Champion Service Sector 05.08.19

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Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, IAS
Additional Secretary
Department of Commerce
Govt of India
1. Importance of Services in India
2. Uttar Pradesh- Profile
OUTLINE 3. Services Sector in Uttar Pradesh
4. Champion Services Sector Initiatives
5. Champion Services Sector and potential
in Uttar Pradesh
a. Education
b. Tourism
c. Health
d. Audio-Visual
e. IT and ITES
f. Logistics
g. Foreign Language Training
Green font- Good Initiatives by U.P.
Red font- Areas of Concern
Magenta font- Suggestions 2

Contribution of the Services Sector
 GVA Share in GVA (%) at Current Prices 2018-19(PE)
 Employment: 34% share of service in
1 Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 15.98 employment(Economic Survey, 2018-19)
2 Industry 21.82
3 Services (including Construction) 62.19  FDI: 56.6% cumulative (2001-17) & 63.7 % of
Total 100
total FDI equity inflows in 2018-19
Source: CSO, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

 >60 % share in GVA  Software services account for approx. 40.1% of

 Services sector growth pulls up overall growth service exports of India in (2018-19)
o 1990s - 7.5% (5.7% overall)
 India ranks 8th in trade in commercial services
o 2004-05 to 2010-11 - 10.2% (8.8% overall)
o 2018-19 - 7.5% (6.6% overall)  India is the largest remittance recipient in the
world- USD 69 Billion in 2017

All Figures in 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
USD mn

Services Merchandise
deficit (-)
1,27,322 1,89,759 1,95,656 1,47,609 1,44,940 1,30,079 1,12,442 1,60,036

surplus Services surplus 44,081 64,098 64,915 73,066 76,529 69,676 68,345 77,562

(2) as a percent 35% 34% 33% 49% 53% 54% 60% 48%
finances of (1)

India’s Net 53,125 63,469 64,342 65,481 66,264 63,139 56,573 62,949

merchandise Remittances-
trade transfers
(2)+(4) 97,206 1,27,567 1,29,257 1,38,547 1,42,793 1,32,815 1,24,028 1,40,511

(5) as a percent 76% 67% 66% 94% 99% 102% 110% 88%
of (1) 5
Other Services;
Travel; 14.5

Composition Telecommunication;
of services Transport; 8.9

exports Personal, Cultural

& Recreational
Software , Business Services; 0.8
services and travel
account for about
73% of the exports Business Services;
Insurance &
Construction Services; 3.9
Services; 1.2
Software Services;
Challenges for the Services Sector
(In US$ billion) 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-19
12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Services Surplus (1) 64 65 73 76.5 69.5 68 77.5 81.9

Net Export of Software Services 61 63 67 70.4 71.4 70.8 72.2 77.7


Share (2) in (1 ) - % 95.3 96.9 91.8 92 102.7 104.1 93.2 94.9

Source: RBI Database

 Over dependence on Software Services – Need to diversify

 Threat to sustained growth due to protracted global slowdown, competition from other
economies and emergence of artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0


Uttar Pradesh: Vision
 To invite private players to invest
 To integrate efforts of various
in the energy sector and ensure
skill development departments
uninterrupted power supply.
of central and state
 To promote generation and use of
governments and provide
clean and green power in the state
employment oriented training
by harnessing solar energy.
in vocational skills.
 To establish Uttar Pradesh as the  To increase farm
most preferred destination for Skill productivity & farmer profitability.
investments by accelerating development Energy  To disseminate technology to farmers
industrial development and through development of training network,
creating a conducive business Investment demonstration, and reference materials,
promotion Agriculture
environment. Vision among others.
 To develop religious tourism Social welfare  To provide basic amenities to
at various sites with economically and socially backward
potential. Information Infrastructure sections.
 To develop areas of tourist technology  To provide housing to the urban poor
interest and provide better and carry out slum redevelopment
wayside facilities. programs.
 To use IT as a vehicle for
 To construct Metro Rail in Lucknow.
economic development.
 To develop, manage and maintain
 To position Uttar Pradesh as the
highways at par with world standards.
preferred destination for
IT/ITeS investment.  To provide connectivity to rural areas
by developing roads.

