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Learning Objectives – Upon completion of required reading,

after careful study, and following this lecture the learner will be able to:

1. Characterize the three types of hemophilia by inheritance pattern,

prevalence, clinical manifestations, and laboratory findings.
2. Explain the occurrence of female hemophiliacs despite its x-linked
recessive inheritance pattern.
3. Discuss the utilization of single factor assays to confirm suspected cases
of hemophilia.
4. Interpret results of a single factor assay.
5. Given a set of lab data and a patient history, correctly diagnose
hemophilia A, B or C.
6. Justify the treatment regimens for hemophilia A, B, and C.
7. Recommend with explanation a laboratory testing approach to aid the
diagnosis of bleeding disorders associated with deficiencies of factors
VIII, IX, and XI.
8. Interpret lab data, correlate it with patient information, and synthesize
knowledge of the hemophilia to correctly respond to test questions and
solve subject-matter related case studies.
Review 1
•All coagulation pathways
lead to activation of
prothrombin and formation
of fibrin clot!
•The activity = enzyme
•Enzyme action depends
on amount of protein
present and the structure of

Graphic accessed, 2009.

Review 2 – Genetics and Inheritance
X-linked Recessive
 X-linked genes are never passed
from father to son
 An affected female must have an
affected father
 Males are always hemizygous for X
linked traits, that is, they can never
be heterozygoses or homozygotes
 Males are never carriers
 In a male a single dose of a
mutant allele will produce a
mutant phenotype in the male
 In a female will be either
homozygous for the normal allele,
heterozygous (carrier), or
homozygous (have trait) for the
mutant allele.

Information and graphic accessed .
Review 2 – Genetics and Inheritance
Autosomal Dominant
 Every affected individual has an affected
biological parent. There is no skipping of
 Males and females have an equally likely
chance of inheriting the mutant allele and
being affected.
 The recurrence risk of each child of an
affected parent is 1/2.
 Normal siblings of affected individuals do
not transmit the trait to their offspring.
 The defective product of the gene is
usually a structural protein, not an
enzyme. Structural proteins are usually
defective when one of the allelic products
is nonfunctional; enzymes usually require
both allelic products to be nonfunctional
to produce a mutant phenotype.

Information and graphic accessed from URL

Hemophilias Introduction
 Hemophilia
 Inherited
 X-linked (recessive)
 A&B
 Autosomal
 C
 Single factor
 Anatomic soft tissue

Graphic accessed URL, 2008.

Hemophilias Introduction:
A& B
 genes for both FVIII and FIX are located
on the long arm of chromosome X
 The gene for FVIII (F8C) is unusually
 FVIII contains 2332 amino acids
 Approximately 40% of cases of severe C
FVIII deficiency arise from a large  gene for factor XI is on the distal arm of
inversion that disrupts the FVIII gene. chromosome 4 (4q35)
Deletions, insertions, and point
mutations account for the remaining  mutations include missense
50-60% of hemophilia A defects mutations, nonsense mutations, deletions
and/or insertions, and splice-site mutations
 The FIX gene (F9) is small
 Mutations described so far are associated
 FIX contains 415 amino acids with mainly failed or reduced production
 Point mutations and deletions in the of the active protein, and only a few are
FIX gene are the most common causes related to the production of a
of hemophilia B dysfunctional molecule.

Graphic accessed, 2009.

Hemophilias Introduction
 Prevalence  Severity Classification
 North America & Europe
 A - 1 in 5000 male births  Clinical bleeding
 US 21 cases per 100,000 male
individuals w/ 60% severe symptoms
 B – 1 in 25,000 male births Or
 US 5.3 cases per 100,000 male
individuals w/ 44% severe
 Plasma procoagulant levels
 C – 1 in 100,000 population  < 1% normal factor activity
 High prevalence in Ashkenzai  Severe
and Iraqi Jews
 Israel – 8% rate  1 – 5% normal factor
 United Kingdom 383 in 58
million population activity
 Moderately severe
 5 – 40% normal factor
 Mild hemophilia
Classic Hemophilia – VIII
 FVIII 2-chain
glycoprotein produced
by liver and endothelium
 Cleaved by thrombin
producing a calcium
dependent heterodimer
that complexes with IXa
 VIIIa-IXa (Tenase)
cleaves X
 Deficiency of VIII slows
production of thrombin
 hemorrhage

Graphic accessed, 2009.

Hemophilia A Genetics
 Gene mutations lead to
quantitative and qualitative
 Male hemizygotes w/
mutation of X
 Positive anatomic bleeding
 Female heterozygote carriers
 Negative for anatomic
 All sons of hemophiliac male
are not hemophiliacs
 All daughters of hemophiliac
male are carriers
 30% new cases arise from
spontaneous mutation
 No family history

Graphic accessed at URL, 2008.
Hemophilia A Genetics:
Female Hemophiliacs
 True homozygosity or
double heterozygosity
1. Spontaneous germline
2. Extreme lyonization -
Random, disproportional
inactivation of an X-
chromosomes with normal
3. VWD, Normandy subtype

Graphic accessed, 2009.

