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Communication systems(ECEg4172) Group Assignment On Pulse Modulation
By group -11

Name ID No

1. Zelalem Birhanu------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/0462/09
2. Hikame Abate---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/0615/09
3. Gashaw Mekasha-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/T/3485/09
4.Kelemie Mognhod-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/0697/08
5. Solomon Misasay-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/O318/09
6.Yared Demila -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBUR/0353/09

SUBMITTED TO: Engineer Matios Zenebe

Prepared By Group 11 Students

Contents(Pulse Modulation)
 Introduction to pulse modulation
 Types of pulse modulation
 Analog pulse modulation
 Digital pulse modulation
 Comparison of analog and digital pulse modulation

 Analog pulse modulation

 Working principle
 Modulator circuit
 Comparison

 Digital pulse modulation

 PCM, DPCM, Delta
 working principle
 Transmission and Receiving System
 Comparison

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 In continuous –wave (CW) modulation, some parameter(amplitude, phase
and frequency) of a sinusoidal carrier wave is varied continuously in
accordance with the message signal .
 However, in pulse modulation, some parameter(amplitude, duration and
position) of a pulse train is varied in accordance with the message signal.

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Pulse modulation Continuous wave modulation
4 The modulated signal is in the form of The modulated signal is in the form of
pulses. continuous signals.
It is used sampling technique. It is not used sampling technique.
It has required large bandwidth. It has required less bandwidth.
Pulse modulation has
It has only analog modulation.
both analog and digital nature.
In pulse modulation, the train of pulses High frequency sine wave is used as
is used as a carrier. carrier.
The input signal is either analog or
Input signal is analog signal only.
The example of continuous wave
modulation is AM (amplitude
The example of pulse modulation is
modulation), FM (frequency
modulation) and PM (pulse
It is used in Bysatellite
Prepared communication.
Group 11 Students It is used in radio and TV broadcasting.
5 Types of Pulse Modulation

Analog pulse modulation Digital Pulse Modulation

 periodic pulse train is used as the carrier  the message signal is represented in a
wave and some characteristics features form that is discrete in both time and
of each pulse(amplitude, duration or amplitude, thereby permitting its
position) is varied in a continuous manner transmission in digital form as a sequence
in accordance with the corresponding of coded pulses. so, to do such process
sample value of the message signal. we use sampling(for getting discrete
time) and quantization(for getting
 Information is transmitted in analog form discrete amplitude) process.
but transmission takes place at discrete
time. so, in order to covert continues time Example:
to discrete time we use sampling process.
 PCM(pulse coded modulation).
 Example: PAM(pulse amplitude
modulation),PPM(pulse position  DM(delta modulation).
modulation),PWM(Pulse width  DPCM(differential pulse coded
modulation) modulation).

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Sampling Process
 Sampling is defined as the process of measuring the instantaneous values of
continuous-time signal in a discrete form or sampling is a piece of data taken
from the whole data which is continuous in the time domain.
 When a source generates an analog signal and if that has to be digitized,
having 1s and 0s i.e., High or Low, the signal has to be discretized in time. This
discretization of analog signal is called as Sampling.

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7 Note

According to the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate

must be at least 2 times the highest frequency
contained in the signal.
i.e., 𝒇𝒔 = 𝟐𝒇𝑴 .
 The sampling rate of 𝟐𝒇𝑴 samples per second, for a
signal bandwidth of 𝒇𝑴 Hertz, is called the Nyquist
 its reciprocal 𝟏ൗ𝟐𝒇𝑴 seconds is called the Nyquist
 For minimum distortion, the sampling rate should
be more than twice the signal frequency.
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There are 3 sampling methods:
Ideal - an impulse at each sampling instant
Natural - a pulse of short width with varying amplitude
Flattop - sample and hold, like natural but with single amplitude value

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9 Pulse Modulation

Analog Pulse Modulation Digital Pulse Modulation

Pulse Amplitude (PAM) Pulse Code (PCM)

Pulse Width (PWM) Delta (DM)

Pulse Position (PPM)

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM):

• It is the simplest and most basic form of analog pulse modulation.
• In PAM, the amplitudes of regularly spaced pulses are varied in
proportion to the sample values of a continuous message signal.
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 PAM is somewhat similar to natural sampling, where the message signal is multiplied by a periodic train of
rectangular pulses.
 However, in natural sampling the top of each modulated rectangular pulses varies with the message signal, where
as in PAM it is maintained flat.


