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Managerial Economics
Management Practices
Multinational Corporations
National Corporations
Emerging Economies and Advanced Countries
Key points in the case study
Manufacturing and Retail multinational organizations utilize better management practices than
purely domestic corporations.
Multinational corporations follow better management practices in the emerging economies than
in Advance Countries.
Family owned firms usually are poorly managed while private-equity owned multinational firms
are typically well managed.
Graph representing the difference between
the productivity of domestic and
multinational firms

1. Emerging markets: Secrets of resilient multinationals
2. Multinationals Are Still Pouring Cash Into China as Trade War Rages
3. Coca-Cola’s latest limited edition Star Wars bottle has OLED lightsabers
4. Campa Cola was India’s answer to Coca-Cola and was the perfect fit
5. The sarkari cola: How Janata govt launched its own fizzy drink after Coca-Cola left in 1977
6. Human spirit of Campa Cola Compound case inspired 'Home': Habib Faisal
1. Companies should focus on the product life cycle and should innovate to survive the market
2. What branding and promotions have to improvise based on the market segment the brand is targeting.
3. Campa cola should have promoted the brand more but the popularity decreased over a period of time.
4. Company should have gone global for fund raising for sustainability.
5. Campa should more concentrated on the quality factors of different flavours like lime, lichi and jeera masala
6. It should opt for some CSR activities for more attachment with people.
7. More intense advertisement programs should be adopted.
8. Currently markets are so volatile only domestic companies are able to cater the needs of the consumer and
multinational companies strategy are getting huge competitions from mature home markets,
9. Domestics companies create customized products or services.

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