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Load flow studies 1


Load flow studies 2

Load flow studies are one of the most important
aspects of power system planning and operation.

The load flow gives us the sinusoidal steady state of

the entire system  voltages, real and reactive power
generated and absorbed and line losses.

Load flow studies 3

Since the load is a static quantity and it is the
power that flows through transmission lines, the
purists prefer to call this Power Flow studies rather
than load flow studies. We shall however stick to the
original nomenclature of load flow.

Load flow studies 4


Load flow studies or Power flow studies is the

analysis of a power system in normal steady state

Load flow studies basically comprises of the

determination of
• Voltage
• Current
• Active Power
• Reactive Power
Load flow studies 5

• Generation supplies demand(Load) plus

• Bus voltage magnitude remain close to rated
• Generation operates within specified real
and reactive power limits.
• Transmission line and transformer are not
Load flow studies 6
Need of Load flow study

• Designing a power system.

• Planning a power system.
• Expansion of power system.
• Providing guide lines for optimum operation of
power system.
• Providing guide lines for various power system

Load flow studies 7

Bus Classification

• Bus is a node at which many Transmission lines, Loads Generators are

• It is not necessary that all of them be connected to every bus.
• Bus is indicated by vertical line at which no. of components are
• In load flow study two out of four quantities specified and other two
quantities are to be determined by load flow equation.
• Depending upon that bus are classified.

Load flow studies 8

Load bus or PQ Bus

• A buss at which the Active power and reactive power are


• Magnitude(V) and phase angle(δ) of the voltage will be


• This type of busses are most common, comprising

almost 80% of all the busses in given power system.

Load flow studies 9

Generator bus or P-V bus

• A bus at which the magnitude(V) of the voltage and

active power(P) is defined.

• Reactive power(Q) and Phase angle(δ) are to be

determined through load flow equation.

• It is also known as P-V bus.

• This bus is always connected to generator.

• This type of bus is comprises about 10% of all the

buses in powerLoad
flow studies 10
Slack Bus

• Voltage magnitude(V) and voltage phase angle(δ) are

specified and real(P) and reactive(Q) power are to be

• Normally there is only one bus of this type is given in

power system.

• One generator bus is selected as the reference bus.

• In slack bus voltage angle and magnitude is normally

considered 1+j0 p.u.
Load flow studies 11
Static method

The following variables are associated with each

• Magnitude of voltage(V)
• Phase angle of voltage(δ)
• Active power(P)
• Reactive power(Q)

The load flow problem can solved with the help of

load flow equation(Static load flow equation).
Load flow studies 12
Classical methods

Gauss-Seidal method

Newton Raphson method

Fast Decoupled method

Load flow studies 13

Load/Power Flow studies
• Load-flow studies are performed to determine the steady-state
operation of an electric power system. It calculates the voltage
drop on each feeder, the voltage at each bus, and the power flow
in all branch and feeder circuits.
• Determine if system voltages remain within specified limits under
various contingency conditions, and whether equipment such as
transformers and conductors are overloaded.
• Load-flow studies are often used to identify the need for
additional generation, capacitive, or inductive VAR support, or
the placement of capacitors and/or reactors to maintain system
voltages within specified limits.
• Losses in each branch and total system power losses are also
• Necessary for planning, economic scheduling, and control of an
existing system as well as planning its future expansion
• Pulse of the system
Power Flow Equation

Note: Transmission lines are represented by

their equivalent pi models (impedance in

Fig. 1. A typical bus of the power system.

Applying KCL to this bus results in


The real and reactive power at bus i is

Substituting for Ii in (2) yields

Equation (5) is an algebraic non linear equation which must be solved by iterative
Gauss-Seidel method
• Equation (5) is solved for Vi solved iteratively

Where yij is the actual admittance in p.u.

Pisch and Qisch are the net real and reactive powers in p.u.
In writing the KCL, current entering bus I was assumed positive. Thus for:
Generator buses (where real and reactive powers are injected), Pisch and Qisch
have positive values.
Load buses (real and reactive powers flow away from the bus), Pisch and Qisch
have negative values.
Eqn.5 can be solved for Pi and Qi

The power flow equation is usually expressed in terms of the elements of

the bus admittance matrix, Ybus , shown by upper case letters, are Yij = -yij,
and the diagonal elements are Yii = ∑ yij. Hence eqn. 6 can be written as
Iterative steps:
•Slack bus: both components of the voltage are specified. 2(n-1) equations to be
solved iteratively.
• Flat voltage start: initial voltage of 1.0+j0 for unknown voltages.
• PQ buses: Pisch and Qisch are known. with flat voltage start, Eqn. 9 is solved for
real and imaginary components of Voltage.
•PV buses: Pisch and [Vi] are known. Eqn. 11 is solved for Qik+1 which is then
substituted in Eqn. 9 to solve for Vik+1
However, since [Vi] is specified, only the imaginary part of Vik+1 is retained, and
its real part is selected in order to satisfy

• acceleration factor: the rate of convergence is increased by applying an

acceleration factor to the approx. solution obtained from each iteration.