FDI in Services (with statistics on Uttar Pradesh)
Rank Sector Cumulative Inflows % age to total Inflows (In
(Cumulative Inflows terms of US$)
(April, 00 - March, 19))
(US$ Billion)
1 Services Sector 74.1 17.6%
2 Computer software & hardware 37.2 8.8%
3 Telecommunications 32.8 7.8%
11 Hotel & Tourism 12.3 2.9%
21 Consultancy Services 4.7 1.1%
33 Air Transport (including Air Freight) 1.8 0.4%

S. No. RBI State Covered 2018-19 (April,18– June,18 ) Cumulative Inflows (April, %age to total
Regional Amount in Rs. Crore (US$ 00 - June, 18) Amount in Rs. Inflows (in terms of
office million) Crore (US$ million) US$)

1 Kanpur Uttar 234 (34) 3,830 (694) 0.2%


State of Uttar Pradesh Rankings State Services Sector
Share in GSVA
Services Sector
Growth (Percent
GSVA Nominal values (2018-19) Values % Share in 2017-18 YOY, 2013-17
(in Rs Lakh.) (Percent) Average)
Primary 37800935 26.94 1 Chandigarh* 88.9 7.2

Secondary 20590568 14.67 2 Delhi 84.3 8.4

3 Andaman & 68.5 7
Services (Including 81930140 58.39 Nicobar
Construction) 4 Karnataka 65.9 10.5
Total 140321643 100.00 5 Manipur 65.5 5.9
Other services Composition of Service Sector GVA(Including 6 Telangana 63.2 10.7
10% Construction) in 2018-19 7 Kerala* 62.6 6.7
Public 17% 8 Bihar 62.2 8.4
12% 9 Maharashtra 58.5 8.9
10 Jammu & 57.5 5.7
Real estate & Trade, hotel and
professional resturants 18 Uttar Pradesh 48 7.5
Services 16% Source: Economic Survey, 2018-19
25% Transport
14% Note: *Based on data available up to 2016-17.
Financial services Note: Services sector share excluding construction
6% 12
Composition of shares of states in exports of Goods and Services
Rankings State % share
1 Maharashtra 22.30%
2 Gujarat 17.20%
 Five states-Maharashtra,
3 Karnataka 12.70%
4 Tamil Nadu 11.50% Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil
5 Telangana 6.40% Nadu and Telangana-in that
6 Haryana 4.90% order account for 70% of
7 Uttar Pradesh 4.80% India's exports (goods and
8 West Bengal 3.20% services)
9 Andhra Pradesh 2.80%
10 Odisha 2.00%  Uttar Pradesh contributes
11 Delhi 1.90%
only 4.8 percent share in
12 Rajasthan 1.80%
13 Kerala 1.70%
India’s total international
14 Punjab 1.70% trade
15 Madhya Pradesh 1.30%
Note: Export of Goods and Services exclude non-GST exports (such as petroleum).
Source : Economic Survey, 2017-18
Composition of Software Exports from registered units through STPI
Rankings Name of State/UT FY 2016-17 (Rs. Crores) % Share

1 Karnataka 1,41,846.13 40.45%

2 Maharashtra 69010.02 19.68%
3 Telangana 46428.90 13.24%
4 Tamil Nadu 34562.89 9.86%
5 Haryana 20873.79 5.95%
6 Uttar Pradesh 17237.36 4.92%
7 West Bengal 7152.01 2.04%
8 Kerala 3534.49 1.01%
9 Odisha 2493.35 0.71%
10 Gujarat 2363.54 0.67%

Source: STPI Annual Report, 2016-17

 Four major states are contributing more than 80 percent of total software service exports
 Uttar Pradesh contributes 4.9 percent of total software service exports from STPIs

Steps taken by Department of Commerce, Govt of

Steps by DoC to Promote Services Exports
TRADE  Multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral
AGREEMENTS  Commercially meaningful market access to
be negotiated

SERVICES  12 sectors identified for focussed attention
SECTOR  State sensitisation

 Services Export from India Scheme

 Participation in International Fairs/Exhibitions

TRADE  Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (Global Exhibition in
Services, Advantage Healthcare India , Higher
Education Summit and others)


