Cell Growth and Division

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Cell Growth

and Division
Cell theory
- by Rudolf Virchow
- “Cells originate from pre existing
cells through cellular reproduction.”
Prokaryotic cell
- is a simple, single-celled (unicellular) organism
- lacks a nucleus, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
- All prokaryotes have plasma membranes, cytoplasm, ribosomes,
a cell wall, DNA, and lack membrane-bound organelles.

Ex. Bacteria and Archaea.

Eukaryotic cell
- Multi cellular organism
- a cell that has a membrane-bound nucleus and other
membrane-bound compartments or sacs, called organelles,
which have specialized functions.
- The word eukaryotic means “true kernel” or “true nucleus.”

Ex. Animal cell

Plant cell
Stages of Cellular Reproduction
1. Cellular growth and Maturation
 Normal size
Assembly of necessary organelles and cellular
Accumulation of enough energy
Storage of essential materials
Replication of genetic content

2. Cell division
 Genetic materials will be systematically and equally
divided into two daughter cell.
Organelles involved in Cell Division
◦ Threadlike structure within
the nucleus containing the
genetic information (DNA)
that is passed from one
generation of cells to the next

Cells of every organism have a specific number of chromosomes

◦ Fruit flies = 8; Humans = 46; carrots = 18
Cell Cycle

2 major phases
◦ Interphase
◦ Mitosis
3 phases
1. G1 phase- cells do most of their
◦ Increase in size and synthesize
new proteins and organelles

2. S phase- chromosomes are replicated and the synthesis and DNA molecules
takes place
◦ Usually if a cell enters S phase and begins replication, it completes the rest
of the cycle
3. G2 phase- many of the organelles and molecules required for cell division
are produced
◦ Shortest of the 3 phases of interphase
- is a type of cell division in which nucleus of the cell divides into
two nuclei with identical genetic material.
- for growth and development, repair tissue and asexual reproduction

 Divided into 4 phases


 Followed with Cytokinesis

1st and longest phase of mitosis
◦ Chromosomes become visible
◦ Centrioles separate and move to opposite sides of the cell
◦ Chromosomes become attached to fibers in the spindle at the
◦ Chromosomes coil more tightly
◦ Nucleolus disappears
◦ Nuclear envelope breaks down
Often lasts only a few

◦ Chromosomes line up
across the center of the
◦ Microtubules connect the
centromere of each
chromosome to the two
poles of the spindle
Centromeres split
 Sister chromatids separate and
move to opposite poles.
 Anaphase ends when chromosomes
stop moving.
Chromosomes begin to disperse
into a chromatin
Nuclear envelope re-forms
around each cluster of
Spindle begins to break apart
Nucleolus becomes visible
Occurs at the same time as telophase
Animal cells:
◦ Cell membrane is drawn inward until the
cytoplasm is pinched into 2 nearly equal
Plant cells:
◦ Cell plate forms midway between the
divided nuclei
◦ Cell wall begins to appear in the cell
Result? 2 new identical cells
Controls on Cell Division
Regulating Cell Growth
Cyclins- proteins that regulate the timing of the cell cycle in
eukaryotic cells.

◦ Internal regulators: proteins that respond to events inside the cell

◦ i.e. make sure all chromosomes have been replicated; make
sure all chromosomes are attached to the spindle before
entering anaphase
◦ External regulators: proteins that respond to events outside the
◦ i.e. embryonic development; wound healing
Regulating Cell Growth
- are enzymes that removes phosphate from ATP and
attach it in another molecule.

- when the abnormality or damage is beyond repair, the
cell undergoes programmed cell death.
Uncontrolled Cell Growth
Cancer- disorder in which some of the body’s own cells lose the
ability to control growth
Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that regulate the growth
of most cells
P53 gene halts the cell cycle until all chromosomes have been
properly replicated
◦ A damaged or defective p53 gene causes the cells to lose the
information needed to respond to signals that would normally
control their growth
• Cell size

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