may pagtitiis sa takbuhing inilagay sa harapan
Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA
said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
the works of Abraham.
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset Unity - Awakening the One New Man reveals:
Since the beginning, our Lord planned to
single out the Nation of Israel. Then, after
Messiah comes, to reunify Israel and the
other Nations. The appointed time has
arrived. This is the hour for Unity. Unity -
Awakening the One New Man confirms:
Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb
satisfies all of God's requirements for
redemption and restoration to reunify the
Kingdom of God. Yeshua has become our
peace. This is God's plan for Unity.
God's plan for Unity.

is a believe and
response to God’s promise,
not our own imagination of
what we want.

Abraham’s life of faith is seen in

three periods of growth in
Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

God's plan for Unity.

Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

God's plan for Unity.

Biblical = Hebraic Mindset

God's plan for Unity.


Joh_8:39 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” YESHUA

said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do
the works of Abraham.

Col 3:23 And whatever you do, work heartily,

as for ADONAI, and not for men,
Col 3:24 knowing that from ADONAI you will
receive the reward of the inheritance; for you
serve ADONAI Messiah.
• Evangelicalism’s Gospel Without the Kingdom
preaching about the Kingdom of God sums up the ministry of
• Jesus, the apostles, disciples and Paul. The Kingdom is the major concern,
then, of the whole New Testament. It provides the principal subject-matter of
the Gospel.
• The fact that Jesus cannot be divorced from the Kingdom of
 Can we claim to know the mind of Jesus with any clarity if
we confess doubt about the meaning of his core concept?

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