Champion Services Sector Initiatives
 Union Cabinet approved the Action Plan on Champion Sectors in Services on 28th
February, 2018 to give focused attention on 12 Champion Sectors in Services

 Nodal Ministries/Departments to prepare sectoral action plans for their respective

service sectors in consultation with stakeholders and DoC

 Dedicated fund of Rs. 5000 Crores to support sectoral initiatives of nodal


 Committee of Secretaries chaired by Cabinet Secretary, including Secretaries

concerned would undertake timely and regular monitoring of Sectoral Action Plans

Champion Services Sectors & Nodal
Audio Visual
Services Transport and
Services Ministry of Logistics
Information and Services
Ministry of
Broadcasting Department of
Resource Commerce

Legal Services Services
Department of Ministry of
Legal Affairs Environment,
Forest & Climate

Construction & Related

Engineering Services Champion IT/ITES
Ministry of Urban Ministry of
Development & Human
Services Sector Electronics &
Resource Development Scheme Technology
Nodal Agency-
Medical Value
Ministry of
Ministry of
Health & Family
s Accounting and Financial Services
Finance Tourism and Department of
Ministry of Hospitality Financial Services &
Corporate Department of 19
Ministry of
Affairs Economic Affairs
Champion Services Sector Scheme
 Champion Services Sector Scheme (CSSS) is envisaged to be an umbrella
Central Sector Scheme of Department of Commerce during 2019-20 to 2023-24
with Sectoral schemes of the nodal Ministries/Department under it
 Screening Committee chaired by CEO NITI Aayog set up to screen and
recommend proposals for funding under the dedicated fund
 SC in its 2 meetings recommended proposals of 7 ministries/departments for Rs.
4344.75 Crores
 DoC has prepared and circulated a draft comprehensive Expenditure Finance
Committee (EFC) Note for CSSS including the sectoral proposals of nodal
Ministries/Departments. The said note is yet to be approved by the EFC

Champion Services Sectors and States

 Under the umbrella scheme of CSSS, the nodal Central Department/Ministry

shall formulate their sectoral schemes

 State Governments/UTs/ Autonomous and other government bodies can

formulate its proposals

 They can submit their proposals with regard to their relevant services
sectors and submit the same to the concerned nodal Central
Ministry/Department for Consideration

Objectives of CSSS
Value Addition in
Domestic Services
Services Enhance Export
Standards Regime of Services

Skill Development Visa Regime

Sectoral and Cross-Cutting Issues
‘New’ Initiatives –
Five Pillars

Sectoral Schemes/Action Plans

Champion Service Sector Scheme

Five Pillars of CSSS
New Processes • For improving ease of doing business

New Infrastructure • For strengthening physical & digital Connectivity

• Untapped potential for value addition, employment

New Sectors & technology upgradation

New Mind-set • Changing the official mindset

New Standards • Role of standards in shaping export competitiveness

Proposals of Ministries/departments under CSSS
 Screening Committee has so far recommended proposals for a total
amount of Rs. 4344.75 Cr of seven nodal ministries/Departments, as
o Ministry of Corporate Affairs
o Ministry of Human Resource Development
o Department of Telecommunication
o Ministry of AYUSH
o Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
o Ministry of Tourism and
o Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

The Way Forward – A Suggested Template
 States may assess their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to
identify high potential Sectors
 Conduct baseline survey for gap assessment for the sub-sector:
o Status of relevant physical and digital infrastructure
o Status of policy and regulatory framework
o Status of institutional arrangements and processes for establishment/operational
o Status of skills infrastructure etc.
 Prepare sectoral action plans based on international best practices to address gaps
 Similarly address cross-cutting issues of physical and digital infrastructure,
institutional frameworks etc.

