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Submitted to:

Sir Hafiz Ihsan Ur Rehman

Submitted by:
Aimen murtaza MC019-015
Sidra Yousaf MC019-007
University of the Punjab,Gujranwala
Department of Commerce
Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a process
Of dividing the market of potential customers
Into different groups and segments on the basis
Of certain characteristics. These are divided into
Different categories include:
 Examples of geographic segmentation
According to nation

National newspapers are published and

distributed to different cities in different
language to cater the needs of the
 According to region

In USA, even though seafood is preferred all

over the country, however, seafood is
extensively marketed in the South and
Southeast regions. This is due to the fact that
fresh supply is available in these areas all year
round, and catering to the demands of
customers in these areas is easy.
 According to country

KFC has an international presence and has a

number of outlets in different countries.
Keeping in view the geographic need of the
customers, KFC sells it product the reach the
target market worlwide.
 Examples of demographic segmentation
According to gender

Calvin Klein Christian Dior that offer different

perfumes, cologne and other fragrance,
watches ranges for men and women. Nike and
Adidas are good examples of footwear,
apparels and related accessories for men and
women and youth.
 According to Religion

Any food that contains pork or any of its

additives will not be consumed by Muslims
and jews, as it is forbidden in their religion.
Similarly, saint medals and bracelets wit the
cross sign will be purchased by Catholics as it
supports their beliefs.
 According to income

The whole food chain of high-end grocery

stores (now owned by Amazon) target high-
income, educated city-dwellers who are
health-or eco-conscious or want to appear to
 According to age

Leo Toys offered different kind of toys for kids.

 Examples of psychographic segmentation
According to lifestyle

Tapal Tezdum print and TV ads assert rustic

macho image of a notorious Punjabi villain to
attract strong tea drinkers from the lower and
middle income groups of Pakistan.
 According to social class

Longines, Gucci and other similar brands

target the high social class segment as they
have the buying power to purchase their
product, and will do so to maintain their social
 According to personality

Harley Davidson Bikes, for example, target

personalities that are masculine, tall and love
to lead a rough lifestyle.
 According to user status

Master foam turn potential user of their

matrese to user by exhorting parents to
demonstrates their love for their daughters by
giving master foam as a wedding present.
 According to brand loyalty

Mac fantics, fanticaly loyal Apple users helped

keep Apple afloat during the lean years and
they are now at the fore front of Apples
burgeoning ipad and and itunes empire.
 According to usage

Cadbury’s advertising to promote the product

during wedding season is an example of
occasion segmentation.

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