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Short Training Session

By the end of this program we will be able to:

• Understand & practice the steps involved in “Workplace

management” through “5S” supported by “Continuous
Improvement” and “Mistake Proofing” techniques.
The barriers or concerns which often come in mind :

• It won’t stay this way!

• We don’t have time

• We aren’t paid to clean

• We work well even if we aren’t organized

• What’s in it for me?

Where do you start from?

• Corners

• Drawers

• Toolboxes

• Storage Closets

• Shelves

• Racks

• Walls

• Anywhere you can think of!

5S lay the foundation of future improvements:

• A clean workplace facilitates change

• Problems stand out (i.e. oil leaks etc.)

• Space made available for more business

• Product quality and safety are better in a well maintained

8 Wastes:

• Defect / Correction

• Overproduction

• Waiting

• Not utilizing employee talents

• Transportation / material movement

• Inventory

• Motion

• Excessive processing
8 Wastes:
The history – 5 “S”

• Coming from a Japanese way of working,

keep what needed, easy to reach out, clean &
shiny, standardized, & discipline…

• Try to get workplace clean up, organize

• Misconception as housekeeping, it is more

than just a housekeeping
Life without 5S
Advantages of 5S implementation


Quality Safety

Visual Control
What is ‘5S’?

1S Sort

2S Straighten

3S Shine

4S Standardize

5S Sustain
‘5S’ Flowchart
1st S – ‘Sort’

SORT - Seiri (整理) Sorting:

• Sort tools, materials, racks, shelves, and supplies

• Red Tag-sort it, tag it, dispose it!

• Sort out broken, excess or rarely used items

• Discard outdated material or information

Activities: Tools, Materials need

• Workshop • Paper, pan, scissors…

• Office • Key board, monitor,

 Not Needed At All

 Needed But Not Now

 Needed But Not Here

 Needed But Not So Much Quantity

Red Tagging

• Red Tag Denotes Unneeded items

• Either scrap items or move them to a

specified storage location

• Clearly define difference between

what is vs. what might be needed

• Remove items not needed on weekly

or daily basis
2nd S – ‘Straighten’

• A place for every thing, and

everything in its place

• Arrange items so that they are easy

to find and readily available

• Use tapes and labels (if required)

3rd S – ‘Shine’

• Create a spotless workplace

• Identify and eliminate causes of

dirt and grime – remove the
need to clean

• Sweep, dust, polish and paint

5S increases Customers’ Satisfaction

• How can our customers expect

to receive a quality part from a
facility that is dirty and

• Would you want to have surgery

in a dirty hospital????
What cleaning means?

• Faulty Parts
• Hidden, broken gauges
• Loose nuts and bolts
• Cracked housing
• Lubricant levels
Targets for Shining Activity

• Floors
• Work areas
• Aisles
• Walls
• Pillars
• Ceilings
• Windows
• Rooms
• Electric Lights
4th S – ‘Standardize’

• Generate a maintenance system for the first 3 S

• Develop procedures, schedules, practices

• Continue to assess the use and disposal of items

• Regularly audit using checklists and measures of


• Real challenge is to keep it clean

What, if we don’t Standardize?

What will result without standardization?

• Things will go back to the way they were

• Unnecessary items will gather into piles

• Tools and equipment will be lost or misplaced

• Flavor of the month mentality

5th S – ‘Sustain’

• Celebrate Successes

• Commit to making 5S a way of life

• Awareness –posters, training

• Create a daily maintenance checklist and schedule

• Set high standards then test yourself for conformance

• Take pictures before and after implementing 5S, so that
improvements can be compared and recorded

Hint: take picture from the

same location both times
• Make a visual record of your progress
Now, what would you

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