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"When you get women in roles of leadership, we

make things happen. It takes us using our voice, and
it also takes us making investments, huge investments,
in women and girls.“
 Reminded of two things:
(1) that big problems can have simple solutions
(2) that those who can help, should.
 wife of Bill Gates
 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
 address global poverty and health issues:
eradicating polio and malaria,
giving contraceptives,
making experimentation in education issues.
 ""What's the most pressing issue of our time? It
really is ending poverty in the world. And we
know to do that you have to put women and
girls at the center."
 “I am a Pakistani and my
advocacy is to take a stand for
GHALIB KHALIL the community and serve
humanity, because I believe
service is power.”

Rescue Pakistan Youth

Foundation , aiming to make a
positive change in the country
by focusing on improving the
lives of the youth and giving
them hope so they can become
significant citizens of their
country in the future.
 giving free education to those who could
not afford it
 establishing schools for the flooded areas
in the country
 promote international peace
 make a tangible difference in local
communities in Pakistan
 “Goodness is growing one friend at a
 Dynamic Teen
Company (DTC)
 teaches basic
education, hygiene and
provides a sanctuary for
 Kariton Klasrum
“One thing our mentor told us that I kept
in mind was, if I won’t (be the change)
then somebody else will be if it’s destined
to happen. Don’t pass up the opportunity
to make a difference in the lives of these
kids. I was the exact lesson my mentor
taught me. How I was changed is proof in
itself that he was right all along.”
 “We all deserve a life of
vitality—and that we have MARK HYMAN
the potential to create it for
 dedicated to tackling the
root causes of chronic
disease by harnessing the
power of Functional
Medicine to transform
Arnel Pineda Foundation, Inc.
building schools for the poorest
children in the Philippines
help underprivileged children
in the Philippines to obtain
quality education, health
services and medical attention.
improve the life of the
common poor Kenyan
he lit up dreams of kids and
parents through his Use
Solar, Save Lives initiative
made possible by
Sustainable Development
for All-Kenya
founded Akshaya Trust, a nonprofit through
which he has already served over one and a
half million meals to India’s homeless
“The panic, suffering of the human hunger is
the driving force of me and my team members
of Akshaya, I get this energy from the people.
The food which I cook … the enjoyment which
they get is the energy. I see the soul. I want to
save my people.”
“I saw a very old man eating his own human waste
for food. It really hurt me so much. I was literally
shocked for a second. After that, I started feeding
that man and decided this is what I should do the
rest of my lifetime.”

 Founded an organization named Sanskrit for

“undecaying” or “imperishable” and was chosen
to signify that human compassion should never
decay or perish
 lived in a Redwood tree for
over two years in order to
impede logging in a California
forest in 1997-1999
 Her act brought worldwide
awareness to the problems of
deforestation and inspired
many to take action for the
The radical qualities of the sit-in drew in lots
of media attention, which highlighted
logging companies’ lack of consideration
for the environmental implications of their
practices. The media coverage also
served to educate the public about the
importance of forest preservation and
sustainable resource production.
Can you be an
extraordinary person,
too? How?

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