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An Presentation

Distinction between OnManagement and

Span of Management

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Distinction between Management and
 The two terms “Management” and “Administration”
are generally used in the managerial world. The term
Management has been used by different authorities to
mean different functions.

 In 1923, the terminology conflict between the two

terms was raised by Oliver Sheldon in his book “The
Philosophy of Management” when he emphasized
administration as decision making function and
management as execution function.

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There are three different approaches…

 Administration is above Management.

 Administration is a part of Management.

 Management and administration are same.

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Administration is above Management.

 According to Oliver Sheldon, William Spriegal,

Milward, Lansberg etc. Administration is above
management so far as different functions in the
organization concerned.

 The general view is that Administration relates to

policy formulation and management relates to policy
execution and these two activities are not same.

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Difference Between administration and

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Administration is a part of management

 This is another school of thought subscribed by Brech.

 According to him management is a generic term for the

total process of executive control in industry or

commerce. He defines management as a social process
entailing responsibility for the effective and economic
planning. Brech defines administration as that part of
management which is concerned with the installation
and carrying of activities regulated and checked against

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Management and Administration are same.

 Fayol is the main supporter of this view. Both

management and administration involve the same
function, principles and objectives. He said “all
understanding requires planning, organization,
command, co-ordination and control and in order to
function properly all must observed the same general

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Span of Management

 Span of management refers to the number of

subordinates who can be managed effectively by a
 The number of subordinates who report to a superior has
two important implications. First, it is influential in
determining the complexity of individual manager’s job.
Second, span of management determines the shape or
configuration of the organization; the fewer the number
of people reporting to the superior, the larger number of
managers required.

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Determination of Span of Management

Graicunas has identified three types of

superior -subordinate relationship:

Direct single relationship

Direct Group relationship.
Cross relationship.

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Factors Affecting Span of Management

 Capacity of superior.
 Capacity of subordinate.
 Nature of work.
 Degree of Decentralization.
 Degree of Planning.
 Communication Technique.
 Use of Staff Assistance.

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