. . . The Way Forward – A Suggested Template
 Time bound targeted implementation with effective monitoring &
accountability framework.
 Establish institutional structures for effective implementation and monitoring:
o Departmental responsibility and authority to Export Commissioner
o Standing Committee headed by Chief Secretary
 Participation in DoC’s initiatives like Global Exhibition on Services (GES),
Standards Conclave, Higher Education Summit, Advantage Health Care India
 Learning from best practices across States: e.g. Medical Value Travel policies
by Government of Karnataka

Challenges to be addressed
 Lack of Availability of Data: State level data on various indicators such as
employment services sector wise, services exports state wise etc. not available
 No Index ranking States on various parameters available
 Need to create awareness about potential of Services growth in India amongst all
stakeholders with involvement of all, to create a constituency for reform
 International best practices pertinent for States need to be documented and shared
 Picking winners will require detailed State level evaluation and assessment backed by
requisite skills, resources and capacity, and the complete commitment
 Successful pilots, models and cases from pioneering States need to be identified and
 Jurisdictional Issues: Concurrent list domain causing lack of policy clarity and goal
convergence e.g., education, tourism, legal, medical and other professions

Education Services
Ministry of Human
Resource Development

India is ranked 3rd in terms of Network of
institutes/universities but still ranks 26th in terms of
No. of inbound internationally mobile students


Higher Education in UP
 Uttar Pradesh has 72 universities out of which 28 are
Educational infrastructure – 2016-17
state universities, 9 are deemed universities, 6 central
universities, and 29 private universities.
Universities 72
Major Educational Institutes in Uttar Pradesh
 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
Colleges 6,943
 Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.
 Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Medical colleges
 Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology,
Allahabad. 1
Polytechnics 168
 Asian Academy of Film and Television, Noida.
 Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar. Primary schools 113,249
 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
 National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad. Upper primary schools 45,590

Note: 2017-18 Educational infrastructure data may be released in Economic Survey of Uttar Pradesh 2018-19
“Study in India” programme

Unlock demand Strengthen supply

4 Improved quality and “readiness” of

1 A comprehensive web/ strategy (involving educational institutes

social media) to run a targeted marketing 5 ▪ Developing of ancillary infrastructure

campaign for Indian education, with a

Key special focus on prioritized source countries and amenities of international standards
2 ▪ Dovetail the web strategy with channel
strategy and “Study In India” education
3 Create value-for-money seats for
international students

Create an enabling governance environment

Enablers 6 Improve ease of entry and stay for students
Visa/FRRO/Mutual recognition/ UGC / 15% cap
SII Offerings
 Government of India backed integrated Study in India program
powered by a One stop solution portal, App & Helpline

 Partnership with ranked/accredited top100 institutions

offering Attractive free-ships to bright international students

 Quality Assurance through Ranking and Accreditation

Frameworks - NIRF, NAAC (Washington accord member)

 Information dissemination through social, electronic and other


 Facilitation Centres both within India and abroad

 Visa assistance offered

Partner Institute breakup

Eligibility criteria – NIRF Top Break up of the institutes

100 any category except medical
And Number of Institutions 101
NAAC >=3.26, Public Institution 52
Private Institution 49
Institute of eminence
Number of IITs 13
Institute of national importance Number of NITs 9

Number of IIMs 5

All across the globe presence of the Study in India Country Name
Number of
student visitors
through Digital & offline events promotions

4 Universities of UP under Study In India
 Amity University-Noida

 Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu

University), Varanasi

 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

 Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida

International Students across States in 2014-15
Rankings States No. of International Percentage Share
1 Karnataka 7867 25.86%
2 Maharashtra 4618 15.18%
3 Delhi 4547 14.95%
4 Uttar Pradesh 3170 10.42%
5 Tamil Nadu 2299 7.56%
6 Telangana 2169 7.13%
7 Punjab 1168 3.84%
8 Andhra Pradesh 1011 3.32%
9 Haryana 721 2.37%
10 Gujarat 341 1.12%
Total 30423 100.00%
Source: Association of Indian University,2017

 Encouraging more institutes for being eligible as Partner Institution under the SII
initiative: (i.e.,NIRF Top 100 -except medical and NAAC >=3.26/Institute of eminence/Institute of
national importance)
 Study Best practices of leading states: Karnataka stand out to occupy the frst place with 25.86
percent of all the international students in the country, followed by Maharashtra (15.18%), Delhi
(14.95%), Uttar Pradesh (10.42%), Tamil Nadu (7.56%) and Tripura (7.13%)
 Concerted efforts to get students from Nepal and other neighbouring countries
 Other efforts: Scholarships, Strengthening of Infrastructure, Strengthening Digital Infrastructure-
Multilingual Website, Translation of Promotional Material Text in Multiple Languages, Introducing
the City and Heritage Walks, Orientation/Seminar/Workshop/Alumni Meet, Bridge Course in
 Contact
o Ministry of HRD
o Ministry of Culture
TOURISM Tourism and
Ministry of Tourism

