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Deep Air Learning :

Interpolation, prediction and feature

analysis of fine grained air quality
Problem Statement:

 The proposed system is intended to design and

overcome the drawbacks of existing system. We
tackle air quality forecasting by using machine
learning approaches to predict the
concentration of air pollutants (e.g., particle
matter (PM2.5)). Machine learning as one of the
most popular techniques, is able to efficiently
train a model by using large- scale optimization
algorithms with sufficient datasets.

 As particulate materials in the air can cause several kinds of

respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, the air quality
information predicting attracts more and more attention.
 With increasing air pollution, we need to implement efficient air
quality monitoring models which collect information about the
concentration of air pollutants and provide assessment of air
pollution in each area.
 Most of the existing work solves the problems of interpolation,
prediction, and feature analysis of fine grained air quality
separately by different models.
Literature survey :

TITLE:Data driven air quality characterstics for urban environment

Published :2017

Authors:Yuchao zhou,suparna de,charith perera,member IEEE gideon ewa

TITLE :Deep air: forecasting air pollution in bejing,china

Authors: vikram reddy,pavan yedavalli,shreshta mohanti,udit nakhat

TITLE : A Machine Learning Approach for Air Quality
Prediction: Model Regularization and Optimization
Published :2017

Authors :Dixian Zhu 1,*, Changjie Cai 2 , Tianbao Yang 1 and Xun Zhou 3
TITLE :Forecasting PM10 in algiers:efficency of multilayer
perceptron network
Published: 2016

Authors: hamza,mohammed reda,ahmed hamou

Proposed system and methodology:
 The proposed system is intended to design and overcome the
drawbacks of existing system. We tackle air quality forecasting by
using machine learning approaches to predict the concentration of
air pollutants
 This proposed system uses the neural network based Multilayer
Perceptron and Linear regression algorithm to train the datasets in
order to obtain high accuracy.
 This architecture shows how our project basically works. Here we fetch all the
raw datasets of China and normalize these datasets and then split the
normalized datasets into train set and test set. This is an iterative process.
 Processor : Intel Family
 Version : Pentium and Higher
 Hard Disk : 1 GB and more
 Monitor : 15 VGA Color
 RAM : 51.2 M.B and more
 Speed : 3.0 GHz

 Operating System : Ubuntu 7
 Coding Language : Python 3
Scope of the project:
 This skeleton of training data sets will be flexible for other daily
requirements like prediction of swine flu, breast cancer, heart attack
and other related diseases In the medication centre.
 Helpful in predicting if the team will win sports games such as
 This impact can be reduced through an early warning of the
potential affected people.
 Assessment of air quality near traffic intersections in cities using air
quality indices.
 Air quality indices are used for local and regional air quality
management in many metro cities of the world.
 [1] T. Petäjä, L. Järvi, V.-M. Kerminen, A.J. Ding, J.N. Sun, W. Nie, J.
Kujansuu, A. Virkkula, X. Yang, C.B. Fu, S. Zilitinkevich, M. Kulmala,
"Enhanced air pollution via aerosol-boundary layer feedback in China",
Scientific reports, vol. 6, pp. 189-98, JanuarY2016.
 [2] M. Oprea, E.G. Dragomir, S.F. Mihalache, M. Popescu, S. Iordache,
D. Dunea, "Prediction methods and techniques for PM2.5 concentration
in urban environment" in Methods for the assessment of air pollution with
particulate matter to children's health, Matrix Rom, Bucharest:, pp. 387-
428, 2014.
 [3] Q. Di, “Air pollution and mortality in the medicare population,” New
England J. Med., vol. 376, no. 26, pp. 2513–2522, Jul. 2017. [4] J. Skrzypski
"Analysis and modelling of the system of air pollution concentration
fields in big cities" Environmental Engineering Studies, ED. BY Pawloski et
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