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Stop to
Causes of
addiction to
 Mental health problems
these include neurosis, paranoia and phobias…

 People from low social classes get addicted more

than those from high social classes. Poor people
face problems in the family, at work and in society
more than those who are from privilidged classes.
Adverse childhood

When somebody experiences failure in childhood,

or falls victim to bad experiences, like rape or
violence, they find it hard to cope with their bad
memories about their past, and resort to drugs to
forget those bad memories.
Early use of drugs
Many people get addicted to drugs so young,
because they’re born in poor , marginalised areas.
These people find it hard to lead a good and
healthy life, because they are surrounded by wrong
role models in their neighbourhood, or in their
Peer pressure
 When a teenager engages with friends who are
addicted to drugs, they often tend to force him to get
addicted.To be accepted by the group, many teens
find themselves obliged to succumb to their pressures
and use drugs.
Effects Of Addiction To
loss of money

 People who get addicted to drugs often end up

having financial problems, because they spend too
much money in drugs.
Health problems
 Those who get addicted contract many serious
diseases, such as lung cancer, blood cancer,
neurosis, diabetes and heart diseases.
 Not only this, people addicted to drugs lose much
energy and often lose interest in work and life as
 In addition to this, Addicts often become nervous
and can’t concentrate at work.

 when addicts don’t find money, they commit

crimes such as theft or even murder. So, they end
up in jail.
 There are many things we can do to prevent
getting addicted to drugs:
 First, we should do sport, eat healthy food and
take sufficient amounts of sleep.These things can
help you to be in a good mood, and will give you
the nergy to deal with life adversities.
 Not only this, we ought to hang out with good
friends who present good role models for us to
follow. Keeping good company helps us to
develop, both mentally and physically.
 Third, we should report any problems we have to
parents or teachers.These people could give us
good advice about how to solve problems.They
also have a wide experience about life, and they
are the ones who care about us the most. So , we
can trust them and believe in their advice.
 Finally, we ought to pay regular visits to a
psychiatrist or a coach in case we find it difficult to
cope with life challenges.

 In brief, It’s so valuable to remain in good health.

This helps us to enjoy life, face up to problems
with courage, and finally build a strong personality
and character.

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