New One - Exploring Parametric Design To Renovate An Urban Water Front

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Boguet dali audrey karele BARN1AR15036


Parametrics can be defined as a tool that provides for a powerful conception of architectural form.
exploring new shapes .
-By using parametrics , one can create an infinite number of similar objects, geometric manifestations of a
previously articulated form (forms of variable dimensional relational or operational dependencies) When we
assign specific values to those variables, and if values change accordingly potentially infinite range of
possibilities are created
In recent years, Zaha Hadid and Patrick Schumacher are developing a series of urban projects with a strong
experimental character, exploring on one hand, the typological vocabulary of urban tradition and on the
other, parametric design systems, aiming to develop new urban forms or new urban complex geometries.
These innovative processes of design have been called parametric urbanism.
 Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid was an Iraqi architect. She was the first woman to receive the Pritzker
Architecture Prize, in 2004. She received the UK's most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in
2010 and 2011. Born: 31 October 1950, Baghdad, Iraq Zaha Hadid’s High Line condos linger on the
Died: 31 March 2016, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida, US

The Heydar Aliyev Center Wakrah soccer stadium, Quatar modern residential building.NY Wangjing Soho . China
 parametric architecture is trying to introduce a new spatial language in the context for urban tissue
that correspond to the artistic consciousness and the attitude of information and digital
technologies era . the planning and the sustainable development of urban areas, natural landscape,
protection and development of historical and cultural values, natural environment friendly planning
and design are very important . What is parametric design and how can it benefit the field of
landscape architecture ? An explanation and analysis of parametric tools, including a series of case
studies, has been conducted to show how these tools are presently being utilized by designers.
Utilizing parametric methods and tools, to renovate a urban planning that focused on highlighting
the city history and promoting health for the local residents and inner harbor.
1- Aim
 This study aim at research , study on how Utilizing parametric methods and tools, to renovate a
urban area that focused on highlighting the city history and promoting health for the local residents
and inner harbor
 The scope of work of this research paper is to study and explain the parametric tool , also to
understand the adaptation and implantation of the innovation of parametric design into the field of
urban area.
 Focusing on friendly planning and sustainable development of urban areas .
 Focusing Protection and development of historical and cultural values .
 Focusing on the protection of the environment as a precondition for all urban planning development
trough parametricism .
 Giving priority to having access to the commercial and mixed used such as culture , trade and
housing .
 To study how Utilizing parametric methods and tools, to renovate a urban planning that focused on
highlighting the city history and promoting health for the local residents and inner harbor.
 The study is limited on explain the parametric tool , also to understand the adaptation and
implantation of the innovation of parametric design into the field of urban planning.

 Define parametric design and how can it benefit the field of landscape architecture into a urban
 Define parametric urbanism
 an explanation and analysis of parametric tools , selection of materials and how to use in the urban
development .

 How parametric tools can it be a key for a urban planning innovation

 How to use a Parametric landscape on an urban space






 Computer play a dominant role in almost all aspect of the landscape practice and urban planning
 As architectural theory and practice expands and we begin to understand more complex forms, we will have to
utilize the help of the computer to create these forms.
 The computer can be used to help designers explore new shapes and how to build them, but the designer
themselves must still understand the contextual impacts and experiential effects the structure or landscape will
have on visitors.
 Landscape architects and others in design fields that utilize computers must understand that the computer does
not replace our design fundamentals. It only helps us to explore them in a new way.
 At the most basic sense, parametric tools involve tying real world values or theories to a visual output in such a
way that allows manipulation real world variables to affect and change the output.
 these new digital tools are focused on the relationships and parameters between design elements
 , the design rules are explicitly described, and the form emerges directly from the parameters and relationships
decided on.
This is Microsoft’s spreadsheet program Excel The user
inputs a series of mathematical formulas with variables
that can be modified. Based on the equations and input
data set up ,Excel can use the pre-scripted data
connections to provide an answer.
And as the input data changes, Excel provides
an immediate change to the output.

the relationship between a sidewalk and a road

. -A sidewalk will need to be placed at a predetermined distance from the road, due to code or zoning. As a
parameter, the designer can input that the sidewalk always needs to be located 3’ (or however far the requirement
is) from the road and parallel to the road. From that point on,
- whenever adjustments are made to the road the sidewalk will automatically adjust without the designer needing
to go back to manually adjust it. The sidewalk only exists as a visual output of the parameter that was programmed
-The advantage of this interaction is that it allows the computer to visualize the new scenario whenever a change is
-Thus the designer will be able to visualize and experiment with many alternative design options throughout their
-These same formulas or parameters that the designer decides on can impact other aspects of a design such as the
sizing and configuration of spaces across a site.

