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TQM-Customer satisfaction

Mahr Irfran Ahmad Tahir

TQM-Customer Satisfaction
• It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company
meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer
satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of
total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products,
or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.“
• Customers derive satisfaction from a product or a service based on
whether their need is met effortlessly, in a convenient way that makes
them loyal to the firm. Hence, customer satisfaction is an important
step to gain customer loyalty. ... The customer satisfaction metrics
are then used to estimate consumer behavior.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
4 great ways to improve your customer satisfaction
• Treat every customer as if they were a VIP. Give every customer the
same excellent treatment as you would like to receive yourself. ...
• Keep measuring customer satisfaction. ...
• Know how you should survey your customers – the right way. ...
• Keep an eye on what customers say about you on social media.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
3 steps to achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty
• Understand your customers. Make them feel special.
• Commit wholeheartedly. The only way to succeed in keeping loyal
customers is to dedicate time and effort towards a strategy that
always puts your customers in first place.
• Measure success. Customer satisfaction.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
• customer perception is what your customers and
potential customers think of your organization. This perception directly
impacts the attraction of new customers and the capacity to maintain good
relationships with current customers.
• A marketing concept that encompasses a customer's impression,
awareness and/or consciousness about a company or its
offerings. Customer perception is typically affected by advertising, reviews,
public relations, social media, personal experiences and other channels.
• Customer Perception is a marketing concept that tells us
what customers think about a brand or a company or its offerings. It can be
positive or negative feelings, perceptions, inhibitions, predispositions,
expectations or experiences that a customer has.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
10 ways to increase your customers’ perception to build lasting loyalty.
• Prepare Agents for More Complex Calls
With plenty of self-help channels and online resources, customers typically only use a
voice channel when they have a problem or a more complicated question. It’s important
that your team of agents is trained to handle escalations. In some cases, it may make
sense to route customers to specific agent specialties to provide the best possible
experience during these critical calls.
• Break Down Silos
Creating an effortless journey is more important than ever when it comes to the
customer experience. Customers don’t want to get transferred, wait on hold and then
repeat their issue. They want seamless transitions from self-service to assisted-service
channels and expect to reach an agent who has customer history and context to provide
fast, intelligent service. This requires breaking down siloed communication channels and
disparate solutions. More than ever, companies are evaluating the state of their contact
center and undergoing digital transformations because the stakes are high. Only those
who have the infrastructure in place to support today’s customer journeys will be able to
compete in today’s challenging market.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
10 ways to increase your customers’ perception to build lasting loyalty.
• Perfect the IVR Experience (Interactive Voice Response)
Many things can go wrong from a customer’s perspective when they reach
your IVR. Misguided transfers, poorly functioning voice response functions,
outdated information and more. There’s plenty of potential for customer
frustration. On a regular basis, become the customer and experience the
IVR for yourself. If you have difficulty navigating through the various
prompts, so do your customers.
• Create a Brand Voice
Is there a consistent voice across your phone system recordings? If not,
you’re missing a valuable opportunity to build an identifiable brand.
Customers will identify the voice with the brand if it’s both reflective of
your brand image and consistent.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
10 ways to increase your customers’ perception to build lasting loyalty.
• Focus on Positive Words and Empathetic Statements
More than anywhere, the customer is king within the contact center. Building
trust and a positive impression are essential. This involves limiting the use of
negative words, such as “can’t” and “no.” Agents should be trained to think of
things from the customer’s perspective and equipped with positive words and
empathetic statements that will propel the customer to feel that your brand
delivers more than just a satisfactory level of service.
• Encourage Customer Feedback
Via surveys or interaction analytics, much can be gained in terms of what the
customer is really thinking. This information should be used to drive business
decisions and necessary changes. Look for patterns in feedback and data that
shows clear problematic trends. Address these issues quickly and with urgency to
ensure customers don’t have to experience the same problem twice.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
10 ways to increase your customers’ perception to build lasting loyalty.
• Only Use Scripts as Guidelines
Customers know when agents are reading from scripts. Rote jargon can come
across as robotic and cold, leaving customers feeling unimpressed. If a customer
is taking the steps to move beyond self-service to speak with an agent, they want
someone who can clearly communicate and solve issues. Make sure you have the
right team members in place who are true experts at communicating with
• Welcome Employee Suggestions
Processes and systems that were put in place by management teams may not
make as much sense when they’re implemented by those on the frontlines. Listen
to what your agents are saying and encourage them to share any problems or
barriers they’re experiencing that hinder their ability to deliver exceptional
service. Through this culture of sharing, you will not only empower your agents,
you’ll be able to make faster changes to support your target service levels.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
10 ways to increase your customers’ perception to build lasting loyalty.
• Follow Up with Customers
Even in the most service-driven contact center, problems can happen. It’s
not only important to correct these issues, it’s also vital to follow up to
show customers that you’re sorry and that you’re taking strides to make
changes to avoid similar situations.
• Share Best Practices
Schedule time for discussing strengths and weaknesses with other teams,
along with agents. Through this dialog, much can be learned to continue
improving your brand. Exchanging knowledge and skills ultimately makes
the entire organization stronger and increases the standard of service.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
• Collecting customer feedback shows you value their opinions. By
asking your clients for feedback you communicate that their opinion
is important to you. You involve them in shaping your business so
they feel more attached to your company. Listening to their voice
helps you create stronger relations with them.
• Perception is a psychological variable involved in the Purchase
Decision Process that is known to influence Consumer Behavior.
elective Perception is the process by which individuals perceive what
they want to in media messages and disregard the rest.
... Perception can be shaped by learning, memory and expectations.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
• Feedback is valuable information that will be used to
make important decisions. Top performing companies are top performing
companies because they consistently search for ways to make their best
even better. ... Effective feedback has benefits for the giver, the receiver,
and the wider organization.

Effective perception.
• For a consumer, it is important to know what they are investing into is
worth it and for this, the business needs to market itself to prove them
right. Perception is reality. The business needs to make sure that they
produce advertisements that are relevant enough to convince the
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
• Sensory perception involves detection of the stimulus and
subsequent recognition and characterization of it. There are five
different stimulus types involved in sensory processing chemical,
mechanical, electrical, light and temperature.
• The Importance of Feedback in the Workplace. Feedback that is
constructive is vital to employees' ongoing
development. Feedback clarifies expectations, helps people learn
from their mistakes and builds confidence. ... Constructive feedback is
one of the best things managers can provide to their employees.
TQM-Customer Satisfaction
Process of Perception. Reception:
• In this process, a person receives the information through stimuli.
• Selection: This is governed by two types of factors:
• External factors: These are size, intensity, proximity, motion and novelty.
• Internal factors: These are attitude, motives, experiences, interests and

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