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Unit-4 1

 CSS: Theme: Way to represent look of pages

and web controls. (.skin)
 Master Page (.master)

Unit-4 2
 Way to represent HTML Tags. (.css)
Latest version CSS 4
 A CSS rule-set consists of a selector and a
declaration block:
 The selector points to the HTML element you
want to style.
 The declaration block contains one or more
declarations separated by semicolons.

Unit-4 3
 Single element type:

 Multiple element types:

 All element types:

 Specific elements by id:

Unit-4 4
1. element Selector
 The element selector selects elements
based on the element name.
text-align: center;
color: red;

Unit-4 5
2. id Selector
 The id selector uses the id attribute of an
HTML element to select a specific element.
 To select an element with a specific id,
write a hash (#) character, followed by the
id of the element.
 It is used to set differenet styles for same
kind of HTML Tag.
 Not Possible to apply multiple id on same
 #para1 {
text-align: center;
color: red;
Unit-4 6
3. class Selector
 The class selector selects elements with a
specific class attribute.
 To select elements with a specific class,
write a period (.) character, followed by the
name of the class.
 It is used to set multiple styles for single HTML
 Possible to apply multiple class on single
same HTML Tag.
 .center {
text-align: center;
color: red;
 cssClass Property is used to set css class.
Unit-4 7
Unit-4 8
 Define look of pages and web controls.
 Applied on server. So we can change at runtime.
 Themes are control based not HTML based.
 App_Theme Folder
 Theme Folder contains
1. .skin File
2. CSS
3. Images and other resources
 Only 1 Theme can be applied to each page.
 Default Skin: Automatically applies to all controls.
SkinID is not defined.
 Named Skin: Control skin with a SkinId property
set. Do not apply automatically.
 EnableTheming Property: True/False
Unit-4 9
 Create consistent look and behavior for all
pages in your web application.
 Provides a template for other pages.
 It defines placeholders for content. Output is
combination of master page and content page.
 Extension: .master
 Can’t run Master page directly.
 Master page also have code behind file.
 Master page can be nested.
 Website can contain many master pages.
 Master page should contain at least one place
 Content place holder can be customized.
Unit-4 10
 At Runtime, master page and content page will be
 Here, content page will not have <html>, <head>,
<body> or <title> Tag.
 <%@ Master Language=“VB”
CodeFile=“File1.aster.vb” Inherits=“File1” %> 11

Unit-4 12

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