Strength of Materials Final

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We always ask if there’s still

hope left or if there’s still

time. But we never realize
that hope only leaves when
we doubt and time only runs
out the moment we give up.
We never realize that hope only leaves when we doubt
and time only runs out the moment we give up.

We never realize that hope only leaves when we doubt
and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Strength of Materials

deals with the nature and effects of

stresses in the parts of engineering
We never realize that hope only leaves when we doubt
and time only runs out the moment we give up.

The mutual action between two bodies,
or between two parts of a body,
whereby each of the two exerts a force
upon the other
We never realize that hope only leaves when we doubt
and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Residual Stress
due to the manufacturing processes that
leave stresses in a material.
Structural Stress
produced in structural members because of
the weights they support.
Pressure Stress
stresses induced in vessels containing
pressurized materials.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Flow Stress
Occur when a mass of flowing fluid induces a
dynamic pressure on a conduit wall.
Thermal Stress
Exists whenever temperature gradients are
present in a material.
Fatigue Stress
Due to cyclic application of a stress. Could be
due to vibration or thermal cycling.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.


1. Normal / Axial Stress
With normal stress, σ, the area is normal
to the force carried.

P = Tensile / Compressive Load

A = Cross Sectional Area

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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
9. Determine the outside diameter of a
hollow steel tube that will carry a tensile load of
350 kN at a stress of 120 MPa. Assume the wall
thickness to be one-tenth of the outside

A. 115 mm C. 102 mm

B. 120 mm D. 210 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
a. Single Shear

P d

Sheared area

AS  d 2
σ = P/A
4 A = Total Sheared Area
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Double Shear

Sheared area

A = 2 π D2 / 4 σ = P/A
A = Total Sheared Area
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Punching Shear

Sheared Area

σp = P / As
As = π D t
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

10. What force is required to punch a 25-

mm diameter hole through a 10-mm
thick plate having ultimate strength of
420 MPa?

a.) 330 kN c.) 303 kN

b.) 143 kN d.) 210 kN
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
11. A hole is to be punched out of a plate
having an ultimate shearing stress of 150 MPa.
If the compressive stress in the punch is limited
to 200 MPa, determine the maximum thickness
of plate from which a hole 50 mm in diameter
can be punched.

A. 16.7 mm C. 14.3 mm

B. 21.2 mm D. 23.5 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.


a. Tangential Stress

St = ρD/2t
t Di
L P t

ρ = pressure in N/mm2
D = inside diameter
t = thickness in mm

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b. Longitudinal Stress

SL = ρD/4t

ρ = pressure in N/mm2
D = inside diameter
t = thickness in mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
12. A spherical pressure vessel 300-mm in
diameter has a uniform thickness of 5 mm. The
vessel contains gas under a pressure of 10
MPa. If the ultimate tensile stress of the
material is 380 MPa, what is the factor of safety
with respect to tensile failure?

A. 2.5 C. 4.3

B. 0.9 D. 6.2
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Thermal Stress
 Linear Expansion

∆L = α L L (∆T)
 Volumetric Expansion

∆V = α V V (∆T)
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Stress due to Thermal Expansion

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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
13. A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of
200 mm2 is stretched between two fixed points.
The tensile load at 20°C is 3000 N. What will be
the stress at -20°C? Assume α=11.7 µm/m °C
and E=200x109 N/m2.

A. 110.8 MPa C. 130 MPa

B. 150.7 MPa D. 108.6 MPa

 TE
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Stress – Strain Graph

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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

A measure of the deformation of
the material that is dimensionless.
The change of shape produced by
ε = ∆L / L
ε = strain
∆L = change in length
L = original length
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Hooke’s Law
“Stress is directly proportional to Strain”

σ = Eε ; E = σ/ ε
named after the physicist Robert
Hooke, 1676
σ = Stress
ε = Strain
E = Modulus of Elasticity
(Young’s Modulus) (GPa)
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Young’s Modulus
a measure of the amount of force
needed to produce a unit deformation
Value for some materials
Steel E = 200 GPa
Aluminum E = 69 GPa
Copper E = 120 GPa
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Poisson’s Ratio
the ratio of transverse contraction strain
to longitudinal extension strain in the
direction of stretching force
Tensile deformation is considered
positive and compressive deformation is
considered negative
μ = - εlateral / εlongitudinal
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Elastic Limit
the point at which permanent
deformation occurs, that is, after the
elastic limit, if the force is taken off
the sample, it will not return to its
original size and shape, permanent
deformation has occurred.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Proportional Limit
The greatest stress at which a
material is capable of sustaining the
applied load without deviating from
the proportionality of stress to strain.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Ultimate Strength (Tensile)

