Community Diagnosis - Strategy

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Community Diagnosis strategy

Community Medicine Department, Uni-Osun.
• Community diagnosis and strategies:

• Steps towards community diagnosis

• Community Description

• Disease problems and contributory factors

• Community diagnostic Tools

What is Community
What is Community Diagnosis?
It is the identification of community
health problems/diseases within the
Community and the predisposing
Community Diagnosis
Strategies for Community Diagnosis
• This can be done in two major ways:

i. Community survey – use of questionnaires or focus group discussion tools -

Primary data tools

ii. Use of existing health record – General Outpatient Department registers -

secondary data tools

• This entails interaction with the following gatekeepers- community

members/individuals/household heads/community health system /school
health system/LGA health authority e.t.c
Steps towards community Diagnosis
Steps towards community Diagnosis
• Division of students into group/appointment of group leader

• Identification of the communities/visitation/entry

• Review and design Community diagnostic tool- Questionnaire & Checklist

• Assessment of health problem

• Data collection and Analysis

• Report writing and group presentation

Report writing format
• Title Page
• Acknowledgement page
• Introduction:
• Materials and method: How the process was carried out?
• Findings- Result using assessment tools-
Disease problems
Environmental health problems
Community health system assessment
• Conclusion and recommendation
Community Description
• Location of the community
• Number of streets/villages within the community
• Demographic and socio-economic characteristics
• Existing culture, religion and traditional belief
• Available infrastructure: Schools, Churches/Mosques, Public and Private
hospitals, water supply and waste management.
• Festivals conducted within the community
Diseases/Health Problems
• Reported within the hospital/Observed within the community

• Communicable or Non- Communicable

• Contributory factors-
i. Environmental Factors:
ii. Health system Factors
Environmental Factors
• Water supply

• Refuse disposal

• Food and air hygiene

• Housing system

• Waste management
Health System factors
• Assessment of Health care structure: Traditional/Modern

• Type of services and referrals provided with the health care structure

• Common ailments seen, diagnostic method and treatment given

• Challenges encountered within the health system

• External support: NGOs and Philanthropic organizations

School Health System
• Type of schools – Public and Private, Primary and secondary

• Assessment of the school environment using checklist: water supply,

waste disposal, toilet system, noise/air pollution e.t.c.

• Inspection of the students in terms of personal hygiene

• Health education session

Community Diagnostic Tools
Review of existing Tool ( Each student with 5 tools)
• Disease identification Tool

• Environmental Health Inspection Tool

• School health inspection Tool

• Community health system tool

Skills needed to do community diagnosis
• Ability to ask questions using questionnaires

• Ability to review existing record-

• Good observation skills

• Basic computer skills- Data entry and analysis using excel

• Power point presentation

Thank you

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