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Perpindahan Panas
Angka Konduktivitas Termal

Pada Temperatur dan Tekanan Normal

Termal sebagai
fungsi dari
Stasioner vs Transien
Perpindahan Panas Multidimensi
Panas Yang Dibangkitkan Sistem
Persamaan Konduksi Panas 1D
Multidimensional Heat Transfer

Heat Diffusion Equation

T 2T 2T 2T
c p  k ( 2  2  2 )  q  k 2 T  q
t x y z

• This equation governs the Cartesian, temperature distribution for a three-

dimensional unsteady, heat transfer problem involving heat generation.
• For steady state / t = 0

• No generation q  0
• To solve for the full equation, it requires a total of six boundary conditions: two for
each direction. Only one initial condition is needed to account for the transient
Penyederhanaan Dari Persamaan
Difusi Panas
Konduksi 2D, Tanpa Sumber dan Stasioner
Berdasarkan Persamaan Laplace, Untuk Kasus
Konduksi 2D, tanpa sumber dan stasioner
Kasus Dua Dimensi, Tanpa sumber dan Stasioner

For a 2 - D, steady state situation, the heat equation is simplified to

2T 2T
 2  0, it needs two boundary conditions in each direction.
x 2

There are three approaches to solve this equation:

• Numerical Method: Finite difference or finite element schemes,

usually will be solved using computers.
• Graphical Method: Limited use. However, the conduction shape
factor concept derived under this concept can be useful for specific
• Analytical Method: The mathematical equation can be solved
using techniques like the method of separation of variables.
(review Engr. Math II)
Penyelesaian Kasus 2D Dengan Metode
Grafik: Conduction Shape Factor (S)
This approach applied to 2-D conduction involving two isothermal
surfaces, with all other surfaces being adiabatic. The heat transfer
from one surface (at a temperature T1) to the other surface (at T2)
can be expressed as: Q = S k (T1-T2) where k is the thermal
conductivity of the solid and S is the conduction shape factor.

• The shape factor can be related to the thermal resistance:

Q = S k (T1-T2) = (T1-T2) / (1/kS) = (T1-T2) / Rt
where Rt = 1/(kS)
• 1-D heat transfer can use shape factor also. Ex: heat transfer
inside a plane wall of thickness L is q=kA(DT/L), S=A/L
• Common shape factors for selected configurations available in
Long circular cylinder centered in
square solid of equal length (L>>w)

Two-dimensional heat transfer in a medium bounded by two isothermal

surfaces at T1 and T2 may be represented in terms of a conduction shape
factor S.

q  Sk T1  T2  Rcond  2 D   Sk 

2 L
1n 1.08w / D 
Conduction Shape Factors and Dimensionless
Conduction Heat Rates for Selected System
Case 1
An Alaska oil pipe line is buried in the earth at a depth of 1 m. The horizontal pipe is
a thin-walled of outside diameter of 50 cm. The pipe is very long and the averaged
temperature of the oil is 100C and the ground soil temperature is at -20 C
(ksoil=0.5W/m.K), estimate the heat loss per unit length of pipe.

From Table, case 2.
L>>D, z>3D/2

z=1 m
2L 2 (1)
S   3.02
ln( 4 z / D) ln( 4 / 0.5)
T1 q  kS(T1  T2 )  (0.5)(3.02)(100  20)
 181.2(W ) heat loss for every meter of pipe
Case 1 (cont.)
If the mass flow rate of the oil is 2 kg/s and the specific heat of the oil is 2 kJ/kg.K, determine
the temperature change in 1 m of pipe length.

q 181.2
q  mC
 P DT , DT    0.045( C)
 P 2000 * 2
Therefore, the total temperature variation can be significant if the pipe is very long. For
example, 45C for every 1 km of pipe length.
• Heating might be needed to prevent the oil from freezing up.
• The heat transfer can not be considered constant for a long pipe

Ground at -20C

Heat transfer to the ground (q)

m C pT m C p (T  dT )
Length dx
Case 1 (cont.)
Heat Transfer at section with a temperature T(x)
q= (T  20)  1.51(T  20)( dx )
ln(4z / D)
 P T  q  mC
Energy balance: mC  P (T  dT )
dT dT
 P
mC  1.51(T  20)  0,  0.000378dx, integrate
dx T  20
T ( x )  20  Ce 0.000378 x , at inlet x = 0, T(0) = 100 C, C = 120
T(x) = -20 + 120e 0.000378 x
• Temperature drops exponentially from the
initial temp. of 100C
• It reaches 0C at x=4740 m, therefore,
reheating is required every 4.7 km.
T( x )

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Case 2: Heat generation in a buried
spherical container
Find: Outer surface temperature of the container (ksoil = 0.52 W/m.K)

From an energy balance on the container, q = Eg

Case 1 in Table:
Case 3
A long power transmission cable is buried at a depth (ground-to-cable-centerline distance) of
2 m. The cable is encased in a thin-walled pipe of 0.1-m diameter, and, to render the cable
superconducting (with essentially zero power dissipation), the space between the cable and
pipe is filled with liquid nitrogen at 77 K. If the pipe is covered with a superinsulator (ki =
0.005 W/m K) of 0.05-m thickness and the surface of the earth (kg = 1.2 W/m K) is at 300 K,
what is the cooling load (W/m) that must be maintained by a cryogenic refrigerator per unit
pipe length?
Two-dimensional conduction resistance:

Rcond  2 D   Sk 

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