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Definisi Wawancara

• A specialized pattern of verbal interaction

initiated for a specific purpose, and focus on
some specific content area, with consequent
elimination of external material. (Kahn &
Cannel, 1957)
• An interview is a conversation directed to a
definite purpose other than the satisfaction in
the conversation itself. (Bingham & Moore,
• An interview is a conversation with a purpose or
goal. (Matarazzo, 1965)
Definisi Wawancara (contd...)

• The term interview has a history of usage gone back for

centuries. It was used normally to designate face-to-face
meeting of individuals for a formal conference on some
point. (Wiens, 1976)
• An interview is an interactional communication process
beetween two parties, at least one of whom has a
predetermined and serious purpose, and usually involves
the asking and answering of questions. (Stewart & Cash,
Slide 4

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• The Five Elements of Interviews

 Interactional

An interview is interactional because there is

an exchanging, or sharing, of roles,
responsibilities, feelings, beliefs, motives, and

Slide 5

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Interactional

•Roles may switch from moment to moment.

•It takes two to make an interview a success.
Slide 6

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Interactional

•Roles may switch from moment to moment.

•It takes two to make an interview a success.
•Disclosure is essential in interviews.
•All interviews involve risk.
Slide 9

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Process

•An interview is a complex, ever-changing

•No interview occurs in a vacuum.
•Once initiated, the interview is an ongoing
Slide 10

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Parties

• A dyadic process involves two parties.

• If more than two parties are involved, a small
group interaction may be occurring, but not an
Slide 11

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Purpose

• All interviews have a degree of structure. Ada

pembukaan dan penutupan,pemilihan topik,
menyiapkan pertanyaan, dan memperoleh
• salah satu atau kedua pihak harus memiliki
tujuan, yang membedakan dengan ngobrol
atau interaksi sosial biasa
Pentingnya Perumusan
• Untuk mengendalikan alur wawancara dan mengontrol
proses wawancara.

• Sumber-sumber untuk menetapkan tujuan wawancara:

• Wawasan/pengetahuan diri sendiri/orang lain.
• Pengalaman dan latihan khusus yang pernah diperoleh
sehingga memunculkan suatu insight.
• Literatur.
• Dugaan/hipotesis.
Slide 13

The Essential Elements of Interviews

• Questions

• All interviews involve questions and answers.

• Questions play multiple roles in interviews.
Fungsi Wawancara
• Fact Finding: usaha mengumpulkan data untuk
menemukan pokok masalah.

• Informing: untuk memberikan petunjuk kepada


• Motivating: usaha untuk mempengaruhi

perasaan/tingkah laku subyek dalam tujuan
• Tanggung jawab iter:
• Mengontrol dan fokus
• Mendengarkan aktif
• Memberikan pertanyaan kedua untuk probe
• info penting

• Tanggung jawab itee:

• Berikan penjelasan detail dan akurat
• Mengkoreksi jika ada kesalahan
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Electronic Interviews

• The Telephone

•Telephone interview mudah dan murah

•Telephone interview dilakukan untuk screening
rekrutmen, kampanye menggalang dana, poling
•Bisa dilakukan oleh beberapa orang sekaligus di
berbagai lokasi, mendapat feedback secara langsung
•A major drawback with telephone interviews is the lack
of “presence” of parties.
Electronic Interviews
The Cellular Telephone

• Cellular Telephones Have Created a Whole

New World of Talking

• Their Usage Has Created a New Concern for

Electronic Interviews

• Visual Cues Are Limited to Upper-Body

• Videoconference Interviews Provide Less
Nonverbal Information

• Interviewees Do Not Prefer Videoconference

Slide 19

Electronic Interviews

• The Internet

Email – webinars – virtual interview

- The internet lacks the nonverbal cues critical in
- However, if both parties use the internet to
interact in real time, it meets the definition of an
Kapan Wawancara Digunakan
Tergantung situasi, ketersediaan waktu, tujuan, ketersediaan i-e,

1. Utk mengklarifikasi jawbn dr kuesioner spt usia, ras, tkt pddkn, gaji,

2. Utk mengontrol waktu, khdiran org lain, situasi --> utk sgera
mgetahui info stelah suatu kejadian

3. Utk memotivasi org utk mengambil bagian, merespon scr bebas,

terbuka. --> org akan lbh percaya saat bisa mengobsrvs dan melihat
atau mdengar scr lgsg --> cth: utk penggalangan dana kpd alumni

4. Saat membutuhkan informasi dr setiap i-e. --> cth: guru BK wwcr

stiap siswa kls 6 menjelang UAN
Kapan Wawancara Digunakan

5. Saat membutuhkan jwbn detail dan panjang --> dibutuhkan adanya


6. Saat ingin mencaritau ltr blkg sso, tindakan, pengalaman yg

menyebabkan kepercayaan, sikap dan pengalaman emosional --> org
lebih membuka diri saat wwcr drpd saat mengisi kuesioner.

7. Saat ingin menjelaskan, klarifikasi jawaban ataupun pertanyaan --

>terkadang dalam kuesioner pertanyaan maupun jawaban sulit
dipahami atau diinterpretasikan berbeda.

8. Saat dirasakan penting utk mengobservasi penampilan, sikap, cara

berpakaian dan komunikasi nonverbal dr i-e.

9. Utk tambahan atau follow up kuesioner, formulir pendaftaran, dan

respon tertulis lainnya.
Slide 22


•Interviewing is an interactional
communication between two parties, at least
one of whom has a predetermined and serious
purpose, that involves the asking and
answering of questions.
•We employ interviews to get and give
information, to recruit, to assess performance,
to persuade, to counsel, and receive help, and
to provide quality healthcare.
Praktek wawancara
• Berpasangan berdua

• Lakukan wawancara selama 5 menit

• Informasi apa saja yang sudah diperoleh?

• Topik apa saja yang mau dijawab, topik apa yang dihindari?

• Pertanyaan seperti apa yang mengundang jawaban


• Pertanyaan seperti apa yang tidak efektif?

• Sejauh apa hubungan antara kedua pihak dapat

mempengaruhi jawaban?

• Apakah ada pertukaran peran antara interviewee dan


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