 Figure shows Flat-top samples, representing an analog signal

 The dashed curve in this figure depicts the waveform of a message signal m(t), and the
sequence of amplitude-modulated rectangular pulses shown as solid lines modulated
represents the corresponding PAM signal s(t).
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Generation of the PAM signal
 There are two operations involved in the generation of the
PAM signal:
1. Instantaneous sampling of the message signal m (t) every
𝑇 𝑠 seconds, where the sampling rate f𝑠 = 1/𝑇𝑠 is chosen in
accordance with the sampling theorem.
2. Lengthening the duration of each sample so obtained to
some constant vale T. In digital circuit technology, these
two operations are jointly referred to as ‘’sample and
11 hold’’. One important reason for intentionally lengthening
the duration of each sample is to avoid the use of an
excessive channel bandwidth, since bandwidth is inversely
proportional to pulse duration.
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 The Fig below shows the generation of PAM signal from the sampler which has two
inputs i.e. modulating signal and sampling signal or carrier pulse.


 the spectrum of pulse amplitude modulated signal along with the message signal
and the sampling signal which is the carrier train of pulses with the help of the
waveform plotted in time domain.

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Demodulation of PAM
 For Demodulation of the Pulse Amplitude Modulated signal, PAM is fed to the low
13 pass filter as shown in Fig3 below.

 The low pass filter eliminates high frequency ripples and generates the demodulated
signal which has its amplitude proportional to PAM signal at all time instant.
 This signal is then applied to an inverting amplifier to amplify its signal level to have
the demodulated output with almost equal amplitude with the modulating signal.

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Pulse width/duration modulation(PWM/PDM)
 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique to generate low frequency output
signals from high frequency pulses.
Generation of PWM
 PWM signal can be generated by using a comparator, where modulating signal
and sawtooth signal form the input of the comparator. It is the simplest method for
PWM generation.

 The comparator will compare the two signals together to generate the PWM signal
at its output as shown in the third waveform of Figure below.
 When the sawtooth signal is at the minimum value which is less than the minimum of
the input signal, then the positive input of the comparator is at higher potential
which gives the comparator output as positive.

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15  When the sawtooth signal is at the minimum value which is less than the minimum of
the input signal, then the positive input of the comparator is at higher potential
which gives the comparator output as positive.
 When the sawtooth signal rises and is at the maximum value, the negative input of
the comparator is at higher potential, which will produce the comparator output to
be negative.
 Thus the input signal magnitude determines the comparator output and its
potential, which then decides the width of the pulse generated at the output.

Prepared By Group 11 Students

Pulse position Modulation
16  is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by
transmitting a single pulse in one of possible required time shifts.
 Is the position of a pulse relative to its unmodulated time of occurrence is varied in
accordance with the message signal.
Generation of PPM
 PPM signal can be generated with the help of PWM as shown in Fig below.

 The PWM signal generated above is sent to an inverter which reverses the polarity
of the pulses.
 This is then followed by a differentiator which generates +ve spikes for PWM signal
going from High to Low and -ve spikes for Low to High transition.
 These spikes are then fed to the positive edge triggered pulse generator which
generates fixed width pulses when a +ve spike appears, coinciding with the falling
edge of the PWM signal.

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 Thus PPM signal is generated at the output which is shown in the waveform of Fig
17 below. where pulse position carry the message information.

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Parameter PAM PWM PPM
Types of carrier Train of Pulses Train of Pulses Train of Pulses
18 Variable charactertics Amplitude Width Position
of pulsed carrier
Bandwidth requirement Low High High
Noise immunity Low High High
Information contain in Amplitude Variations Width Variations Position Variations
Power efficiency(SNR) Low Moderate High
Transmitted power Varies with an Varies with variation in Remains constant
amplitude of pulses width
Need to transmit Not needed Not needed necessary
synchronizing pulses
Band width depends on Bandwidth depends on Bandwidth depends on Bandwidth depends on
the width of the pulse the rise time of the pulse the rise time of the pulse

Transmitted power Instantaneous Instantaneous Instantaneous

transmitter power varies transmitter power varies transmitter power
with the amplitude of with the amplitude and remains constant with
the pulses width of the pulses the width of the pulses

The complexity of the complex easy complex

generation and
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Similar with other Similar to AM Similar to FM Similar to PM
modulation system
Digital pulse modulation
19  the message signal is represented in a form that is discrete in both time and
amplitude, thereby permitting its transmission in digital form as a sequence of coded
pulses. so, to do such process we use sampling(for getting discrete time) and
quantization(for getting discrete amplitude) process.

