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Malnutrition of Energy and Protein

By Tesa Dwiputri Rahmadhani

Toddlers are children aged
12 - 36 months.
Malnutrition of energy and
protein (MEP) is nutritional
disorders caused by a lack
of protein or calories, and
often accompanied by other
nutritional deficiencies. For
example are

Kwashiokor is a form of severe protein

malnutrition characterized by edema and an
enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates. It is caused by
sufficient calorie intake, but with
insufficient protein consumption, which
distinguishes it from marasmus. Kwashiorkor cases
occur in areas of famine or poor food supply.

I am defining sign of kwashiorkor in a malnourished child

is pitting edema(swelling of the ankles and feet). Other
signs include a distended abdomen, an enlarged liver
with fatty infiltrates, thinning of hair, loss of teeth, skin
depigmentation and dermatitis. Children with
kwashiorkor often develop irritability and anorexia.
Generally, the disease can be treated by adding protein
to the diet; however, it can have a long-term impact on a
child's physical and mental development, and in severe
cases may lead to death.

Marasmus is a form of severe malnutrition characterized by energy deficiency. It can

occur in anyone with severe malnutrition but usually occurs in children.B ody weight
is reduced to less than 62% of the normal (expected) body weight for the age.
Differences Between Kwashiorkor and

1. Marasmus occurrence
1. Kwashiorkor occurrence
increases prior to age 1.
increases after 18 months.
2. Marasmus is inadequate
2. Kwashiorkor is protein
energy intake in all forms,
deficiency with adequate
including protein.
energy intake .
Solution for MEP

We as midwifes are very important to continue the

development of children from birth to growing up. Give
understanding to the family that nutrition is not always
expensive, we can get good nutrition for consumption at a low
price. For example tofu, tempe, beans, cassava or potatoes.

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