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Apgar Score

 Apgar evaluation was published in 1952 by anesthetist Dr.
Virginia Apgar
 method for assessing the effects of anesthesia on
newborns given to mothers who gave birth
 Now, health care providers use it to assess the overall
well-being of newborns, regardless of whether analgesics
or anesthetics are used
 Five criteria - color, heart rate, reflex, muscle tone and
breathing - are evaluated and each criterion scores 0, 1 or
 A high score (from a possible 10) indicates that the baby
has made a transition from the uterus
 lower results indicate that the baby may be in trouble
 Heart rate and breathing are the most critical
 Poor results for each of these measurements can indicate
the need for immediate medical assistance to restore or
stabilize a newborn
 In general, any results, less than 7 per 5 minute mark,
indicate that medical attention may be needed
 A total score below 5 indicates an emergency situation
 Usually, a newborn will make a temporary score of 1 for
some Apgar criteria and move to 2 through a 5-minute
assessment. Result 8 or more normal

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