identified by the green line , the edge of a road is drawn identified by the red line , a sidewalk projection is created based
into computer and identified by parametric tool
on the scripting of the parametric tool ( graphic by Paul Jester )
( graphic by Paul Jester )

as the edge of the road is manipulated , the sidewalk is as well because

the parameters defined by the designer ( graphic by Paul jester
 . The main advantage is the ability to quickly adjust variables and visualize how it changes the design.
 . The user can run a series of trials through which they analyze the various design proposals, choosing the
best features of each one. By being able to quickly visualize many possible design solutions, the designer will
be able to provide the ideal solution based on the sites context and needs.
 This visualization and manipulation of data has been showcased in storm water management studies by using
topographic and rainwater data.
The benefit of seing storm water interaction on an existing site, or a proposed
design, is how intuitive it becomes for the design.
Using the numbers, parametrics could allow landscape architects to visualize and design
storm water systems with form simulations instead of numbers.

storm water runoff Another benefit of parametric tools is the capability to help physically construct the
simulation digital model.
 The major drawback is the learning curve associated with parametric tools
 These tools are fundamentally different from previous digital design tools as they are not just a drafting
device, but actually aid in the design process using defined parameters.
 . They require users to approach design in a new way, and to be accepting of generated forms based on
the input designer parameters
 The user must also learn how to use the software, inputting design parameters and adjusting variables.

 The user must also learn how to use the software, inputting design parameters and adjusting variables.
 A number of computer programs have begun implementing parametric tools. Many of these programs, such
as Maya and CATIA, began as animation software. Designers would utilize the parametric tools to quickly
manipulate their movie or video game characters. As the parametric tools developed, many architecture
firms started exploring form design using the software. We explores parametric design with the program
Rhinoceros3D and the plug-in Grasshopper3D.

 Parametricism is the embodiment of

parametric thinking and parametric
 It can be utilized at all scales and
applications of design ranging from interior
design to large scale urban planning
 that it cannot only create a new aesthetic
but change the way people live and interact
with their surroundings
 Overall the premise of parametricism is that all architectural and urban
elements must be parametrically malleable. Instead of configuring into rigid
geometries like the previous architectural styles, Parametricism brings a
level of flexibility into a play of responsive systems and contextual
 1. Parametric interarticulation of subsystems: A scripted association of design
systems. The change in any one of these systems creates a change in the
other systems. The interarticulation of systems means that all elements of
the design are linked together through parameters. As one element is
manipulated, it will affect the ones it is connected to as well.
 2. Parametric accentuation: Enhance the sense of integration by means of
accentuating differentiation, creating a richer articulation and more
orienting visual information. key aesthetic ideal of parametricism is that
elements within a structure or design are different. Most buildings designed
by parametricism highlight this differentiation by creating smooth undulating
shapes where each panel and segment of the structure is different, and must
be individually fabricated.
 3. Parametric figuration: A tectonic malleability of the design in which
quantitative variations in the design field create qualitative shifts in the
visual appearance. The tectonic malleability is achieved through the data
that is input to the parametric scripting. As the input data changes, the
output and structure is also influenced.
 4. Parametric responsiveness : The connection between the existing design and the surrounding context
allow for a dynamic design that actively responds to changes in the built environment. The responsiveness is
again related to the input data and the parametric scripting. The idea is that as the data evolves and
changes with the surrounding environment, the building will also be able to physically adjust and adapt to
provide an optimal structure for the current conditons.
 5. Parametric urbanism – deep relationality: Using the previous guidelines to achieve deep relationality in
the urban context where all ‘swarms’ of buildings in the urban setting have some level of connection.
Parametric urbanism is similar to the interarticulation within a design, but it now applies to the entire urban
fabric. The idea is that a series of buildings will have a connection, and as one structure is manipulated,
others will be too.
CASE STUDY: Lotte Super Tower in Seoul, South
 The geometry of 555m tall Lotte Super Tower
begins with a constant transformation from a
square base to a circle top
 .This idea is conceptually structural as well as
architectural: transformation in order to shed
wind vortices which occur in unchanging form
 The geometrical challenge of transforming a
square into a circle was resolved by creating
triangular facets on the building
 At podium, the exterior wall is composed of
approximately 45m tall cable net wall.
 • A series of long span trusses forms the
roof. They were erected in a fan
arrangement to create the plan geometry
of the structure
 • A series of long span trusses forms the
roof. They were erected in a fan
arrangement to create the plan geometry
of the structure