Uttar Pradesh Tourism
 Uttar Pradesh- known for its rich culture, tradition, wild life and other tourist

 In terms of Foreign tourism, Uttar Pradesh is at 3rd rank having 13.2% share
after Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu

 In terms of Domestic tourism, Uttar Pradesh stands at 2nd rank having 14.2%
share of domestic tourism after Tamil Nadu

 UP has 'three' tourist destinations listed in the World Heritage site of UNESCO viz.
Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri and Agra Fort
Share of Top Ten States in domestic & foreign Tourist Visits

Initiatives taken by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
 PRASAD Scheme of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
 Swadesh Darshan Scheme of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India
 Heritage Circuit, Spiritual Circuit-I & II of Swadesh Darshan Scheme of Ministry of
Tourism, Govt.
 Tourism Development of 94 various sites in 34 Districts of Uttar Pradesh has been
sanctioned by MoT, GoI under Heritage Circle, Spiritual Circle-I & II of Swadesh
Darshan Scheme
 Ministry of Tourism has recently launched the ‘Adopt A Heritage’ project
 Creation of ‘Special Tourism Zones’ anchored on Special Purpose Vehicles (SPSVs) in
partnership with the States was announced in the Budget for 2017-18
 Ministry of Tourism launched “Incredible India 2.0 Campaign”
Potential for attracting Business & Leisure Travelers

 Destination Management Organisation
 Infrastructure Status for Hotels above Rs. 25 Crore
 Conducting events at iconic sites
 Shopping destinations-Duty free locations
 State Tourism Board
 Special Railway coaches and lounges
 Foreign currency exchange counters

Potential for attracting Business & Leisure Travelers

 Chikankari promotion
 Motif to be used in prominent public places
e.g. airport, railway station
 A giant selfie point of chikankari design to be
made in the centre of Lucknow
 Guided conducted tours of Chikankari for

Potential for attracting Business & Leisure Travelers
Enhancing Experience/Duration of Stay for
Travellers to Agra

 Approach to Agra city

 Avenues to spend time in the evenings/ night
 Agra Haat on the lines of Dilli Haat
 Taj by Night
 Sound and Light shows

 It is the capital city of Siem Reap
Province in northwestern Cambodia.
It is a popular resort town and a
gateway to the Angkor region
 In 2010, over 50% of jobs in the town
were related to the tourism industry
 Visitor numbers were negligible in
the mid-1990s, but by 2004, over half
a million foreign visitors had arrived
in Siem Reap Province that year,
approximately 50% of all foreign
tourists in Cambodia
 By 2012, tourist numbers had
reached over two million

Buddhism- Unique Advantage of India

What Mecca is for Muslims, Vatican city

for Christians, Jerusalem for Jews India’s
Buddhist sites have the same significance
for Buddhists

Potential for attracting Business & Leisure Travelers
Buddhist Circuit
 India has almost all original Buddhist sites
 India receives only 0.3mn Buddhist tourists out of
500 mn active Buddhists

 Good quality infrastructure at Buddhist sites
 Provide direct flights
 Iconic Film on Buddha highlighting Indian origin
of Buddha
 Points of engagement for the tourists- selfie points
– helps in publicity
Proposal for Creation of Tented Accommodation In Buddhist Circuit under
 Create tented accommodation at iconic Buddhist Sites such as Saravasti & Kushinagar in U.P.;
Vaishali & Rajgir in Bihar and Kapilavastu in Nepal

 500 beds under different categories to be created

 State to provide land and MoT to fund utilities under existing schemes

 Private parties to bid for through Reserve bid for Viability Gap Funding (VGF) spread evenly over 3

 Private parties to bid as per-determined quality standards and help in creating immediate
accommodation in Buddhist Sector

 Initiative would increase tourist arrivals to the Buddhist Circuit in the country, foreign exchange
earnings through tourism and tourist footfalls leading to more employment opportunities

 A budget of Rs. 50 Crores for 3 years. In addition, an amount of Rs 90 Cr (@ Rs.30 Crore per year)
for marketing and promotion of these destination and accommodations has been also approved

Extending Incentives for Improving Air Connectivity
 Augmented unserved and underserved domestic and international destinations
through RCS-UDAN

 36 domestic air-routes including Sravasti, Khushinagar, Hampi, Dharamshala,

Khajuraho, etc.