•Iteration is continued until

Once a solution is converged, the net real and reactive powers at the slack bus are
computed from Eqns.10 & 11.
Line flows and Line losses

Considering Iij positive in the given direction,

Similarly, considering the line current Iji in the given direction,

The complex power Sij from bus i to j and Sji from bus j to i are
EXAMPLE: For the load flow studies we shall
consider the system of Fig. 4.1, which has 2 generator and
3 load buses. We define bus-1 as the slack bus while
taking bus-5 as the P-V bus. Buses 2, 3 and 4 are P-Q
buses. The line impedances and the line charging
admittances are given in Table 4.1. Based on this data the
Ybus matrix is given in Table 4.2. This matrix is formed
using the same procedure as given in Section 3.1.3. It is to
be noted here that the sources and their internal
impedances are not considered while forming the Ybus
matrix for load flow studies which deal only with the bus
Load flow studies 22
Fig. The simple power system used for load flow studies.
Load flow studies 23
Table: Line impedance and line charging data of the system

Line (bus to bus) Impedance Line charging (Y/2)

1-2 0.02 + j0.10 j0.030
1-5 0.05 + j0.25 j0.020
2-3 0.04 + j0.20 j0.025
2-5 0.05 + j0.25 j0.020
3-4 0.05 + j0.25 j0.020
3-5 0.08 + j0.40 j0.010
4-5 0.10 + j0.50 j0.075

Load flow studies 24

Table: Ybus matrix of the system
1 2 3 4 5
1 2.6923   1.9231 + 0 0  0.7692 +
j13.4115 j9.6154 j3.8462
2  1.9231 + 3.6538   0.9615 + 0  0.7692 +
j9.6154 j18.1942 j4.8077 j3.8462
3 0  0.9615 + 2.2115   0.7692 +  0.4808 +
j4.8077 j11.0027 j3.8462 j2.4038
4 0 0  0.7692 + 1.1538   0.3846 +
j3.8462 j5.6742 j1.9231
5  0.7692 +  0.7692 +  0.4808 +  0.3846 + 2.4038 
j3.8462 j3.8462 j2.4038 j1.9231 j11.8942
Load flow studies 25
The bus voltage magnitudes, their angles, the power generated and
consumed at each bus are given in Table. In this table some of the
voltages and their angles are given in boldface letters. This indicates
that these are initial data used for starting the load flow program. The
power and reactive power generated at the slack bus and the reactive
power generated at the P-V bus are unknown. Therefore each of these
quantities are indicated by a dash (). Since we do not need these
quantities for our load flow calculations, their initial estimates are not
required. Also note from Fig. that the slack bus does not contain any
load while the P-V bus 5 has a local load and this is indicated in the
load column.

Load flow studies 26

Table: Bus voltages, power generated and load – initial data.

Bus no. Bus voltage Power Load

Magnitude Angle P Q P P
(pu) (deg) (MW) (MVAr) (MW) (MVAr)
1 1.05 0   0 0
2 1 0 0 0 96 62
3 1 0 0 0 35 14
4 1 0 0 0 16 8
5 1.02 0 48  24 11

Load flow studies 27

Table: Gauss-Seidel method: bus voltages after 1st
iteration and number of iterations required for
convergence for different values of .
 Bus voltages (per unit) after 1st iteration No of iterations
V2 V3 V4 V5 for convergence
1 0.9927 2.6 0.9883 2.83 0.9968 3.48 1.02  0.89 28
2 0.9874 5.22 0.9766 8.04 0.9918 1.02 4.39 860
1.8 0.9883 4.7 0.9785 6.8 0.9903 1.02 3.52 54
1.6 0.9893 4.17 0.9807 5.67 0.9909 8.65 1.02 2.74 24
1.4 0.9903 3.64 0.9831 4.62 0.9926 6.57 1.02 2.05 14
1.2 0.9915 3.11 0.9857 3.68 0.9947 4.87 1.02 1.43 19

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