Magellans Von Voyage

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-refers to the
point of view
of the said
writer who
witnessed to
Perspectives are important
the event.
for all historians, because there is no such thing as
objective history. This means that all historians have different ways
to interpret events in the past. In other words, all events are known
and told from the the biases of historians.
Antonio Pigafetta
(ca. 1490-ca. 1534)
Famous Italian traveller born in Vicenza around 1490
and died in the same city in 1534, who is also known
by the name of Antonio Lombardo or Francisco
Antonio Pigafetta.

Soon he/she became a great friendship with

Magallanes, who accompanied, together with
Juan Sebastián Elcano, in the famous expedition
to the Moluccas begun in August of 1519 and
finished in September 1522.
The Voyage of Magellan.The Journal of Antonio
A Narrative Account of the First Circumnavigation, ed. dir.
by R. A. Skelton, 2 vols. New Haven: Yale University Press,
First trip around the world... Madrid: Fortanet, 1899.
King Manuel I
Historians speculate
that, beginning in
1514, Magellan
petitioned King
Manuel I of Portugal
to fund an expedition
to the Moluccas,
though records are
King Charles
King Charles of Spain
was 18 years old when
he agreed to finance
Magellan's expedition
to the Spice Islands in
1518. He is pictured
here in a painting
by Bernard van
Orley c. 1517
(João Rodrigues
Wrecked in
storm at Santa
Cruz River, on
the 3rd of May
(Gaspar de Quesada)

Scuttled in
May 1521
(Juan de Cartagena)
Deserted in the
Strait of
November 1520,
returned to
Spain on 6 May
(Ferdinand Magellan)

down in
(Luis Mendoza)
returning to Spain
in September 1522,
captained by Juan
Sebastián Elcano.
The crew consisted of about 270 men, mostly Spaniards.
Spanish authorities were wary of Magellan, so that they
almost prevented him from sailing, switching his mostly
Portuguese crew to mostly men of Spain. In the end, the
fleet included about 40 Portuguese, among them
Magellan's brother-in-law Duarte Barbosa, João
Serrão, Estêvão Gomes and Magellan's indentured
servant Enrique of Malacca. Crew members of other
nations were also recorded, including 29 Italians, 17
French, and a smaller number of Flemish, Greek, Irish,
English, Asian, and black sailors. Counted among the
Spanish crew members were at least 29 Basques
(including Juan Sebastián Elcano), many of whom did
not speak Spanish.
He was acquired as a slave in
Melaka by
the Portuguese explorer Ferdina
nd Magellan, who subsequently
took him on the first (Spanish)
circumnavigation of the world
in 1519–22.
He was able to communicate
with the natives in Malay (an
indication that they had indeed
completed a circumnavigation,
and were approaching familiar
A navigable sea route in southern Chile separating
mainland South America to the north and Tierra del Fuego to
the south. The strait is considered the most important natural
passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It has been
traversed by explorers and others throughout modern history.
The route is difficult to navigate due to frequent narrows and
unpredictable winds and currents.
The Strait of Magellan has been inhabited by indigenous
Americans for thousands of years.
All tribes in the area were nomadic hunter-gatherers.