 2 international air routes presently identified: Vietnam and Cambodia

 A budget of Rs. 225 Crore required over a period of 3 years

 Initiative would optimise tourism flows to destinations

Potential for attracting Business & Leisure Travelers

Chinese Tourists
 Large numbers and high spending
 Low share in India

Steps to Attract Chinese Tourists

 Chinese Cuisine
 Chinese speaking guides/ audio guides

Potential for Attracting - Business & Leisure Travelers
Tourism -MICE
MICE Tourism
 Advantage - not sensitive to the seasonality factor
 Total number of meetings world wide as per ICCA-
12,563; India gets only 175 of this (1.4%)

 Development of World Class Exhibition Centres
through Viability Gap Funding Mechanism.
 Locating this infrastructure at the designated iconic
tourism sites/Noida-Greater Noida for synergy
 Tax reimbursements
 Such a centre can be a game changer for MICE
tourism/tourism in U.P.
Medical Value
Ministry of Health
& Family


Potential for Attracting Medical Value Travelers
 India's MVT pegged at 3 billion USD in 2015 with CAGR of 15%
Medical Value Travel
 Treatment cost in India about 10% of the cost in developed countries
 The number of tourist’s visiting India for medical purpose has
increased to 4.95 lakh in 2017
 India is considered a hub for cardiac care (bypass surgery), hip
arthroplasty, knee replacement and heart transplant due to the
affordable cost and high quality.
 Although most patients coming to India for treatment are from the
Middle East, Africa, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan,
Bhutan and Sri Lanka, the country is also gradually becoming the
favoured destination for medical tourists from Europe and the US

Government Initiatives
 The Government of India has introduced e- Medical Visa facility to simplify procedure for
obtaining visa for tourists coming to India for medical purpose. Further e- FRRO scheme
has been introduced for 27 visa related services (visa extension, conversion etc.)
 A National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board has been formed to promote Medical and
Wellness Tourism in an organized manner
 A film on Medical Tourism has been produced for promotional activities
 The Ministry of Tourism offers financial support for organizing Wellness and Medical
Tourism Promotional shows, workshops, seminars, amongst others
 Government has planned to set up facilitation counters at major airports of Mumbai, New
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore for tourists arriving on Medical Visas
 Department of Commerce and Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC) has launched
Healthcare Portal as a single platform for medical
travellers to provide comprehensive information on healthcare landscape of the country
Key Destinations
 Chennai: The gateway of South India has already established itself as the health capital of the country with the availability of
high quality and affordable medical treatment facilities

 Delhi: The National Capital of India is also home to several renowned hospitals that offer customized packages to foreign
tourists for General Surgery, Heart Care and Neurosurgeries amongst others

 Mumbai: The financial capital of India is also preferred destination for medical tourists due to the well-connected
infrastructure, state-of-the-art health care facilities and well-trained medical professionals

 Hyderabad: Hyderabad is fast emerging as the hub for medical tourism with improved flight connectivity and affordable world
class medical facilities

 Uttarakhand: Home to 62 hot springs, Uttarakhand is ideally poised to become leading wellness hub of the country with high-
end spa facilities, yoga and meditation retreats. Taking cognizance of this potential, the State Government has decided to
develop 330 sub centers and health and wellness centers across Uttarakhand

 Kerala: Kerala is well known for unparalleled quality of Ayurveda services coupled with diverse holistic treatments which has
witnessed steady growth in foreign tourist arrivals in the last five years

 North East: With improved connectivity, states like Sikkim, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh which are home to natural hot
springs, lush green forests and blissful waterfalls has potential to emerge as leading destinations for world class wellness centers

 Other emerging wellness tourism destinations include Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Haryana
and Uttar Pradesh
MRA in nursing- Indian Colleges recognised by
All India Institute of Medical Science Udupi District (Karnataka)
New Delhi
Apollo College of Nursing
Christian Medical College Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Velore, (Tamil Nadu)
D.Y.Patil College of Nursing
Government College of Nursing Pune (Maharashtra)
Thiruvanthapuram (Kerala)
Yashoda College of Nursing
Manipal College of Nursing Hyderabad (Telangana)