Hemophilia A: Clinical Manifestations
 Anatomic Bleeds
 Deep muscle
 Joint
 Wound oozing
 CNS bleeds – can be the
fatal event in those
younger than 18 years of
 Body cavity hemorrhage

 Loss of mobility
 Neurological symptoms

Graphic accessed URL, 2008.

Hemophilia A Diagnosis
 Clinical Presentation
 Family history
 Abnormal neonatal bleeding
 Umbilicus
 Circumcision
 Intracranial
 Laboratory
 Prolonged PTT
 PT prolonged in newborns
 Factor assay
 Rule out:
 vWD
 PLT disorders
 Other factor deficiencies
 Hypo/dysfibrinogenenia

Graphic accessed URL, 2008.

Single Factor Assay: STD Curve
 Dilute reference plasma
1:5 – 1:500
 1:10 assigned factor
activity value given by
 Mix dilutions with VIII-
depleted plasma
 Test dilutions in duplicate
using PTT assay
 Plot time (s) on y-axis
versus % activity on x-
axis using log-log or log- Factor VIII assay dilution table and
linear paper reference curve on linear-log

Graphic accessed URL, 2008.

 Goal – reduce morbidity, prevent  Products available
complications  Recombinant FVIII
 Factor VIII concentrate
Before treatment begins, physician needs
 Recombinant VIIa
to know:
 DDAVP – increase vWF
 severity of factor deficiency
 Aminocaproic acid – anti-fibrinolytic
 the nature of the hemorrhage or the
 FVIII 1 U/kg increases FVIII plasma levels
planned procedure by 2%. The reaction half-time is 8-12 hours.
 the patient's previous treatments  Treatment regimen examples
with blood products  Severe epistaxis
 the presence and possible titers of  Factor concentrate until 50% level
inhibitors achieved
 the patient's previous history of  Also consider aminocaproic acid 1-2
desmopressin acetate (DDAVP)  Surgery
 Factor VII concentrate until 80%
 Responsiveness
level achieved
 Did it work or not  10-14 days
Treatment w/ VIII Inhibitor
 The treatment of patients with inhibitors of FVIII is difficult.
 High dose versus low dose responders
 Attempts to overwhelm the inhibitor with large doses of human FVIII have been tried in
attempts to induce immune tolerance, especially if inhibitor concentrations are below 5
 Porcine FVIII, which has low cross-reactivity with human factor VIII antibody, has also
been administered.
 FVIII inhibitor-bypassing agents (FEIBA), including FIX complex, activated prothrombin
complex concentrate (aPCC), and activated FVII has also been used.
 Plasmapheresis, IVIG, or immunosuppressive therapy with cyclophosphamide and
prednisone, have showed some success in achieving long-term control.
 Rituximab with prednisone plus or minus the addition of mycophenolate mofetil when
standard therapy has failed.

Bottom line:
Minimize AB production/suppress immune response
Augment coagulation
Increase factor VIII levels
Hemophilia B a.k.a Christmas Disease
 X-linked, recessive
 Factor IX deficiency,
dysfunctional factor IX, or
factor IX inhibitors
 spontaneous hemorrhage
 excessive hemorrhage in
response to trauma
 Occurrence
 1 in 25,000 males in US
 1 in 60,000 males

Graphic accessed URL, 2008.

Hemophilia B – Differential Diagnosis
 Hemophilia A  Lab Studies
 PLT count – NL
Vitamin K and other factor
deficiencies  PT - NL
 Afibrinogenemia
 PTT - prolonged
 Factor XI - severe disease
 Fibrinolytic diseases less than 1%; moderate
 Platelet disorders disease 1-5%; mild disease
greater than 5%.
 Recombinant factor IX - level should be corrected to 100% of normal
for potentially serious hemorrhage
 Goal to keep trough level > 50% activity

 Coagulation factor IX concentrates - used to correct the patient's native

 Goals: 1) achieve a normal hematologic response to hemorrhage; 2)
prevent hemorrhage
 Factor IX complex concentrates (II, X, VII)
 Circumvent inhibitor issue

 Coagulation Factor VIIa (Recombinant) - activate coagulation factor X
to factor Xa as well as coagulation factor IX to IXa
 Epsilon aminocaproic acid (Amicar)
Hemophilia C a.k.a Rosenthal Syndrome
 Factor XI deficiency (THINK variable bleeding usually following trauma/surgical
 Autosomal inheritance
 1 per 100,000 persons
 Even heterozygotes can have bleeds
 Mild to moderate bleeding
 bleeding risk in hemophilia C is not always influenced by the severity of the
 Prevalence in Ashkenzai Jews
 Severity of bleeding episode not correlated with factor levels
 PT, TT – normal
 PTT – prolonged

 Rule out
 PLT dysfunction
 Other factor deficiencies
Hemophilia C Treatment
 “The basic principle of management consists of
altering the balance between bleeding and clotting.
 Therapy consists of replacing the deficient factor
and using other measures, such as fibrin glue and
 Factor XI concentrates
 FFP 
 Fibrin glue (e.g., Tisseel VH)
 Aminocaproic acid

Matthew Prasad, MB, BS, DCH - Director, Hemostasis and Hematology Program, Professor of Pediatrics, University of New Mexico

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