The maximum stress a material
withstands when subjected to an
applied load.
The stress required to produce rupture.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Yield Strength
Stress at which material exceeds the
elastic limit and will not return to its
origin shape or length if the stress is
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Working Stress
the actual stress of a material under a
given loading
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Allowable Stress
The maximum safe stress that a
material can carry
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Factor of Safety
The ratio of ultimate strength to
allowable strength
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
1. The condition under which the stress is
constant or uniform is known as

A. Simple stress

B. Shearing stress

C. Tangential stress

D. Normal stress
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
2. The highest ordinate on the stress-strain
curve is called

A. rupture stress

B. elastic limit

C. ultimate stress or ultimate strength

D. proportional limit
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3. Shearing stress is also known as

A. Simple stress

B. Shearing stress

C. Tangential stress

D. Normal stress
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
4. Stress caused by forces perpendicular to
the areas on which they act is called

A. Simple stress

B. Shearing stress

C. Tangential stress

D. Normal stress
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
5. What type of stress is produced whenever
the applied load cause one section of a body to
tend to slide past its adjacent section?

A. normal stress

B. sliding stress

C. shearing stress

D. bearing stress
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
6. Stress caused by forces acting along or
parallel to the area resisting the forces is known

A. Simple stress

B. Shearing stress

C. Tangential stress

D. Normal stress
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
7. The ratio of the unit lateral deformation to
the unit longitude deformation is called

A. compressibility

B. bulk modulus

C. shear modulus

D. Poisson’s ratio
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8. It describes the length elasticity of the

A. Bulk modulus

B. Young’s modulus or tensile modulus

C. Modulus of Compressibility

D. Shear modulus
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Elongation (δ)

δ = PL / AE
P = Force
L = Original Length
A = Cross Sectional Area
E = Young’s Modulus
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Elongation due to Weight (δ)

δ= gρL2 / 2E
ρ = unit mass
g = gravity
E = Young’s Modulus
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
14. A steel wire 15 m long, hanging vertically
supports a tensile load of 3000 N. Neglecting
the weight of the wire, determine the required
diameter if the stress is not to exceed 150 MPa
and the total elongation is not to exceed 7 mm.
Assume E = 200 GPa.

A. 1.35 mm C. 6.4 mm

B. 2.15 mm D. 6.52 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
15. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area
of 300mm2 and length of 150 m is suspended
vertically from one end .It supports a load of 20
kN at the lower end. If the unit mass of steel is
7850 kg/m3 and E=200 GPa, find the total
elongation of the rod.

A. 44.35 mm C. 87.75 mm

B. 54.33 mm D. 17.56 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
16. The straight-line portion of the stress-
strain diagram has slope equal to the
_____________of the material.

A. modulus of rigidity

B. compressibility

C. modulus of elasticity

D. shear modulus
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17. The stress beyond which the material will
not return to its original shape when unloaded is

A. elastic limit

B. maximum stress

C. ultimate stress

D. allowable stress
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18. The point on the stress-strain diagram at
which there is an appreciable elongation or
yielding of the material without any
corresponding increase of load is called

A. yield point

B. elastic limit

C. ultimate stress or ultimate strength

D. proportional limit
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In solid mechanics, it is the twisting of

an object due to an applied torque
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τMAX = T*r / J

τMAX = maximum shear stress

J = polar moment of inertia
r = outer radius of the shaft
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Polar Moment of Inertia

Solid Shaft:
J = πD4 / 32

Hollow Shaft:
J = π (Do4 – Di4) / 32
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Shear Stress for:

Solid Shaft:
Ss = [T (D/2) ] / (π D4/32)
= 16 T / πD3
Hollow Shaft:
Ss = [T (D/2) ] / [π (D4-d4) /32]
= 16 T D / π (D4-d4)
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Angle of Twist

θ = TL / JG
T = Torque
L = Length
J = Polar Moment of Inertia
G = Shear Modulus
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Power Transmitted by Shaft

P = Tω = T(2πf)
P = 2π T n
P = power (W)
T = Torque (Nm)
f = frequency (Hz)
n = angular speed (rev/s)
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
19. What is the minimum diameter of a solid
steel shaft that will not twist through more than
3° in a 7-m length when subjected to a torque of
16 kN-m? Use G=83 GN/m2.