Nurses in Uttar Pradesh
NURSING NURSING INC has undertaken computerized
Registrar of UP Nursing Council-
1 Auxiliary Nurse 879163 60258 6.85
Dr. Rajesh Jain, Mobile no.
Midwives (RANM)
Registered Nurse
2 (RN) & Registered 2114832 74777 3.54
Midwives (RM)
Lady Health Visitor
3 56644 2763 4.88
Potential for Attracting Medical Value Travelers
Medical Value Travel

 Creation of enclaves like SEZ targeting foreign patients

 Promoting Health Insurance Portability/tie-ups with foreign govts.
(E.g. bone marrow transplant & Bengaluru hospitals)
 Facilitation at Embassies and Airports
 Creating a database of accredited facilitators
 Promoting Dental Tourism (E.g. Kerala doctor combining dental
treatment & tourism)
 State Policy on Medical Value Tourism
 Dynamic MVT portal to provide platform
 Enhance the number of NABH/JCI/NABL accredited facilities
 Training of nurses and caregivers
 Wellness Centres at iconic sites and key religious places

Audio-Visual/Media & Audio Visual Services
Entertainment Ministry of
Services Information and

AV Services
 Audio-visual services include the production, post-production and
distribution of motion pictures, television and radio services and music
and interactive digital media services such as animation, gaming and
online/mobile media

 Steps taken by U.P.

o International level film & Television institute to be set up in Varanasi and Noida- in
Investor Summit - 2018
o 4 MoUs have also been signed for setting up film cities and studios in PPP basis

Film Policy and Uttar Pradesh

 The Uttar Pradesh government has developed a Film Policy 2018 with
the sole aim of projecting the cultural, mythological, historical heritage
and glorious traditions not only within the country, but also abroad
through widespread publicity
 For ensuring availability of all the film production related facilities under
a single roof, the Film Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh has been constituted as a
nodal agency
 Film Bandhu works in the direction of developing Uttar Pradesh as a hub
of film production by generating a friendly climate and promoting film
related activities in Uttar Pradesh
Number of Films Shot in Uttar Pradesh (2016
June onwards)
Financial year Total no of Number of 'Most Film Friendly State Award' in the year
International Films shot in Share (%) 2017
Films UP
UP State’s film policy to extend cash
incentives – so far available only for movies in
June 2016 - 24 2 8.33 Hindi and UP regional languages such as
2017 Bhojpuri and Awadhi of Indian filmmakers – to
films in English and any Indian language
2017- 2018 33 3 9.09

Film shooting leads to increase in tourism

2018-2019 22 5 22.73 e.g.,
2019- 30th July 12 4 33.33 • Life of Pi shooting led to an increase in
2019 tourists in Puducherry
• Zindagi na milegi dobara led to increase
Indian tourists to Spain(60,000 in 2011/12)
 Prepare an AVGC Policy-Lesson from best practices
o Karnataka - the first Indian state to announce an Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics (AVGC) Policy
in 2012.
o The policy was initiated to promote the state as a lucrative outsourcing destination and attract venture capital
funding in the AVGC sector
o Growth in Karnataka most prolific compared to any other state in India during the past five years
o Now, about 22 % of Indian game developers and service providers are located in Bengaluru
o Out of the country’s 425 studios (300 animations, 40 VFX and 85 game development), 11 percent are
located in Bengaluru
o About 14 percent of AVGC professionals are based out of Bengaluru
o Karnataka has more than 80 training institutes imparting AVGC related training with close to 10,000
students being trained annually
 Establishing ‘Media Zone or Cities’ that provide production, postproduction and distribution
services for movies, animation and gaming at centres like Noida/ Greater Noida

 Tie-up with other Media Cities globally such as Dubai Media City set-up in 2001 as a
free zone
 Enhance Screen Density- M/o I&B has circulated model
As per Para 8 of the UP film policy, an incentive scheme has been launched vide
government order no 564/11.06.2017-M(34)/17 dated 28/07/2017 to restart the closed
cinema halls, re-construct / re model the cinema halls, multiplexes to be opened in 58
districts, promote construction of single screen cinema halls and upgrade existing cinema
 Skill Development
 Others
The film policy also aims at making provision of state owned guest houses and hotels for
filmmakers during shooting in the state

IT and ITES Ministry of
Electronics &

IT and UP state SEZ exports
Share of UP State in overall sectoral share at all India basis

Total SEZs
Uttar Pradesh
Sector Name (Export Value in Rs. Percentage %
(Export Value in Rs. Cr.)

