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Justinarose Andrada
Joan D. Marquez
Ricardo Ranillo Jr.
Jeanielyn R. San Pedro
Master of Arts Major in Educational Management
Motives and Drives in Psychology
In Psychology, a MOTIVE is
generally defined as a state of
physiological or psychological
arousal which influences how
we behave.
Drive, in psychology, an urgent
basic need pressing for satisfaction,
usually rooted in some
physiological tension, deficiency, or
imbalance (e.g., hunger and thirst)
and impelling the organism to
Types of Motives:
What is Psychosocial Motives?
It focus on psychosocial and
social as well as
environmental factors and
how they interact with each
other to produce motivation.
Psychosocial Motives
1.Affiliation – People need the
company of others, but there are
different motives for affiliation,
affiliation with clubs, churches, or
exclusive organizations may
satisfy complex motives.
2. Dependency
■ People depend on others to have
someone to look up to, to turn to
someone for help. Or to be
accepted and loved. This need is
closely related to affiliation and it’s
arises partly from training and
3.Social Approval
– We seek social approval for what we do and
avoid things that evoke social disapproval,
social approval is learned in early childhood
training when parents establish what is right
and what is wrong for the child. They try to
conform to the norms set by the group are in.
They find ways to please their parents,
associates and society in general.
4. Status
– Most are motivated to achieve
status among their fellowmen
although status systems vary from
one group to another.
5. Security
■ People depend on other people or things and
conditions for security. The feeling involves
being able to hold on what one has. The
presence or lack of security affects one’s ability
to satisfy needs. Security is important in
people’s lives as it stabilizes people’s physical
and social life. It’s absence is responsible for
much of personal unhappiness, as well as
social unrest.
6. Power
– Some people desire recognition to be
influential and in control. These
individuals, high with the need to
achieve, are not clock watchers and
work to meet high standards-
sometimes with indifference to matters
of comfort, convenience, approval or
monetary reward.
Biological Factors
Since we are all living organisms, it
should come as no surprise to learn
that our biological PLAYS A BIG ROLE
IN HOW WE BEHAVE. The drives which
stem from our biology are known are
“Biological Drives” and their purpose is
to keep us alive and out of danger.
What is Biological Drives?
It focus on the innate,
biological causes of
motivation like hormones,
neurotransmitters, brain
structures (hypothalamus,
limbic system, etc.)
Biological Drive
Predispositions to behaviors
in order to satisfy physical
or psychological needs or
Example of Biological Drives
1.Hunger 4.Temperature
2.Thirst 5.Pain
3.Sleep 6.Sex, etc..
All of these drives can act as a motive
by changing our behavior in some way.
Most of the biological drives
that we experience drive us
towards a stimulus, such as
food. However, some drives,
such pain, drive us away
from a stimulus.

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