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Research Proposal

Presentation on Proposal Writing

Ganesh Dhital
M Phil. Scholar
Kathmandu University
Topic Selection

• Area of interest

• Availability of 5 years data (for secondary data)

• Issue, Organization and Location.

• Fund

• Researchable

• Related to area of Specialization.

Components of Research Proposal

• Introduction

• Literature Review

• Methodology

• Background of the Study

• Profile of the Organization
• Researcher Motivation
• Statement of Problems
• Purpose of the Study
• Research Questions
• Research Hypothesis
• Rational of the Study
• Delimitations
• Limitations
• Organization of the Study
Background of the Study

• Define your issue of research

• You should fully concentrate on topic

• For BBS- One page and Master Level one and half page with
full reference text.
Profile of the Organization

• Very short description about the organization that you are

going to research on the basis of issue.

• Not more than one paragraph for BBS( i.e 14-15 line)

• For Master Level Maximum one page.

Researcher Motivation

• Just mention some factors that motivate you to do research on

mentioned issue / organization.

• Your writing should not more than one paragraph

• Your writing should have logic and fact

Statement of Problems

• Define your research problem with evidence

• Shape your research problem

• Make your problem researchable

• Supported by theoretical framework
Purpose of the Study

• Mention your objectives of study in this section,

• For BBS( 2-3)

• For masters level maximum Four

• Use to analyze or to examine, or to investigate at the

beginning of objectives
Research Questions

• In this section, just convert your purpose of study in question


• Your research questions must cover the purpose of study

Research Hypothesis

• Formulate hypothesis

• You can formulate only one research hypothesis

• You can formulate hypothesis on the basis of variables

• Be sure the statistical tools to test the hypothesis

( for BBS level hypothesis is not necessary)

Rational of the Study

• In this section write down any five importance of your

research clearly

• Rational of the study is related with the contributions of your

research to different stakeholders

• What does your research do, explain five delimitations

• This section is not mandatory for BBS level

• For masters level, it is mandatory


• Write any five aspects that your research

unable to cover
• This section is mandatory for both levels
Organization of the Study

• Mention your research plan that you are going to include in

your research under different major heading
Literature Review

• Conceptual review

• Theoretical Framework

• Empirical Review

• Policy Analysis

• Research Gap
Conceptual Review

• Present the conceptual clarity on the topic

• Analyze your research topic from different perspectives

Theoretical Framework

• Clearly mention the theoretical ground of your research

• It is the backbone of your research on which your research

based on

• You have to mention what dimensions of theory you are going

to include in your research

• This part guide your overall writing so you must have deep
knowledge about the theory.
Empirical Review

• You have to review previous study in the area of study

• Your review must be in chronological order

• Try to include latest research review as much as possible.

• In this review, researcher, research issue, methodology, tools

and finding of research should clearly mention in this section
Policy Analysis

• Mainly policy analysis is done in qualitative research

• It refers the written documents of organization

• Generally it consist rules, regulations and policies etc.

Research Gap

• Why your research is different than other

• It might be
- Area of issue
- Methodology
- Geography
- Tools
- Long time period

• Research Paradigm
• Research Design
• Sources of Data
• Types of Data
• Data Collection Methods
• Population &Sampling
• Data Analysis Tools and Interpretation
• Reliability
• Validity
• Ethical Considerations
Data Collection Methods

• Write how do you collect necessary data for your research

Research Design

• Survey
• Experimental
• Ethnography
• Case study
• Longitudinal
• Experimental etc.
Research Paradigm

• Positivist/ post- positivist(with ontology and


• Interpretivist (with ontology and

Sources of Data

• Primary source( survey, interview etc)

• Secondary source ( balance sheet, annual report etc)

Types of Data

• Primary

• Secondary
Population &Sampling

• Clearly write your population of study

• Sampling ( probability or non probability sampling)

• Why do you select this methods

• How do you determine sample size and why?

Data Analysis Tools and Interpretation

• What are your tools to analyze data( financial

and statistical tools)
• Graphs
• Diagrams
• Charts

• Reliability of your tools that you are going to use in your


• All followed by references


• Internal Validity

• External Validity

• Construct Validity
Ethical Considerations

• Maintaining privacy and confidentiality

• Respect to the contributions made by other people in the area

of study.

• Permission if necessary
Thank You

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