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Data DevOps Adoption Plan

1 British Telecommunications plc 2017


• Current Standings

• Adoption Plan

• How do we measure?

• Initial Steps

• Challenges

2 British Telecommunications plc 2017

Current Standings

Continuous Business Planning Collaborative Continuous Testing Continuous Deployment Continuous Feedback

3 British Telecommunications plc 2017

Adoption Plan

• Continue upskill and coaching of engineers to agile practitioners – with

minimum 10 coaches in Data Continuous
• Lead BT investigation and adoption of Database DevOps tool Business
• Innovate using containerisation where possible to improve development
and deployment practises
• Improve collaboration and code re-use across the platform
Continuous Collaborative
• Central logging & monitoring platform for use by Dev and Ops Feedback Development

6 C’s
• Teams DevOps maturity assessed on number of 6 C’s currently being
implemented – KPI’s to prove effectiveness on next slide Continuous
DevOps Continuous
• New projects to launch hitting minimum 2 of the 6 C’s – hitting 4 out
of 6 after 6 months
• Existing projects to implement minimum 2 of the 6 C’s by EOY

4 British Telecommunications plc 2017

How do we measure? X = Major Factor
o = Minor Factor

Collaborative Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
KPI Business
Development Testing Deployment Monitoring Feedback

Time to Delivery from Requirements (Cycle Time) X X o X - -

Time to MVP deployment X X - o - -
Deployment Success Rate - X X - o -
Service Availability & Production Issues/Bugs - - X - X o
Deployment Frequency - X o X - -
Mean time to Recovery (MTTR) - - o X X -
Application Usage o - - - X X
Blue Optima Coding Efficiency - X X X - -

5 British Telecommunications plc 2017

Where do we get the data?

KPI Data Source

Time to Delivery from Requirements (Cycle Time) DCS Front Door (requires change)

Time to MVP deployment DCS Front Door (requires change)


Deployment Success Rate Jenkins/ABAD

Service Availability & Production Issues/Bugs Bridge Cases & Service Monitoring (Nagios/ELK)

Deployment Frequency Jira/Jenkins/HPSM

Mean time to Recovery (MTTR) Bridge Cases & Service Monitoring (Nagios/ELK)

Application Usage Service Monitoring (Nagios/ELK)

Blue Optima Coding Efficiency Blue Optima

6 British Telecommunications plc 2017

Initial Steps

• Pull out the required data in order to determine a suitable goal to work towards in the next quarter.
• If data isn’t currently readily or easily available call it out.
Data Baseline • Timeframes: Data collected by COP 7th December, Targeted Relative Change agreed by 12th December for Q4 to action.
and Targets

• Assess your delivery cycle and understand where most of your time is currently being spent – e.g. requirements
gathering, packaging deployments, deploying to prod etc.
Identify • Work on introducing new ways of working or tooling in order to reduce this time and hit the above agreed upon
Bottlenecks targets.

• In our push to a more Agile and DevOps oriented way of working we will have a lot of scope to bring in new toolsets
and processes. Actively try to learn what tools do and how you could look to bring them into your stack.
Upskill & • This could be tools like Jenkins, Docker, Rundeck, Ansible, Selenium, ELK…
Implement • Fortnightly Calls to track progress, Microsoft Teams set up for collaboration and issues, Acting Consultant

7 British Telecommunications plc 2017


Lack of Experience Technical Stack Culture

• Lot of inexperience across our workforce • Our choice of technologies is somewhat • “We’ve tried Agile 5 times already”
in full Agile and DevOps practises difficult to implement a lot of the • Change is difficult to manage and
DevOps principles such as testing, builds encourage whilst also maintaining the
• Make sure you attend the IBM-led and deployments day-to-day
coaching sessions for a solid base
understanding • We are looking at how we can use • Time investment must be made to both
• Reach out to other more experienced Database DevOps tools to help with our upskill and implement these new ways
colleagues or teams to see how they large Oracle DB estates with tools like of working
have made progress Flyway and Liquibase • There needs to be understanding and
• Look at how Docker might be able to be buy-in from all stakeholders to make this
used to improve dev and deployment a success
practises for some of our integrated • Make your customers, ASG, DBA’s etc
tools like OBI or RTD aware of what changes your trying to
make and how it can benefit all parties

8 British Telecommunications plc 2017

BT Toolchain (Latest)

9 British Telecommunications plc 2017

Targeted Data Toolchain Tools that Data can choose, define and drive for all BT

10 British Telecommunications plc 2017

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