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Intro: Egen person og familie

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• Student orientated
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• Be on time
• Engage in chat and dicussion
• Raise their hands
• Respect their co-students
• Have their micriphone in conversation class
We hope you have an amazing class and learn a lot of Norwegian!
Remember that the use of microphone and active participation is obligatory and
necessary in order to get your attendance registered. Rules set by Kompetanse Norge,
the directorate under the Ministry of Education and Research.
Hva skal vi lære i dag?


Indefinite and definite forms of the nouns, singular

and plural forms

Learning objectives
Learning family words and to talk about your family
Learning how to use the nouns in different forms

Hei, jeg heter Samaneh, og jeg kommer fra Iran.

Hi, my name is S and I come from Iran.
I Teheran har jeg ei mor og en far, ei søster og en bror .
In Teheran, I have a mother and a father, an aunt and an uncle.
De bor sammen i Teheran.
They live together in Teheran.
Jeg har også ei tante og en onkel der.
I also have an aunt and an uncle there.

Hei, jeg heter Samaneh og kommer fra Iran.

Hi, my name is Samaneh and I come from Iran.
I Teheran har jeg ... ..... og en far, .... ........ og en ...... .
In Teheran, I have a mother and a father, a sister and a brother.
De bor sammen i Teheran.
They live together in Teheran.
Jeg har også .... ...... og .... ...... der.
I also have an aunt and an uncle there.
Samtale (conversation)
• Hei, har du en søster? (Have you got a sister?) Ja, jeg har en søster. (Yes, I have
got a sister) Hun heter..
Nei, jeg har ikke en søster. (No, I have not
got a sister)
• Har du en bror? (Have you got a brother?) Ja, jeg har en bror. (Yes, I have
got a brother. Han heter...
Nei, jeg har ikke en bror. (No, I have not got
a brother)
• Har du en sønn? (Have you got a son?) Ja, jeg har en sønn/to sønner. (Yes, I have
got a son/to sons) Han/De heter…
Nei, jeg har ikke en sønn. (No, I have not got
a son)
• Har du ei datter? (Have you got a daughter?) Ja, jeg har ei datter. (Yes, I have
got a daughter) Hun heter..
Nei, jeg har ikke ei datter. (No, I have not
got a daughter)
Nouns, indefinite and definite forms, singular

Entall Ubestemt form Bestemt form

(indefinite form) (defintive form)

Hankjønn en sønn (a son) sønnen (the the


Hunkjønn ei jente (a girl) jenta (the girl)

Intetkjønn et selskap (a party) selskapet (the

Indefinite form, Definite form, Indefinite form, Definite form,
singular singular plural plural

Hankjønn en sønn (a son) sønnen (the son) sønner (sons) sønnene

(masculine) (the sons)

Hunkjønn ei jente (a girl) jenta (the girl) jenter (girls) jentene

(feminine) (the girls)

Intetkjønn et selskap selskapetet (the selskaper selskapene

(neuter) (a party) party) (parties) (the parties)
One syllable neuter
nouns have no et hus (a house) huset (the house) hus (houses) husene (the houses)
ending i plural,
Indefinite form, Definite form, Indefinite form, Definite form,
singular singular plural plural

Hankjønn en sønn (a son) sønn.. (the son) sønn... (sons) sønn...

(masculine) (the sons)

Hunkjønn ei jente (a girl) jent. (the girl) jent.. (girls) jent...

(feminine) (the girls)

Intetkjønn et selskap selskapet.. (the selskap.. selskap...

(neuter) (a party) party) (parties) (the parties)
One syllable neuter et hus (a house) hus.. ... hus... (the houses)
nouns have no ending
i plural, indefinite
Oppgave 1: Samtale (conversation)
• Hei, har du en søster? (Have you got a sister?) Ja, jeg har en søster. (Yes, I have
got a sister) Hun heter..
Nei, jeg har ikke en søster. (No, I haven`t
got a sister)
• Har du en bror? (Have you got a brother?) Ja, jeg har en bror. (Yes, I have
got a brother. Han heter...
Nei, jeg har ikke en bror. (No, I haven`t got
a brother)
• Har du en sønn? (Have you got a son?) Ja, jeg har en sønn/to sønner. (Yes, I have
got a son/to sons) Han/De heter…
Nei, jeg har ikke en sønn. (No, I haven`t got
a son)
• Har du ei datter? (Have you got a daughter?) Ja, jeg har ei datter. (Yes, I have
got a daughter) Hun heter..
Nei, jeg har ikke ei datter. (No, I have not
got a daughter)
Oppgave 2: Write in «notes» Find the definite
a man the man
(en mann)

the women

a woman
(ei dame)
Correct answers, exercise 2
en mann mannen (the man)

ei dame damene (the women)

Oppgave 3: Read the text together, and fill in the missing
Ella og Mons har ikke en sønn, men (two sons) ......
De drikker ikke en kopp kaffe, men (six cups)...
De spiser ikke en sjokolade, men (four chocolates)........
Anita og mons har ikke en venn, men (fifteen friends)...

The numbers:
en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, sju, åtte, ni, ti, elleve, tolv, tretten, fjorten,
Oppgave 3, correct text
Ella og Mons har ikke en sønn, men to sønner.
De drikker de ikke en kopp kaffe, men seks kopper.
De spiser ikke en sjokolade, men fire sjokolader.
Anita og mons har ikke en venn, men femten venner.
Oppgave 4 Indefinite form, Definite form, Indefinite form, Definite form,
(write in notes)
singular singular plural plural

Hankjønn en sønn (a son) sønn.. (the son) sønn... (sons) sønn...

(masculine) (the sons)

Hunkjønn ei jente (a girl) jent. (the girl) jent.. (girls) jent...

(feminine) (the girls)

Intetkjønn et selskap selskapet.. (the selskap.. selskap...

(neuter) (a party) party) (parties) (the parties)
One syllable neuter et hus (a house) hus.. ... hus... (the houses)
nouns have no ending
i plural, indefinite
Indefinite form, Definite form, Indefinite form, Definite form,
answers) singular singular plural plural

Hankjønn en sønn (a son) sønnen (the son) sønner (sons) sønnene

(masculine) (the sons)

Hunkjønn ei jente (a girl) jenta (the girl) jenter (girls) jentene

(feminine) (the girls)

Intetkjønn et selskap selskapetet (the selskaper selskapene

(neuter) (a party) party) (parties) (the parties)
One syllable neuter
nouns have no et hus (a house) huset (the house) hus (houses) husene (the houses)
ending i plural,
If you have more time....
Make a conversation in Norwegian and write it in «notes»
How to play Kahoot

• You will need two screens (mobile phone, tablet..)

• Use your second screen and go to the web site: Then you
follow the instructions. You will be asked to write a pin number and a
name befor you enter the game.

• You will get the pin number, the questions and the respons options
from the teacher.
Takk for i dag!

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