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These three Basic laws

Formulated By Issac Newton
describes The forces acting on
an object.
Newton’s 1st Law of motion

Statement of the Law.

Every object continues in its state of rest, or
uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is
acted upon by an outside force.
Features of the law

This law has one condition and two situations.

The condition………………
If there is no resultant force on an object,

The situations……………..
 An object at rest , stay at rest.
 An object in motion, keeps moving at a constant
speed in a straight line.
Outcome of Newton's 1st law
 This law defines force qualitatively.
 This law also identifies a very common
property of all masses which is inertia.
 Definition: The tendency to continue in
a given state called inertia.
Factor of inertia
 Mass is the factor of inertia. The more
the mass the more the inertia.

 For example, it is difficult to make a

massive object moving and it is also
difficult to stop it when it keeps moving.
Because of its large mass it has greater
Types of inertia.
 There are two types of inertia.
1. Inertia of rest
2. Inertia of motion
Inertia of Rest
 Definition: An object at rest has a
tendency to stay at rest unless an
external force acts on the object.
Inertia of rest example
 When a vehicle starts moving from rest, all
the passengers experience a backward push.
 Explanation: passengers’ lower part of the
body is attached with the vehicle so when the
vehicle starts moving , the lower part starts
moving. The upper part has a tendency to
stay at the same position. This produces the
backward push.
Inertia of motion
 Definition: an object in motion has a
tendency to keep moving at the
constant speed in a straight line this
tendency is called inertia of motion.
Inertia of motion example
 When a fast moving vehicle stops
suddenly, all the passengers are thrown
forward due to inertia of motion.
 Explanation: as the lower part of
passengers’ body is attached with the
vehicle it stops with the vehicle. The
upper part keeps moving.
Newton’s 2nd law of motion
 This law defines force quantitatively.
That is it gives the quantitative measure
of forces on an object.
2nd law statement
 The rate of change of momentum of an
object is directly proportional to the net
force acting on the object and the
change in momentum takes place in the
direction of the resultant force.
Alternative statement of 2nd
 The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force, and
inversely proportional to the mass.
 Mathematically………
F net=m a
Second law observations
 A larger mass is more difficult to accelerate than a smaller one.

 a larger force accelerates a mass more than a smaller one!

Net Force
 Net force is simply the Vector sum of all
the forces acting on an object.
Paycheck analogy
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Statement of The Law
 Every action has an equal and opposite
It can be stated in other ways like……..
 For every force there is an equal and
opposite force.
Newton’s Third law example

 The exhaust gasses from a rocket are

forcefully pushed downward out the
rear of the nozzle.
 An equal and opposite force is exerted
upwards on the rocket itself.
Third law observations

 Forces always occur in pairs.

 Single force never exists.
Similarities of Third law pair forces

 The forces are of same magnitude

 They are of same type
 They act for the same time
 They have the same line of action
Differences between third law pair forces.

 They act in opposite direction

 They act on two different object.

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