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Channel capacity
Channel capacity in AWGN channels
Channel Coding Theorem

 Source alphabet X , Source Entropy H(X ) bits / source symbol

 Source emits a symbol every Ts seconds 

 Average Information Rate = H(X ) / Ts bits/sec.

 Channel capacity  C bits per channel use

 Channel is capable of being used every Tc seconds

 Channel capacity per unit time  Maximum rate of

information transfer through the channel = C / Tc
Channel Coding Theorem

 Let a discrete memoryless source with an alphabet X , have

entropy H(X ) bits / source symbol and produce symbols once
every Ts seconds. Let a discrete memoryless channel have a
capacity C bits per channel use and be used once every Tc
seconds. Then if,

H(X ) / Ts  C / Tc

there exists a coding scheme for which the source output can be
transmitted over the channel and be reconstructed with an
arbitarily small probability of error. The parameter C / Tc is called
the Critical rate. When the equality sign is satisfied, the system is
said to be signaling at the critical rate.
Channel Coding Theorem

 Conversely, if

H(X ) / Ts > C / Tc

it is not possible to transmit information over the channel and

reconstruct it with an arbitrarily small probability of error.
Information Capacity Theorem

Consider band-limited, powerlimited Gaussian channels,

Consider a zero-mean stationary process X(t) that is band-limited to
B hertz, Sampled at Nyquist rate of 2B samples per second,
transmitted in T seconds over a noisy channel, also band-limited to B
Number of samples, K = 2BT
Let Xk  a sample of the transmitted signal,
Let the channel output be perturbed by Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) of zero mean and power spectral
density No/2. The noise is band-limited to B hertz.
Let the continuous random variables Yk, k = 1, 2,…..K denote
samples of the received signal,
Yk = Xk + Nk
Information Capacity Theorem
The noise sample Nk is Gaussian with zero mean and variance 2
= N oB
Let the transmitter power be limited; E[Xk2] = P  average Tx.
Let I(Xk; Yk) denote the mutual information between Xk and Yk.
Information capacity of the channel is then defined as
C = max { I(Xk; Yk) : E[Xk2] = P }
fX (x)

I(Xk; Yk) = h(Yk) - h(Yk/ Xk)

Maximizing h(Yk)
= h(Yk) - h(Nk)
Independent of Xk
Information Capacity Theorem

C = max { I(Xk; Yk) : E[Xk2] = P }

fX (x)

C = I(Xk; Yk) : Xk Gaussian , E[Xk2] = P

Maximum for Xk Gaussian

Information Capacity Theorem

1. The variance of received signal sample Yk  P + 2.

Hence, the differential entropy of Yk is,
h(Yk) = ½ log2[2e(P + 2)]

2. The variance of the noise sample Nk equals 2.

Hence, the differential entropy of Nk is,
h(Nk) = ½ log2[2e2]
Information Capacity Theorem

C = I(Xk; Yk) : Xk Gaussian , E[Xk2] = P

I(Xk; Yk) = h(Yk) - h(Nk)

C = ½ log2( 1 + P/2 ) bits per

Capacity per unit time -> K/ T bits/sec.

C = B log2( 1 + P/ NoB) bits per

Information Capacity Theorem
The information capacity of a continuous channel of
bandwidth B Hertz, perturbed by additive white Gaussian
noise of power spectral density No/2 and limited in
bandwidth to B, is given by,

C = B log2( 1 + P/ NoB) bits per

where P is the average transmitted power.
Defines the fundamental limit on the rate of error-free transmission
for a power-limited, band-limited Gaussian channel.
Shannon limit …

• Shannon theorem puts a limit on transmission

data rate, not on error probability:

– Theoretically possible to transmit information at any

rate Rb , where Rb  C with an arbitrary small error
probability by using a sufficiently complicated coding

– For an information rate Rb > C , it is not possible to find

a code that can achieve an arbitrary small error
Shannon limit …

C = B log2( 1 + P/ NoB)

Rb = C = B log2( 1 + Eb C / NoB)
C/B = log2 [ 1 + (C/B) (Eb/ No )]
Shannon limit

Eb / No = [ 2C/B – 1 ] / (C/B)

As B  , Eb / No  ln 2 = 0.693  -1.6 dB

– There exists a limiting value ofEb / N 0 below which there can be no error-
free communication at any information rate.

– By increasing the bandwidth alone, the capacity cannot be increased to

any desired value.
Shannon limit …

Rb /B [bits/s/Hz]

Practical region

Eb /No [dB]
Shannon limit …

B/Rb [Hz/bits/s] Practical region


-1.6 [dB] Eb / N 0 [dB]

Bandwidth efficiency plane
Unattainable region M=256
Rb/ B [bits/s/Hz]

Bandwidth limited

M=4 M=2 R<C

M=8 Practical region

Shannon limit MPSK

Power limited
MQAM PB  105

Eb / N 0 [dB]
Why use error correction coding?

– Error performance vs. bandwidth

– Power vs. bandwidth PB

– Data rate vs. bandwidth Coded

– Capacity vs. bandwidth

Coding gain:
For a given bit-error probability,
the reduction in the Eb/N0 that can be
realized through the use of code: E
 Eb   Eb 
G [dB]    [dB]    [dB]
 N0 u  N 0 c Eb / N 0 (dB)
• Example 4.1: Consider a wireless channel
where power falloff with distance follows the
formula Pr(d) =Pt(d0/d)3 for d0 = 10m. Assume
the channel has bandwidth B = 30 KHz and
AWGN with noise power spectral density of
N0 = 10−9 W/Hz. For a transmit power of 1 W,
find the capacity of this channel for a
transmit-receive distance of 100 m and 1 Km.
• The received SNR is = Pr(d)/(N0B) = .1 * .13/(10−6 *30*
103) = 33 = 15 dB for d = 100 m and = .1*.013/(10−6 *
30* 103) = .033 = −15 dB for d = 1000 m.
The corresponding
• capacities are C = B log2(1 + SNR ) = 30000 log2(1 + 33)
= 152.6 Kbps for d = 100m and
• C = 30000 log2(1+.033) = 1.4 Kbps for d = 1000 m. Note
the significant decrease in capacity at farther distances,
due to the path loss exponent of 3, which greatly
reduces received power as distance increases.

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