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C r i t i c a l
T h i n k i n g

The young men establish Boedi
Oetomo because,
o Unite young people in Indonesia
o Eradicate illiteracy in Indonesia
o Increasing the dignity of the
Indonesian people to fight the

Why did the young men

establish Boedi Oetomo?
What is the process
of the birth of
Boedi Oetomo?
The meeting of Dr. Wahidin and Soetomo
by discussing the same idea, namely the
number of young people in Indonesia who
still have low education, and at that time
the condition of Indonesia was still in
colonialism. Then Soetomo recounted the
idea and invited his friend (student Stovia)
to improve the quality of the youth in
Indonesia by forming an organization
called Boedi Oetomo.
Why do young people
need to declare youth
Indonesian youth need to declare
youth oath because with the
declaration of the oath of youth,
young people in Indonesia have
one common understanding,
namely the Indonesian nation, the
Indonesian homeland, and one
language, Indonesian. From this,
the Indonesian youth no longer
favor their respective regions.
What are the benefits of youth oath
for national independence?
Youth are easier to raise funds to
help people who have not been
able to get education.

Youth in Indonesia have higher

education so that they are not
easily deceived by invaders.

Youth have high integrity so they

are more difficult to fight with
Why are the
norms in the
Norms in the community are needed
because in a community there are
members with different character and
mindset, so that a rule is needed which is
often referred to as the norm. The norms
have aim to regulate life so that it can run
well. Beside that, the community can raise
the aim together.
What is the relationship between norms and law?

Norms are rules that LAW
apply in people's lives
since a long time ago, Law is a rule that
and are born from the applies in people's
habits in the lives in writing and if it
surrounding RELATION violates it will be
community. If anyone subject to sanctions.
violates, they will get a So, the relationship
warning from the between norms and
surrounding law is they have rules
community. or punishment, even
moral and material.
Why should self-esteem
be maintained?
Self-esteem needs to be
maintained because self-
esteem is related to
integrity. Integrity is closely
related to trust. When
other people's trust is low
or lost to us, then it will kill
ourselves. there will be
judgments from others
about our integrity.
Why are we proud to be
We proud Indonesian because we have three mothers,
namely the biological mother, the capital, and the
motherland. We cannot choose to be born by whom,
where, when, it is all destined by Allah SWT. And we must
not fight fate. And when the earth has been stepped on,
there the heavens are upheld. And therefore, where we
are, that is the place to be proud. Beside that, we must
proud to be Indonesian citizens because we just enjoy the
results of the struggle of the heroes who are willing to
sacrifice their lives for independence, so don’t waste his
struggle for independence by lazing around. Indonesia is a
country that has a wealth of natural resources, dense
forests, clear water, abundant fish, vast land for farming.
Indonesia also has a diverse culture, ethnicity, race, and
language in each region. Indonesia is the place where we
are born, we are work, we are looking for money to fulfill
our needs.
Civic Lesson

Thank You
Critical Thinking
Identify the benefits of Boedi Oetomo for
the national development process!
Improve teaching in accordance by Dr. Wahidin aspiration as the
first attempt to get the nation’s progress

Improve agriculture, livestock and trade. So it is understood that

the increase must also include the economic field

Improve engineering and industry, which means that in

that direction has become an ideal

Revive the culture found in Indonesia.

Identify the benefits of youth oath in
the life of millennial youth!
Unite to build the country

Forming a generation of achievement

Not involved in drugs

Good leadership

Young man carrying change

Identify the norms that apply to the family
and the community!
The Family The Community
Obey the rules of religion in the family Control human behavior
Maintain the good name Helps meet human social needs
Comply with courtesy rules Helps in predicting human behavior
Use and maintain family facilities in an Acting as a measuring instrument or
orderly manner parameter to evaluate human behavior
Every family member exercises his rights Acting as something that is ideal in certain
and obligations situations
Implement rules agreed upon by the family Helping in shaping social order by reducing
tension and conflicts that occur in the
Following family habits that have been well
Identify the elements that make us proud to
be Indonesian!

Vast land
Abundant for farming
Wealth of Clear fish
Dense water
natural forests
Identify the dignity of a student!

Responsible for the tasks given

Always honest

Always do the test honestly

Say and behave politely towards the teacher

Always help friends who are in trouble


How to knit millennial unions that have been
contaminated with social media with utter hatred!

