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Welcome to E Commerce

Network Pakistan (ENP)

• Our Facebook Group:
• Presenters
• Adnan Siddiqui
• Azeem Fazlani
• Muhammad Salman
Digital Money Making
Marketing on Facebook
Presented by Muhammad Salman
What is Facebook Marketing.

• How to launch your product on Facebook ?

• Page creation.
• Post creation and Publishing.
• Organic Boost.
• Facebook Vocabulary.
Now for some Facebook Vocabulary Lessons…
Auto or Custom Audience

• Facebook Targets Automatically or You can customize your

audience in following ways:

Customer file or
email list Website Traffic
(People who visit
your website or
specific web pages)
Custom Audience from a Page

• For example you can make a custom audience list

from the people who visited your other page and
you can retarget these people who were close to
buying your product or who had bought the
product by providing you with their email
Look Alike Audience

• Lets say you have a Facebook page with 100 likes from
Pakistan. Facebook has this gigantic amount of data from
which you can create a Look Alike or a SIMILAR audience
from Pakistan who share the same data as your previous
100 likes. This shared data could be anything like age,
education, purchase history.
• You can choose further additional interests to narrow
down your target audience who would like your product.
• Similarly you can create a look alike audience of people
who actually purchased your product so as to create the
most targeted look alike audience.
Facebook Pixel

• Has this ever happened to you that while you were

browsing through the internet looking for you favorite
perfume bottle the next thing you know your Facebook
feed is filled with ads with that very perfume bottle that
you were searching for?
• This happens because for example if you have visited they have a Facebook pixel installed in their
HTML, and this pixel identifies that YOU visited
and it allows the owner of the website to know that you
visited so that now you have become part of their
targeted audience. This is called retargeting.
What is Facebook reach, exactly?

• In general, reach on social media refers to how many people saw a

post. This is different from impressions, which refers to how many
times a post was seen overall and counts multiple views from the
same user. That’s why reach is sometimes called ‘unique
• There are two main type of reaches
• Page reach and post reach
• Page reach, also called total reach on Facebook Insights, is a
metric that tells you how many unique users looked at any content
related to your Facebook Page in a given time period.
• Post reach, meanwhile, is the number of unique users who saw a
specific post you made.
Thing to Know and Setup Before Jumping to
Ads Creation

• Where is your Facebook Ad Account ?

• What is Ads Manager ?
• Adding Payment Method to your Ad account.
• You can now Start creating Ads.
Building Facebook Ad Campaigns in 3 Levels
Campaign Level: This is the highest level
where you can choose from different type of
Facebook Campaigns which defines the
Objective of your Ad campaign.

Ad Sets: You can target your

audience and assign budget at this
level. Meaning you can choose your
potential audience who would buy
your product.

Ad: This is where you

choose your text,
images or videos
for your desired
Types of Campaigns or Ad Objective on
Awareness Ad Type

• Brand Awareness – Encourage discovery of your brand

• Local Awareness – Encourage discovery of your local

business (limited targeting options, targets based on
proximity to business)

• Reach – Show your ad to the maximum amount of people

possible (limited availability)
Consideration Ad Type

• Traffic to your website – Send people to a page on your website

• Engagement – Drive engagement with your company
• Page Likes – Increase Facebook page likes
• Post Engagement – Increase engagement with a specific post
• Offer Claims – Get people to claim an offer
• Event Responses – Get people to attend an event
• App Installs – Generate app installs
• Video Views – Generate views on a video
• Lead Generation – Acquire new leads via a lead form Facebook users can
fill out right on the platform
• Messenger Ads – Send people advertisements right into their Facebook
Messenger account.
Conversion Ad Type

• Conversions – Drive an action on your website

• Product Catalog Sales – Drive product sales

• Store Visits (Limited Availability) – Drive foot traffic to

a store
How to Create an Ad
Types of Campaign

1. Engagement:
Simply put, the more likes, comments or shares that you
have of your advertisement the more likely more people
are going to interact. Cheap engagement can be gained
from 3rd world countries and that engagement can be used
to run your ads in first world countries like USA.
2. Traffic:
Traffic is where you drive your audience towards your desired
destination website page, or Facebook or instagram page or your
amazon link.

3. Conversion:
This type of campaign can be used to create an audience for you
that is more likely to get you more profits. For example you can
collect data of all the people who actually purchased your product
and create a look alike audience from that data to get more sales.
• Lead Generation:
Facebook actually provides you a template to collect
email addresses from people. For this you need to have a
following on your facebook page.the more the followers
the more the email addresses you can add to your list.
Our Target Campaign is Engagement

• Require less resources;

• No Website required.
• No Order Confirmation by call required.

• Good results and easier for startups.

• We will now start creating our First Engagement

• Type of which is Post Engagement or Boost.
Naming your Campaign

• Name it something specific as in:

Name of Campaign | Date | Strategy or experiment etc.
• For Example:
Haier AC | September 2019 | Retargeting Order Page
Ad Set

• Audience
• Custom or Auto

• Placements
• Placements mean where you place your ad. You can show
it to your audience on desktop or on customers mobile.
• Again through Facebook data you can check whether
your audience is more likely to buy it from desktop or
their cell phones.
Budget and Schedule

• You then have to set up a budget of how many

dollars you want to spend on your ad per day.
• It could be anything from 1 to 20 dollars per day.
Format of your Ad

• You then have to choose the format for your ad.

• You can choose in the form of carousel (2 or more
images or video), single image, single video or a
• Recommended image size is: 1200*628 pixels with
image ratio of 1.91:1.
• To maximize the advert delivery use an image
that contains little or no overlaid text.
Headline and Text

• Try to use catchy phrases for your headline and

text material of your ad to get people’s
attention, like 50% off, or Offer expires today.
• We will Learn that in our Sample Campaign.
Facebook Ad Examples

• You can check the website for

Facebook Ad examples from every industry.
• You can get some inspiration of how others
advertise on Facebook.
• You can search for any industry there and find
what placements, objectives and attributes they
have used.
• Another website is
After Successful Ad Approval

• How to keep an eye on our Ad performance.

Audience Insights

• An incredible tool on Facebook through which we can

check how many people, what percentage of men and
women are interested in our facebook page, from which
part/area of the country people are visiting our page and
according to that information we can target this specific
audience even more.
• It can even give you information about peoples
household size, their income spending methods etc so
you can narrow down your target audience even further.
Rules To Remember in Long Run

• Remember to have backup accounts as Facebook

has this annoying habit of shutting down your
Facebook Ads account!
Business Manager

• This is a slightly more advanced version of Facebook Ads

Manager. If you have multiple Facebook pages you can
manage them from here.
• Simply visit to create an account.
Google Trends

• You can use this website: and

search for your Facebook page here to know more
data about your page.
• You can check at which time of the year your
page got more popular or in which region of your
country the page is more popular.
Thank you!

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