Computer/ Electronic
18922.41 3,65,998 5%

IT and ITES e-Governance
 Uttar Pradesh government moving towards
 The major factors backing the IT & ITes
implementing e-Governance reforms
industry in the state are the structured
incentives to IT & ITeS companies. IT e-Governance Core Infrastructure Projects
 For instance IT/ITeS companies with  State Data Centre (SDC)
investments of more than US$ 0.79  State Wide Area Network (SWAN)
million can avail interest free loans  Common Service Centres (CSC’s)
 e-District Project
 Capacity Building
 Increasing upgradations in the infrastructure
Digital India Initiatives
owing to rising investments along with
proximity to the pool of talent are additional  Digidhan Mela
positive factors for the IT/ITes industry in the  Digital Payments
state  My-Gov
 Cyber Security Cell
 Smart City Initiatives
Features of IT Policy of U.P.
 To promote the creation of a sustainable Indian software product industry, driven by
intellectual property (IP), leading to a ten-fold increase in share of the Global
Software product market by 2025
 To nurture 10,000 technology startups in software product industry, including 1000
such technology startups in Tier-II and Tier-III towns & cities and generating direct and
in-direct employment for 3.5 million people by 2025
 To create a talent pool for software product industry through (i) up-skilling of
1,000,000 IT professionals, (ii) motivating 100,000 school and college students and (iii)
specialize 10,000 professionals that can provide leadership
 To build a cluster-based innovation driven ecosystem by developing 20 Sectoral and
strategically located software product development clusters having integrated ICT
infrastructure, marketing, incubation, R&D/test beds and mentoring support

Transport and
Department of

Logistics Snapshot-U.P.

Suggestions (Short term)
 To bring down congestion and promote seamless movement of cargo, the state government to invest
in the widening and maintenance of roads. Some of the problematic roads include:
o Entry road to ICD Moradabad
o Approach roads to industrial areas in Kanpur, Moradabad, and Dadri
o Interior roads, especially within Kanpur, Naini and beyond Aligarh
o Old G.T. road connecting Kanpur to Aligarh
o Road connecting Sambhal and Muradabad
o Road connecting Anand Vihar, Etah, Mainpuri, Farrukhabad,
o Hardoi, Shahjahanpur and Aligarh
o Road connecting Meerut and Muzaffarnagar

 The state government to simplify the regulations for licensing/renewal of licences of cold storage
operators including increasing their validity and ensuring a thorough verification or inspection of
these facilities in the state
State agencies to ensure adequate supply of electricity to boost investment in cold storages, which
may include providing capital subsidies to cold storage operators for procuring solar panels

…Suggestions (Short term)
 To deal with the issue of extreme congestion on Kanpur-Varanasi highway, the state
government to coordinate with NHAI to examine the existing concessionaire agreements
of toll operators and identify the possibility of widening the highway
 To enforce laws regulating the age of commercial vehicles and facilitate the
development of a grievance redress mechanism for the industry to report any issues with
respect to the lack of compliance of vehicle standards. This would help reduce the risk of
cargo damage due to using outdated fleet
 To implement CCTV monitoring of such unwarranted stoppages to reduce unscheduled
stoppages by RTO officials during road transit, especially in the high volume areas of
Allahabad, Varanasi, Mirzapur, Baraich, Moradabad, Meerut and Mujaffarnagar
 To coordinate with the Weights and Measures department to increase the frequency of
inspections of calibration of weighing scales across all facilities to deal with the issue of
varying weights being reported across different weighbridges in the state
Suggestions (Long term)
 To coordinate with Airports Authority of India (AAI) to examine and
accordingly AAI to invest in expansion of storage facility at the Lucknow

Foreign Language Training



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