A. 127 mm

B. 150 mm

C. 110 mm

D. 105 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
20. Determine the length of the shortest 3-mm
diameter bronze wire which can be twisted
through two complete turns without exceeding a
shearing stress of 80 MPa. Use G=35 GPa.

A. 8247 mm

B. 5670 mm

C. 1350 mm

D. 875 mm
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
21. A solid steel shaft 7 m long is stressed to
60 Mpa when twisted through 4°. Using G = 83
GPa, compute the power that can be
transmitted by the shaft at 20 rev/s.

A. 350 kW

B. 4.50 MW

C. 3.87 MW

D. 2.53 MW
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

a device that stores potential energy by
straining the bonds between the atoms
of an elastic material.
device made of an elastic material that
undergoes a significant change in
shape, or deformation, under an
applied load
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Helical Spring
a spiral wound wire with a constant coil
diameter and uniform pitch
Common Forms:
Compression Spring
Tension Spring
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Helical Spring
Max Shearing Stress
Approximate: 16PR  d 
max  3 
d  4R 
16PR  4m  1 0.615 
max  3 

d  4m  4 m 
R = mean radius of spring (D is mean diameter)
d = diameter of wire
m = D/d
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Spring Deformation

δ = 64PR3n / Gd4 

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22. A helical spring is made by wrapping steel
wire 20 mm in diameter around a forming
cylinder 150 mm in diameter. Compute the
number of turns required to permit an
elongation of 100 mm without exceeding a
shearing stress of 140 MPa. Use G=83 GPa.

A. 10.52turns C. 21.24turns

B. 13.84 turns D. 11.87turns

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We never realize that hope only leaves when we doubt
and time only runs out the moment we give up.
22. A helical spring is made by wrapping steel
wire 20 mm in diameter around a forming
cylinder 150 mm in diameter. Compute the
number of turns required to permit an
elongation of 100 mm without exceeding a
shearing stress of 140 MPa. Use G=83 GPa.

A. 10.52 turns C. 21.24 turns

B. 13.84 turns D. 11.87 turns

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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
23. Determine the maximum shearing stress
in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of
20-mm diameter wire on a mean radius of 80
mm when the spring is supporting a load of

A. 120.6 MPa
B. 110.8 MPa
C. 150.7 MPa
D. 175.2 MPa
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I. Parabolic
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Parabolic Cable
Tension at the Support L = Horizontal Span
T2 = (ωL/2)2 + H2 d = sag of cable
ω = weight per unit length

Approximate Length of Cable

S = L + 8d2/3L – 32d4/5L3

Tension at the Lowest Point

H = ωL2 / 8d
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

II. Catenary
The theoretical shape of a
hanging flexible chain or
cable when supported at its
ends and acted upon by a
uniform gravitational force
(its own weight) and in
equilibrium. The curve has
a U shape that is similar in
appearance to the
parabola, though it is a
different curve.
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.

Catenary Cable
Relationship among S, y & c :
Tension at the support  S1    y1    c 
2 2 2

TL = ωyL  S2    y 2    c 
2 2 2

Tension at the support T1 & T2 :

Dis tan ce Between sup ports : T1  H2   S1 

 S  y1   S  y2 
x1  c ln  1 x 2  c ln  2
   H   S2 
2 2
 c   c  T2 
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ω = weight per unit length
y = height of the support (respective)
c = minimum clearance from the ground
S = cable length (respective)
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
24. What tension must be applied at the ends
of an aluminum cable supporting a load of 0.5
kg per horizontal meter in a span of 100 m if the
sag is to be limited to 1.25 m?

A. 650.25 kg

B. 318.75 kg

C. 500.62 kg

D. 175.5 kg
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and time only runs out the moment we give up.
25. Calculate the allowable spacing of the two
towers to carry a flexible wire cable weighing
0.03 kg per horizontal meter if the maximum
tension at the lowest point is not to exceed 1150
kg at sag of 0.50 m.

A. 175 m C. 390 m

B. 250 m D. 135 m

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