As much as 2,800 tonnes of steel were needed to give the 160-

metre-long and 80-metre-wide roof its light and floating look.
The steel fan trusses of
the roof are supported by
a concrete wall to the
south and two concrete
cores to the north.
CASE STUDY: The Heydar Aliyev Center
The Heydar Aliyev Center is an important cultural
center in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, housed
in an iconic building designed by Zaha Hadid
Architects. It is located in a 10-hectare public park
close to the Baku Convention Center.
Spanning eight levels, the array of column-free functional spaces of the center
is enclosed by a free-form curvilinear envelope made in Glass Fibre
Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) and Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyester (GFRP). This
skin is supported by a load bearing structure constituted by a complex
ensemble of concrete elements and steel frames.
The building skin
satin finish, as well the
adoption of semi-
reflective glass, make the
center appearance change
from the day, when it
visually reacts to changing
weather conditions and
sun’s position, to the
night, when light “washes
from the interior onto the
exterior surfaces” (Zaha
Hadid Architects)
CASE STUDY : SynCity – Connect the Hubs
new parametric urban design techniques that are applied for large-scale
urban developments in order to achieve three goals: inclusiveness and
transparency; automatization and speed; flexibility and adaptability.
In response to increasing shortage of resources, infrastructure, housing
and job offers in due to rapid urbanization overpopulated Ethiopian
cities, there is a proposal to disseminate migrating population to large
amount (up to 2000 of new developments) of the so-called “10K towns”.

Site location : Ethiopia

AR.Burcu Cimenoglu, Christoph Hanisch,
Kateryna Konieva
CASE STUDY : SynCity – Connect the Hubs
 Generative parametric methods were used optimize and repeat multiple actions that are following
similar principles at any site
 The tool was eventually applied in three topographically diverse locations in the Ethiopia to test its
 Creation of the new city “skeleton” would always consist of the street network, main facilities
distribution, land use and density schemes, and housing typologies
 In most cases these modules would be used in similar sequence and consider the same number of
conditions for their design
 General input data was defined during the phase of analysis: as locations given with a design brief had no
built-up surroundings, only terrain geometry and existing main road were used.
CASE STUDY : SynCity – Connect the Hubs
 The rapid developement of masterplans for hundreds to thousands of new Ethiopian towns in the short
timeframe is beyond the capacities of traditional urban planning frameworks. This project is a result of
continued collaboration between Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and EiABC, focused on developement of
groundbreaking urban planning tools to help with this process.

In this aproach, an ideal site is chosen from the possible locations by applying various critiria, such as
connection to the existing infrastructure or suitable terrain. After that an optimized street network is proposed,
based on the terrain morphology to prevent water errosion and avoid steep streets. In towns that are
proposed, four housing typologies are used, ranging from the most “urban” mixed use multistorey houses to
simpler “farmer” housing with direct access to the agricultural land on the outskirts of the town. The public
facitilites and other important buildings are distributed using a set of criteria and rules for their placement,
based on our experience from previous field-trips and participative studies we lead in contemporary rural
settlements all across Ethiopia.
CASE STUDY : Tanjong Pagar Waterfront
Singapore’s Tanjong Pagar container port, an industrial zone of 400 ha, is planned
to be relocated to other part of the island, releasing the land for new mixed-use
development located in the wider city centre.
In cooperation with ETH Future Cities Lab, parametric generetive toolbox was
developed, that could help designers and urban planners explore possible

Similar aproach was chosen for the project: to start from the larger scale point of view – by digitally sketching street
grids and land use plans and then move towards more detailed aspects such as road setbacks or building morphology.
Different rules are set up to handle e.g. building height limits or street widths.
Compared to the projects for Ethiopian rural towns, the parametric methods were in this case used to genarate nd
compare mutliple solutions for one very specific context, instead of adapting one solution to multiple locations. The
goal was to create several scenarios based on different concepts for how to aproach the site and provide
comparative measures on their performance.

