Group Presentation On "Personality and Values.": By: Yasir Mushtaq. Sehreen Rashid. Uzma Muneer. Ajmal Khan

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Group Presentation

“Personality and values.”
By: Yasir Mushtaq.
Sehreen Rashid.
Uzma Muneer.
Ajmal khan.
MBA 4th (B) Finance.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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What Is Personality?
 Personality can be defined as the
combination of qualities that form a
Persons distinctive character.
 Or

The Qualities that make

someone interesting or popular is called

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Measuring Personality

Personality is Measured By
 Self-report surveys

 Observer-rating surveys

 Projective measures

 Rorschach Inkblot Test

 Thematic Apperception Test

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Personality Determinants
 1. Heredity:
 It refers to physical stature, facial
attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle
composition and reflexes, energy level,
and biological rhythms are characteristics
that are considered to be inherent.
 It plays an important part in determining
an individual's personality.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Personality Determinants
 2. Environment
 Environment also plays a very important role in
the development of good personality. A person
who gets good and healthy environment as a
result of good environment Doctors, Engineers,
and other good personality come out in the
society. And on the dark side a person who gets
bad environment and surroundings as a result of
bad environment and surroundings the offenders
and Criminals come out in the society.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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 Family.
 Situation.
 Friends.
 Religion.
 Culture.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Personality Traits:
 Enduring characteristics that describe an
individual’s behavior is called personality

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator:
■1. Extroverted Versus Introverted—
individuals are outgoing,
sociable, and assertive.
Eg: Malik Zafar
Are quiet and shy.
Eg: Ajmal

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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■ 2. Sensing Versus Intuitive—
Sensing types are practical and prefer
routine and order. They focus on details.
Intuitives rely on unconscious processes
and look at the big picture.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator:
■ 3. Thinking Versus Feeling—
Thinking types use reason and logic to handle
Feeling types rely on their personal values and
■4. Judging Versus Perceiving—
Judging types want control and prefer their
world to be ordered and structured.
Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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 Next Presenter:
Sehreen Rashid

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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The Big Five Model:
 The following are the Big Five factors:
 1. ■ Extroversion—
 This dimension captures one’s comfort level with
relationships. Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive,
and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, timid, and
 2. ■ Agreeableness—
 This dimension refers to an individual’s propensity to defer
to others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm,
and trusting. People who score low on agreeableness are
cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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The Big Five Model:
 3. ■ Conscientiousness—This dimension is a measure
of reliability. A highly conscientious person is
responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent.
Those who score low on this dimension are easily
distracted, disorganized, and unreliable.
 4. ■ Emotional stability (often labeled by its converse,
neuroticism)—This dimension taps a person’s ability to
withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability
tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure. Those with
high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious,
depressed, and insecure

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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The Big Five Model:
 5. ■ Openness to experience—This
dimension addresses one’s range of interests
and fascination with novelty. Extremely open
people are creative, curious, and artistically
sensitive. Those at the other end of the
openness category are conventional and find
comfort in the familiar.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

BUITEMS Quetta.....
Major Personality Attributes
Influencing OB
 ■ Core self-evaluation
 ■ Machiavellianism
 ■ Narcissism
 ■ Self-monitoring
 ■ Risk taking
 ■ Type A and proactive personalities

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

BUITEMS Quetta.....
Major Personality Attributes Influencing
 1. Core self-evaluation
 Self-esteem: Individuals’ degree of liking or
disliking themselves.
 Locus of Control: The degree to which people
believe they are masters of their own fate.
 Internals (Internal locus of control) Individuals
who believe that they control what happens to them.
 Externals (External locus of control). Individuals
who believe that what happens to them is controlled
by outside forces such as luck or chance.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Major Personality Attributes Influencing
Machiavellianism (Mach) Degree to
which an individual is pragmatic, maintains
emotional distance, and believes that ends
can justify means.
Conditions Favoring High Machs
•Direct interaction with others
•Minimal rules and regulations
•Emotions distract for others

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Major Personality Attributes Influencing
 3. Narcissistic: A Narcissistic Person
 Has grandiose sense of self-importance.
  Requires excessive admiration.
 Has a sense of entitlement.
  Is arrogant. Tends to be rated as less

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Major Personality Attributes Influencing
 4. Self-Monitoring:
 Self-Monitors
 Receive better performance ratings
 Likely to emerge as leaders
 Show less commitment to their organizations
 5. Risk-Taking:
 High Risk-taking Managers
 Make quicker decisions
 Use less information to make decisions
 Operate in smaller and more entrepreneurial organizations

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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 Next Presenter:
 Uzma Muneer

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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6. Type A/B and proactive
 Type A’s
 are always moving, walking, and eating rapidly;
 feel impatient with the rate at which most events take
 strive to think or do two or more things at once;
 cannot cope with leisure time;
 Type B’s
 never suffer from a sense of time urgency with its
accompanying impatience;
 feel no need to display or discuss either their
achievements or accomplishments;
 Can relax without guilt.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Proactive Personality

 Identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes

action, and perseveres until meaningful
change occurs.
 Creates positive change in the environment,
regardless or even in spite of constraints or

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

BUITEMS Quetta.....
  Values are principles, standards, or
qualities you consider worthwhile or
desirable. Values will vary greatly from
person to person. Your values will depend
on your personal judgment, outlook,
upbringing, and a variety of other factors.

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Importance of Values
 Provide understanding of the attitudes,
motivation, and behaviors of individuals and
 Influence our perception of the world around
 Represent interpretations of “right” and
 Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are
preferred over others.
Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...
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Next Presenter:
Ajmal khan
Super Bazaiiiiiiii.
Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...
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Types of Values – Rokeach
Value Survey
 Terminal Values: Refers to Desirable end-states of
existence; these are the goals that a person would
like to achieve during his or her lifetime.
 For example:
 A comfortable life
 Happiness
 True Love
 Freedom
 A world of Peace
 A world of beauty

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Instrumental Values
 Refers to preferable modes of behavior, or
means of achieving the terminal values.
 For example:
 Honest
 Loving
 Obedient
 Polite
 Helpful

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Mean Value Ranking for
Executive Members.
 Terminal Values:  Instrumental Values:
1. Self-Respect 1. Honest
2. Family Security 2. Responsible
3. Freedom 3. Capable
4. Sense of 4. Ambitious
Accomplishment 5. Independent
5. Happiness

Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...

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Yasir Mushtaq MBA 4th (B) Finance...
BUITEMS Quetta.....

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