The Maluku Islands or

the Moluccas are
an archipelago in
eastern Indonesia. On September
20, 1519, Magellan set sail from
Spain in an effort to find a
western sea route to the
rich Spice Islands of Indonesia.
The islands were known as the Spice Islands because of
the nutmeg, cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, mace,
pepper, cloves and turmeric were known and used in
antiquity, that were exclusively found there, the presence of
which sparked colonial interest from Europe in the
sixteenth century.
Did you know? Clove was the most valuable spice in
Europe during Magellan's day. It was used to flavor food,
but Europeans also believed that its essence could improve
vision, its powder could relieve fevers and that it could
enhance intercourse when mixed with milk.
The fleet reached the Philippines on March 16, 1521, and would remain
there until May 1.
On March 16, a week after leaving Guam, the fleet first sighted the island
of Samar, then landed on the island of Homonhon, which was then
uninhabited. They spent nearly two weeks on Homonhon, resting and
gathering fresh food and water, before leaving on March 27, 1521.
On the morning of March 28, 1521, they neared the island of Limasawa,
and encountered some natives in canoes. For the first time on the journey,
Magellan's slave Enrique of Malacca found that he was able to
communicate with the natives in Malay. They exchanged gifts with the
natives (receiving porcelain jars painted with Chinese designs), and later
that day were introduced to their leader, Rajah Kolambu. Magellan would
become a "blood brother" to Kolambu, undergoing the local blood
compact ritual with him.
Magellan and his men noted that the island was rich in gold, and found
that the locals were eager to trade it for iron at par. While at Limasawa,
Magellan gave some of the natives a demonstration of Spanish armour,
weapons, and artillery, by which they were apparently impressed.
Magellan seemed to acquire a zeal for converting
the local tribes to Christianity.
On Sunday March 31,
1521, Easter Day, Magellan and
fifty of his men came ashore to
Limasawa to participate in the
first Catholic Mass in the
Philippines, given by the
armada's chaplain. In April 3-4,
Kolambu(King of Cebu), his
brother (who was also a local
leader), and other islanders
joined in the ceremony, and
expressed an interest in their
Following Mass, Magellan's men raised a cross on the
highest hill on the island, and formally declared the island,
and the entire archipelago of the Philippines (which he
called the Islands of St Lazarus) as a possession of Spain.
As he had in Limasawa, Magellan
gave a demonstration of the fleet's
arms in order to impress the locals.
Again, he also preached Christianity to
the natives, and on April 14,
Humabon and his family
were baptised and given an image of
the Holy Child (later known
as Santo Niño de Cebu). In the
coming days, other local chieftains
were baptised, and in total, 2,200
locals from Cebu and other nearby
islands were converted.
(c. 1480-1521)
He was encouraged to learn subjects that
would aid him greatly later, such as
cartography (mapmaking), astronomy, and
celestial navigation (learning how to steer a
ship based on the positions of the stars).

Attempting to sail around the world for

Spain, reached the Philippine archipelago.

He sought a western route by avoiding the

southern tip of Africa, which Portugal
controlled, to reach the Spice Islands (the
Moluccas) of Southeast Asia. Magellan
survived two mutinies before sailing around
the southern tip of South America, finding the Ferdinand Magellan was born in Oporto,
strait named for him, in November of 1520. Portugal, in 1480. His parents were members of
Reaching calm waters after a dangerous the Portuguese nobility. He was only twelve when
passage, Magellan named the ocean west of he began serving the queen of Portugal as a page,
South America “the Pacific Ocean.” a position of employment for youths in royal
He was the first native to resist imperial Spanish
Lapu-Lapu is also known under the
names Çilapulapu, Si Lapulapu, Salip Pulaka, Cali
Pulaco, and Lapulapu Dimantag.
He believes to their supreme god of their religion of
the Visayans, when explicitly recorded by
contemporary historians, was identified as "Abba" by
Pigafetta and "Kan-Laon" (also spelled "Laon") by
the Jesuit historian Pedro Chirino in 1604, comparable
to the Tagalog "Bathala".
In 1542, his Alipins slaves stabbed him when he
left in the palace while his wife was giving birth.
The first Filipino hero.
On April 27, 2017, President Rodrigo
Duterte declared April 27 (the date when Battle of
Mactan happened) as Lapu-Lapu Day for honoring as Philippine Chief born around 1490 in
the first hero in the country who defeated foreign
the island of Mactan and died in 1569 in
rule. Duterte also signed the creation of "Order of
Lapu-Lapu" earlier in April 7, to recognize the the same place. He was the leader of the
government workers and private citizens on Filipino warriors. was a ruler
supporting his advocacies. of Mactan in the Visayas
Magellan mustered a force of 60 armed men from his crew
to oppose Lapu-Lapu's forces.