Seeing a lot of information that is not filtered and even becomes out of
control, the planting of Pancasila values ​should focus and accommodate
millennial generation groups with a formulation or learning methods that are
relevant to the development of current technological sophistication. Thus, this
millennial generation is not apathetic by learning Pancasila values ​and being
critical of the influence of radical ideologies and intolerant attitudes. Pancasila
must be able to become the grip and life principle of the millennial generation
of Indonesia in facing the swift advances of modern technology today.
Millennials must be able to practice the Pancasila, the unity in diversity, and
the tolerance values ​of the Indonesian people to continue to exist and stand
How can young generation always
remember the content of the Youth
Be diligent in learning so Appreciate Indonesian
you can be a teenager who by using it correctly
is ready to fight in their own
Don't be selfish and must
respect each other
Even though we are
currently required to be
The thing we can do to interpret The enthusiasm of young able to master a foreign
the Youth Oath is to eliminate people who are eager to language at school, but of
selfishness. We also have to advance Indonesia must be course that is not a
respect other people even though instilled in each of us. One reason for you to forget
they are from different tribes or of the easiest ways is to our national language,
from different religions. By always always study hard so that namely Indonesian.
respecting, of course we as later we can be ready to
teenagers can fight together in become a quality future
order to make Indonesia progress. generation.
How the way in order student's self-
esteem is not fall!
○ Avoid harmful behavior ○ Don't blame others
○ Take care of your good ○ Have a good
name relationship with
○ Don't compare yourself yourself
with others ○ Improve yourself start
○ Appreciate yourself the day with a smile
○ Avoid people who think ○ Tell yourself if you can
a lot negatively ○ Expand your horizons
○ Focus on the goal ○ Build sympathy and
○ Grateful empathy with others
○ Avoid negative ○ Make a real effort
○ Value yourself

How can norms be used as
habits in association within the

Norms are rules that are formed

because of the habits of the
community. It means that the norm
can be used in an association in the
community with habituation. To form
a habituation is indeed not easy, but
when habituation or norms are often
done, a new habit or norm appears in
the community

How can we be proud of being an
We can be proud to be Indonesian by
thanking Allah SWT for making us citizens
of Indonesia. We are born in a country that
is rich in natural, cultural, ethnic and
language resources. A country that has a
vast ocean and thousands of islands. if we
were not born as citizens of Indonesia,
maybe we may not necessarily enjoy what
we feel right now.

Create a trial
simulation of
young people
awareness to
fight hoax
Guidelines that must be kept by young
people when facing differences that lead to
Guidelines for division, namely holding on to the youth
oath. When there is a difference in
youth understanding or opinion, we return it to the
movements in original goal of the nation. Where the youth
uniting form this pledge because of the desire to
differences of unite and fight jointly for the nation, where
opinion that the youth want to elevate the dignity of the
lead to division! nation. Do not let the pledges that have
been formed be destroyed because of
differences in understanding or opinions
among youth.
Do not speak alone
when the teacher

Speak in English in the
school environment

the norm Do the assignments

in the given by the teacher


class! Help friends when experiencing

difficulties in working except when

Remind friends who are crowded

when the teacher explains
Asking for the blessing
Pray first before
of both parents

Don't be shy about

The discussion
Make a material will be tested
asking when there are
unclear questions or
guideline of images

your self- Self-esteem to

esteem to
face exam
Confident in your own

face each Check again after answers

finishing working
AH, PAS, and
Not noisy during the Keep calm in working on

Describe the National Resurgence!
National resurgence is a public awareness of a
nation to rise from adversity and towards a better
nation's life with all efforts so that the nation's ideals
are realized.
Describe the youth oath!
Youth oath is a pledge formed by Indonesian youth.
This pledge was formed to arouse and unite the spirit
of the youth in Indonesia. with the unity of the spirit of
the Indonesian youth, it is hoped that the old
Indonesian group will join together and return to be
excited to rise from the shackles of the colonialism and
immediately proclaim Indonesian independence.
Norms are rules that apply in people's lives since a
long time ago, and are born from the habits in the
surrounding community. If anyone violates, they will
get a warning from the surrounding community.
Describe about self-esteem!

Self-esteem is a form of implementation of

one's integrity to get a trust from other people or
the community. In order to gain that trust there
needs to be high integrity. High integrity can be
demonstrated through the behavior of the
person when given an obligation or trust.
Describe "I am proud to be an Indonesian
I am proud to be an Indonesian citizen. Indonesia is the place
where I was born. As the saying goes, where the earth is stepped
on, there the heavens are upheld. So when we have been born
in Indonesia, we must be proud and still maintain the good name
of this nation. Besides, we must be grateful to be Indonesian
citizens, we have been born in a place that is rich in natural
resources, rich in culture and language. The pride we have can
be realized while maintaining and preserving Indonesia's wealth,
such as the culture in Indonesia. In addition, we can also raise the
name of the Indonesian nation with the achievements of the
nation's children.
Thank you

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