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CoreNET – Framework

Learning Object-Oriented Programming

Is Complicated ??

For those of you who just want to start

learning object-oriented programming or
for you novice programmers, or even you
are senior programmers who want to
have different experiences in making

Hendi Wibowo Try this framework.
• Model-View-Controller or MVC is a method for creating an application by
separating data (Model) from the view (View) and how to process it
• Most frameworks in a website application are based on the MVC
architecture. MVC separates application development based on the main
components that build an application such as data manipulation, user
interface, and the part that controls a web application
• This MVC emerged since the era of the 1970s, on the thought of Prof.
Norwegian Trygve Reenskaug
• The CoreNET Framework was developed in 2008, on the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 platform.
• The CoreNET Framework, which uses the MVC architecture, was developed several years before Microsoft
released the MVC.NET Framework.
• Why is it called CoreNET? Because CoreNET only utilizes the core features of the .NET Framework in the C
# language, especially object-oriented programming features, such as classes, interfaces, abstract classes,
libraries and data list structures, to form a framework for programmers in developing application with MVC
• CoreNET is different from Microsoft NetCore which is the core of the .NET Framework that can run on
different platforms (multiplatform). Currently, CoreNET runs on the .NET Framework, so it is only compatible
with Windows operating systems. Going forward, the CoreNET Framework will be further developed so that
it can also run on multiple platforms using NetCore.
• Unlike the .NET Framework and NetCore, CoreNET is a framework for high-level programmers, namely
programmers who develop applications for end users, both web / desktop-based, by utilizing templates,
libraries and code that can be reused. Meanwhile, the .NET Framework and NetCore, bundling the
complexity of low-level programming (operating systems, file systems, networks, etc.) so that programmers
can make various applications from scratch.
• CoreNET was developed to address problems in a software development
environment that mostly contained Novice and Advance Beginner Programmers
• The idea of CoreNET is to eliminate the complexity that Novice and Advance
Beginner Programmers have to face, when it comes to programming user
interfaces, using external libraries (cross references), Defining Class Structures and
Naming Class Members in Object Oriented Programming.
• The solution offered by CoreNET is to divide applications according to the MVC
(Model View Controller) architecture. Programmers simply make the source code
for the controller and the model separately or collaboratively follow the standards
set. CoreNET provides a variety of UI templates that just have to be dynamically
mapped with the model and controller. How the controller can display models in the
corresponding user interface (view) is the responsibility of the CoreNET framework
and all its complexities.

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and simulation page for using the CoreNET Framework.

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