Impression Management

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Erving Goffman coined the term ‘impression

management in his sociology book ‘The
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ in 1959.

• conformity
Ingratiation • favors

• excuses
Defensive • apologies

• Self-promotion
Self-focused • enhancement

• flattery
Assertive • exemplification
1.Conformity –
Agreeing with someone else’s opinion to gain
his/her approval.

2.Favors –
Doing something nice for someone to gain that
person’s approval.
3.Excuses –
Explanations of a predicament creating event
aimed at minimising the apparent severity of
4. Apologies –
Admitting responsibility for an undesirable
event and simultaneously seeking to get the
pardon for action.

5. Self-promotion –
The target tries to present herself or himself
in as positive a light as
6. Flattery –
Complimenting others about their virtues in an
effort to make oneself appear perceptive and

7. Enhancement –
Claiming that a positive event was more
positive than it really was.
8. Exemplification –
Attempt to create an identity of dedication.

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