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1. Examination Of Soil - (BHU – PARIKSHA)
2. Selection Of Site - (BHUMI SAMGRAHA)
3. Determination Of Directions - (DIKPARICHHEDA)
4. Division Of Ground To Squares - (PADAVINAYAKA)
6. Planning The Storey - (BHUMIVIDHANA)
7. Buildings & Their Storey - (BHUMIVIDHANA)
8. Construction Of Gateways - (GOPURVIDHANA)
9. Construction Of Temples - (NENDAPAVIDHANA)
10. Construction Of Royal Palaces - (RAJAVAMSAVIDHANA)
Development of towns taken place in
 Indus Valley Civilization
 Vedic Towns
 Buddhist T towns

Indus Valley Civilization:

 Street of 9m wide city in 12 blocks each 365m x 244m
 Grid Iron Pattern
 Great Bath with bricks at bottom, waterproof 7m x 12m x 24m
 Series of houses were arranged around open to sky, Central court.
 Dependent on Ventilation and Roof Lighting
 Houses with G+1 Storey, made with kiln brick
 Effective system of drainage
Vedic Period – 400B.C
 Vedas,books were wrote on Town Planning
 Viswa – Karma Prakash stated as 1st layout of towns, then plan the
 Shilpashastra wrote by Ar.Manasara, study on soil, topography,
climatology, various layouts.

Buddhist Period – 320 A.D

 Arthashastra, Treatise Of Town Planning
 Regulation of zoning depends on communities
 Highways (Rajamarga) parallel to main cardinal direction
 Grid Iron Form
 Rajamarga should not be less than 30’ or nearly 3 lanes of traffic.
Medieval Period – 350-1500A.D
 Towns were sited in irregular terrain, hilltop/islands
 Irregular pattern in planning
 2 storey high, work room and storage were first and on basement
 Living, dining, sleeping – second floor

Mughal Period – 1500-1700A.D

 Cities like Agra, Delhi redeveloped
 A new trend in planning, many ornamental gardens
Pre Independence
 Built independent colonies at outskirts, extensions were called
cantonments, barracks
 Delhi cantonment known as British colonies
Agra Cantonment
 Bangalore Cantonment
Ahmedabad Cantonment
 Lutyen also contributed for making Cannaught Place which is
common area having circular plan
Post – Independence Period:
 Chandigarh was planned by Lecorbusier
 Rourkela & Jamsheedpur were also planned by him

1. Grama - Sannivesa (Village Planning)

2. Griha - Vinyasa (House Planning)
3. Nagara - Sannivesa (Town Planning)
4. Durga - Sannivesa (Planning of Forts)
5. Prasada - Vinyasa (Planning of Big Buildings)

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