Pulse-code Modulation
 Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is the most common technique used today in digital
communications for representing an analog signal by a digital word. It is used in
many applications, such as your telephone system, digital audio recording (DAT or
digital audio tape), CD laser disks, digitized video special effects, voice mail, and
many other applications. PCM techniques and applications are a primary building
block for many of today's advanced communications systems.
The basic operations performed in PCM system are:
 Sampling
 Quantizing
 Encoding

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 Quantization is defined as the process of transforming the sample amplitude of 𝐦(𝐧𝑻𝒔 )

of a message signal m(t) at time t = nTs into a discrete amplitude v(𝐧𝑻𝒔 ).

 It is also the second step required by A/D conversion.

 When quantizing a signal m(t), we create a new signal 𝒎𝒒 (𝒕) which is an approximation
to m(t).

 it results in a series of pulses of varying amplitude values ranging between min and

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21 If we are given an analog signal m(t) and the number of bits N, we can determine the quantization parameters:
 The quantization levels , L= 𝟐𝑵

 The step size or zone , s

(𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒙 − 𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒏 )
 The midpoint of each zone is assigned a value from 0 to L-1 (resulting in L values)

 Each sample falling in a zone is then approximated to the value of the midpoint.

 The difference 𝒎 𝒕 − 𝒎𝒒 (𝒕) or error due to the quantization process is called quantization error.

 This quantization error can be regard as a noise and is called quantization noise.

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22 Example
 Assume we have a voltage signal with amplitudes Vmin=-20V and Vmax=+20V.

 We want to use L=8 quantization levels.

 Zone width = (20 – [-20])/8 = 5

 The 8 zones are: -20 to -15, -15 to -10, -10 to -5, -5 to 0, 0 to +5, +5 to +10, +10 to +15, +15 to +20

 The midpoints are: -17.5, -12.5, -7.5, -2.5, 2.5, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5
 We may transmit these quantized sample values directly.
 Alternatively we may transmit the code number rather than the sample value itself.

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 The digits of the binary representation of the code number are transmitted as pulses.
 Hence the system of transmission is called binary pulse-code modulation (PCM).

Principle of PCM communication system

The analog signal m(t) is sampled, and these samples are subjected to the
operation of quantization.

Apply quantized samples to an encoder.

The encoder responds to each such sample by the generation of a unique and
identifiable binary pulse (or binary level) pattern.

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 A PCM transmission and receiving system can be shown in figure below.

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Delta Modulation
 A method for converting analog signals to a string of binary digits that requires much
25 simpler circuitry than PCM is called delta modulation.
 If the pulse at time tn+1 is higher in amplitude value than the pulse at time tn, then a single
bit, say a “1”, is used to indicate the positive value and a “0” it is more negative.
 This scheme works well for small changes in signal values between samples.
 If changes in amplitude are large, this will result in large errors.

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 DM is generated by applying the sampled version of the incoming message signal to a
modulator that involves a comparator ,quantizer, and accumulator represents a unit delay,
26 i.e., a delay equal to one sampling period.
 The comparator computes the difference b/n its two inputs.
 The quantizer consists of a hard limiter with an input-output relation that is a scaled version of
the signum function. The quantizer output is then applied to an accumulator.

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Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)
27  PCM is not efficient as it generates a lot of bits and consumes more
bandwidth. So, to overcome the above-given problem the DPCM was
 Similar to PCM, DPCM is comprised of sampling, quantization and coding
processes. But DPCM differs from PCM because it quantizes the difference
of the actual sample and predicted value. That is the reason it is called as
differential PCM.

 The DPCM uses the common property of PCM in which the high degree
of correlation between adjacent samples is used.

 Correlation means that the signal does not adapt change quickly from one
sample to another.

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 As an outcome, the difference between adjacent samples is consist of an average

power which is smaller than the average power of the original signal.

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 The redundant signal future value is inferred by analyzing the past behavior of the
signal. This prediction of future value gives rise to differential quantization
technique. When the quantizer output is encoded, the Differential Pulse Code
Modulation is obtained.

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S.NO Parameter of PCM DM DPCM
1 Number of bits It can use 4,8,or It uses only one bit Bits can be more
16 bit per sample for one sample than one but are
less than PCM
2 Level and step size The number of Step size is kept Number of levels
levels depends on fixed and cannot is fixed
number of bits. be varied.
level size is fixed.
3 Quantization error and Quantization error Slope overload Slope overload
distortion depends on distortion and distortion and
number of levels granular noise are quantization noise
used present is present
4 Transmission bandwidth Highest Lowest bandwidth Bandwidth
bandwidth is is required. required is less
required since than PCM
number of bits are
5 feedback There is no Feedback exists in Feedback exists.
feedback in transmitter
transmitter or
6 Complexity of System is complex simple simple
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