 Kartal Pendik Master Plan

Designer: Zaha Hadid Architects
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Date Designed/Planned: 2006
Client/Developer: Kartal Urban Regeneration Association
This project was a design proposal for a 136 acre city subcentre on Istanbul’s Asian side with
the goal of reducing pressure on the city’s historic core
The new development would renovate an industrial area of Istanbul and become a link
between Asia and Europe
. The area was a blank slate and allowed Zaha Hadid Architects to utilize parametrics through
their entire design process, aiding them in road layout and building strategy

 Zaha Hadid Architects is an architecture and urban planning firm that has won
a number of master planning competitions utilizing parametric design
software. One of their most well-known projects is the Kartal-Pendik Master
plan, completed in 2006. This project was a design proposal for a 136 acre
city subcentre on Istanbul’s Asian side with the goal of reducing pressure on
the city’s historic core. The new development would renovate an industrial
area of Istanbul and become a link between Asia and Europe. The area was a
blank slate and allowed Zaha Hadid Architects to utilize parametrics through
their entire design process, aiding them in road layout and building strategy.

rendering of proposed circulation pattern , created by Maya ‘s

parametric programming

 Recognizing that the transportation infrastructure was important to the successful

renovation of the area, Zaha Hadid Architects focused on an innovative road
layout as a springboard for their design. Recognizing the existing points of
circulation, the planners used the program Maya to assist in their proposed road
layout. Maya, originally used in computer animation, has a hair dynamic tool that
parametrically bundled the incoming circulation into larger roads within the
boundaries of Kartal Pendik.46 The proposed road layouts are unconventional but
created larger areas between for structures and public amenities.
 With larger expanses of land between the roads, Zaha Hadid Architects were able
to create environmentally innovative buildings. By calculating sun angles and
winds, the buildings tectonically wrap the blocks and adjust height to allow for
passive heating and cooling of the buildings. Since the structures surround the
block, public open spaces were able to be created as interior courtyards, allowing
the master plan to incorporate a large amount of green space. The designers
experimented with various scripts that configure each block based on parcel size,
proportion, and orientation.47

proposed buildings overlaid with new road system ( www.zaha– )

 Kartal Pendik Master plan. It is inspiring at how they combined environmental

factors and the software. By combining environmental factors and computers, we
are able to reach a new level of preciseness and accuracy within our sustainable
designs. The software also allowed them to apply these techniques to a large area
containing many structures simultaneously, a feat that would have been close to
impossible Zaha Hadid Architects were able to successfully use parametric ideas
and software to design the without the technology.
 These benefits are not without drawbacks though. The proposal for the Kartal
Pendik Master Plan took approximately three years of research and design.48 This
is a long time, and the proposal is still only conceptual. A lot more work still needs
to occur before construction of their proposal could begin. With parametrics being
a new design practice, there is a lack of information to aid in the design which
could have possibly slowed down the design. While Zaha Hadid Architects proposal
includes many new and innovative design ideas, they also had to design the
software to aid them. As parametric design keeps expanding, designers will begin
to have a database of digital scripting that has been utilized by others, but at this
time it does not exist.
 Parametric Architecture in the Urban Space Krystyna Januszkiewicz1 , Karol G. Kowalski 1 1 50
Piastów Ave., 70-311 Szczecin West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland .
 Parametric assistance for complex urban planning processes . by Ondřej Veselý | May 28, 2018
 Parametric urbanism : emergence , limits and perspectives of a new trend in urban design based on
parametric systems . Robson canuto da silva , Luiz Manuel do Eirado Amorim . Virus
.Sistema.system/ revista do nomads .
 Alexander Christopher .1994 . ‘’The question of computer in design .’’ landscape . Spring 6
 Parametric Design Process of a Complex Building In Practice Using Programmed Code As Master Model
Kat Park and Nicholas Holt
 Parametric architecture - Total fluidity Published on May 15, 2014. MRYGANG NATH
 Parametric design: a review and some experiences. Javier Monedero
 the new shapes and forms are created based on the concepts such as the topological space, the
surface isomorphic, dynamic and animation systems, parametric design and genetic algorithms.
Parametric architecture is the first global style for architecture, urbanism and the design
disciplines. It has recorded and interpreted the spirit of the times with documentary precision,
fostering and often anticipating crucial architectural and theoretical developments. It opened into
the new territories for the study of the cognitive form, its tectonics and space, changing the existing
axioms design.

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