Some Cebuano men followed Magellan to Mactan,

but were instructed by Magellan not to join the fight,
but merely to watch. He first sent an envoy to Lapu-
Lapu, offering him a last chance to accept the king of
Spain as their ruler, and avoid bloodshed. Lapu-Lapu
refused. Though they had the benefit of relatively
advanced armour and weaponry, Magellan's forces
were greatly outnumbered. Pigafetta (who was
present on the battlefield) estimated the enemy's
number at 1,500 against 48 Spanish soldiers.
During the battle, Magellan and 15
Hispanic found death. In a moment
of the battle, Magellan had fallen to
the ground wounded by a stone,
time that was used by one of the
Warriors of Lapu-Lapu to traverse
it with his spear. The rest of the
survivors rushed out to retreat to
their ships, pursued by the filipinos.
His voyages showed that the circumference of the earth was longer than
what Columbus had estimated . Magellan wanted to prove that the world
was round and through his explorations he DID prove that the Earth is
round. He established the first route to the East that involved sailing to
the west.
The circumnavigation voyage of Ferdinand Magellan greatly impacted
our modern world socially, environmentally and economically.
Ferdinand Magellan's also had made a lot of discoveries in his age, which
was during the 1500s. His exploration has also greatly impacted on our
present day's knowledge and as an inspiration to today's explorers.
During Magellan's exploration he discovered many things. One thing that
he discovered was the Spice Island trade route. Without his discovery of
this route, in the 1500s Portugal could have sunk economically because
spice trading was one of the major business's that kept Portugal's
economic status up. He also found some
llamas/alpacas/vicuñas/guanacos and penguins during his
circumnavigation voyage, which then he told back to his homeland people
in Portugal, and which could have influenced on our knowledge of these
animals today.
Ferdinand Magellan's voyages also influenced our modern
world socially, culturally and environmentally. He proved to
our explorers and other people today that circumnavigating
the world was possible. Without this proof, in our present day
we wouldn't dare to travel around the world. Magellan and his
crew were also very religious people. Magellan and his crew
were Christians, wherever they went they would spread the
Word of God to the people to tell them to become a Christian.
Lastly, Magellan impacted our modern world
environmentally by naming the largest ocean in the world.
Ferdinand Magellan was not only the first person to
circumnavigate the world but the person who named the
Pacific Ocean. During his navigation of the globe voyage, he
sailed through the Pacific Ocean. He described the Pacific Ocean
as the calm and peaceful ocean, which was why it was named
the Pacific Ocean.
This deed of Magellan has shown for all time that an idea, winged by genius
and sturdily energized by passion, proves stronger than the elements of nature,
and that a thing which a hundred generations have regarded as no more than a
wish-dream can by one man in his short lifetime be translated into the realm of
reality and become an imperishable truth.
Seek for the Truth even it cause you a life.(In our present time, some of
our fellow Filipinos are just being connive and deafen themselves for the truth
just for MONEY. )
Intrepid spirits seek Victory over those things that seem impossible. (Crab
mentality, There are some of us Filipinos who got a bitter view at competition
that if we cannot win, then no one will. Instead of helping each other to be
successful, we even make ways to pull them down like discourage them from
taking great opportunities, or destroying their image. This is because we want to
be the only one at the top. )
Discovering is gaining Knowledge. (We Filipinos have a bad habit of
Procrastinating or “Mañana Habit “, Instead of working on a task while
there is much time, we wait for the deadline because we feel lazy to start on
them, or we want to use the time in other things.)
War before Peace. (We cannot attain Peace if we don’t Declare war).
Fighting for our own beliefs/religions and for our nation is a brave duty.(But, as
for now our country is so very submissive onto other subjugators.)

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