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A’innaya Zahra C C 1901541046

Arizky Raihannah Zahira 1901541056

Nur Hikmah Afief 1901541070

1. What is a camel’s hump used for?

a. to store fat

2. How does the colour of a camel’s coat help it to survive in the desert?
The light color reflects sunlight, keeping the camel cool.

3. Fill in the blank lines.

Camels with one hump are called Dromedary or Arabian camels.
Camels with two hump are called Bactrian camels.

4. How long can a camel live?

a. up to 5 decades

5. Which sentence is an opinion?

c. Besides their humps, camels have a lot of interesting features.
Fill in the missing letters to create a vocabulary word
from the article.
1. Environment (the place where a person or animal lives)
2. Survival (ability to live)
3. Evaporates (liquid dries up and becomes a gas )
4. Asia (largest continent in the world )
5. Nostrils (openings on the nose that allow air to enter the
6. Concentrated (gathered in one place)
7. Temperature (measurement of heat)
Answer these questions in not more than 75 words.

1. Has the writer been trying to get his new room in order all morning or not?

yes, he has been trying to gey his new room in order.

2. Why has this proved difficult? Do they cover every inch of floor space at the moment or not?
because of he own over a thousand books which cover everyinch of floor space at the moment

3. What did helped

his sister his sister
himhelp him to
to carry doofa his
one short
old while ago?
bookcases up the stairs.

4. Did she get a surprise when she saw his room or not? Did she think that the books made a pretty carpet,
or did she find the room untidy? (but)
yes, she got a surprise when she saw his room but she found the room untidy.

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in brackets:

1. I moved into a new room three workmen brought my things


2. There were not only several cases of clothes but there were
hundreds of books as well.

3. Since the pile was as high as the ceiling, I could not get into my room.
1. A pretty carpet
We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. I have
been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over
a thousand books. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so i have
temporarily put my books on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor
space and actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. A short while ago,
my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. She went into my
room and got big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. 'This is the prettiest
carpet I have ever seen', she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, You don't
have need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!'
What was happened? What has been happening? Give
the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:

‘I have explained this to you several times already’ said the

teacher. ‘I hope you (understand) it now.’ Then he looked at the
little boy at the back of the class. ‘Have you been listening,
Jones?’ he asked. ‘Here is a simple problem: “Sally has been
working in an office for thirty-four weeks. In that time, she
(earn) £10 a week. How much … she (earn) so far?” ‘
‘Please, sir,’ Jones answered. ‘I can only answer your first
question. I have not been listening.’

Choose the correct words in the following sentences:

• She dusted the furniture very carefuly
• I hit him very hard
• This exercise is not hard
• I got home from work very late last night
• I nearly missed the bus this morning
• He ran so fast no one could keep up with him
• I can’t jump so high

Read the newspaper article and mark the sentences true (T),
false (F), or don’t know (D)
1. Todd is scared of his job T
2. The circus wanted him to go on a training course in South AmericaT
3. He was worried about flying thereT
4. The circus said he didn’t have to go on the courseF
5. Todd doesn’t think the training course is necessary

6. Diego Zeman is a friend of Todd’s F

7. Mamie Dock advised Todd to do the courseT
8. Todd has decided to take the job as a clownT

Find words in the text which mean…

1. Really scared Terrified

2. Very big, huge Enormous

3. Hurt (a part of your body)Injured

4. A show Performance

5. Feel really nervous and scared Panic

6. unhappy Upset

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