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Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding for Search

Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

 This paper introduces a message forwarding algorithm for search applications
within mobile ad hoc networks that is based on the concept of selecting the
nearest node from a set of designated nodes.
 The algorithm, which is called Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding
(MDPF) uses routing information to select the node with the minimum
 The goal of the proposed algorithm is to minimize the average number of
hops taken to reach the node that holds the desired data.
 Numerical analysis and experimental evaluations using the network
simulation software ns2 were performed to derive the lower and upper
bounds of the confidence interval for the mean hop count between the source
node of the data request, on one hand, and the node that holds the desired
data and the last node in the set of search nodes, on the other hand.
 In the experimental evaluation, the performance of MDPF
was compared to that of Random Packet Forwarding (RPF)
and Minimal Spanning Tree Forwarding (MSTF).
 The results agreed with the numerical analysis results and
demonstrated that MDPF offers significant hop count
savings and smaller delays when compared to RPF and
Existing System
 In a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), mobile devices (nodes) may
be spread over a large area where access to external data is achieved
through one or more access points (APs). However, not all nodes have a
direct link with these APs.
 Instead, they rely on other nodes that act as routers to reach them. In
certain situations, the APs may be located at the extremities of the
MANET, where reaching them could be costly in terms of delay, power
consumption, and bandwidth utilization.
 Additionally, the access point may connect to a costly resource (e.g., a
satellite link), or an external network that is susceptible to intrusion. For
such reasons and others that concern data availability and response
time, MANET applications should check for the existence of the desired
data inside the network before attempting to connect to the external data
source. An example would be a node that is searching for data that have
been requested before by other nodes and are now cached and available
to the rest of the nodes.
 Relevant to our work are the Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
(DSDV) and the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
protocols, which are distance-vector routing protocols designed for
MANET environments.
 With such protocols, a node maintains a routing table and a distance
vector. The table contains the neighbor along the shortest path to each
destination in the network, while the vector has the distance (number of
hops) of this path.
 In high mobility scenarios, the paths from sources to destinations will
become nonoptimal (i.e., not the shortest paths) until the routing tables
are updated.
 With DSDV, each node periodically updates its shortest paths by
sending its distance vector to its neighbors to inform them about
possible distance changes to destinations in the network, while with
AODV, a node computes/updates the shortest path to a destination only
when it needs to communicate with it (i.e., on demand).
Proposed System
 This paper described a data search algorithm for use in mobile ad hoc
networks. The technique, which we called MDPF, minimizes the total
distance (hop count) taken by the search packet to traverse the set of
mobile search nodes while using local routing information found on the
 Minimum Distance Packet Forwarding (MDPF) algorithm is based on
the same basic concept employed by distance-vector routing protocols
in that it forwards the search message to the nearest node that
potentially stores the desired data item.
 Actually, MDPF maybe regarded as a high-level routing protocol
operating on top of a distance-vector routing protocol, and thus,
together they form a two-layer protocol that works to minimize the
response time of a search application by following the consecutive
shortest paths.
Scenarios for Request Forwarding
 Low Cost
 Minimum Power Consumption
 Low Bandwidth
 Reduce the Response Time
 Delivered Packet Ratio is High
Proactive Protocols

 Proactive protocols are based on periodic

exchange of control messages and maintaining
routing tables.
 Each node maintains complete information
about the network topology locally.
 This information is collected through proactive
exchange of partial routing tables stored at each

 Since each node knows the complete topology,

a node can immediately find the best route to a

 However, a proactive protocol generates large

volume of control messages and this may take
up a large part of the available bandwidth.

 The control messages may consume almost the

entire bandwidth with a large number of nodes
and increased mobility.
Reactive Protocols

 In a reactive protocol, a route is discovered only

when it is necessary.

 In other words, the protocol tries to discover a

route only on-demand, when it is necessary.

 These protocols generate much less control

traffic at the cost of latency, i.e., it usually takes more
time to find a route compared to a proactive protocol.
Some example protocols
Some examples of proactive protocols are :
• Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)

Some examples of reactive protocols are :

• Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
• Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
• Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
System Requirements
Hardware Specification:
Processor Type : Pentium -IV
Speed : 2.4 GHZ
Ram : 128 MB RAM
Hard disk : 20 GB HD

Software Specification:
Operating System : Linux
Programming Package : ns2 , c++
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