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• The IVF process also referred to as the

‘test-tube baby’ method, is a fertility

treatment that gathers eggs from the
ovaries of a woman and fertilized
with a male sperm in a lab. The
fertilized egg (embryo) is then placed
back in the woman’s womb. IVF was
developed to help women with
damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
IVF starts with a session of hormone therapy to stimulate the development of follicles in
the ovary. They are then collected as eggs to be fertilized in a test-tube (for example in
vitro) to create several embryos. Following 2-5 days in the incubator, 1 or 2 of these
fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus where implantation happens. Common signs
for IVF treatment include:

 Missing or blocked fallopian tubes: Fertilization happens when the egg travels
through the fallopian tube. So, if the tubes are missing or blocked, the procedure of
fertilization can’t happen.

 Low sperm count: If a man releases sperms, which are not motile, or if he fails to
release enough sperm in a woman’s reproductive system, at that point conception
may not occur.
 Irregular ovulation: Ovulation happens when a section of the brain stimulates the
pituitary glands to produce hormones to assist the ovaries with ripening the eggs
during the menstrual cycle. If the menses are irregular or don’t happen, ovulation will
be irregular or fail to happen.

 Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition where the lining in the womb covers

other pelvic structures, including pelvic ligaments, ovaries, bowel, bladder and
peritoneum. This causes irritation, as well as inflammation. In spite of the fact that the
reasons behind this issue are not understood completely, the condition is often
connected with infertility.

 Unexplained infertility: This condition happens after all the necessary tests have been
conducted and no medical reason found.
 The decision to undergo IVF treatment isn’t a simple one. Most couples realize that
they are setting out on a possibly long and costly road with an unsure possibility of
accomplishment. However, when that decision is made, numerous couples wonder
how to make IVF more effective to boost their chances of a cheerful result.

 Before you even start your IVF journey, once the decision is made beginning to
mentally and physically prepare yourself up to produce healthy eggs and to receive
the embryos. The procedures can be very challenging and being prepared, you can
diminish the impact of stress which can adversely influence your fertility and the
ultimate result.
 To make IVF more fruitful, start to eat well. A well-nourished body is ideal to receive
and nurture the embryo and, obviously, assist you to produce healthy eggs. Base
your diet around organic produce to minimize your intake of chemicals and
pesticides. You should intend to eliminate all junk foods, trans fats, refined sugars
and carbs and up your intake of healthy fresh fruits and vegetables.

 If you would like further complete information on how to make IVF more
successful, you can visit Sunflower Hospital, the best IVF center in Ahmedabad with
the most noteworthy success rates.
IVF treatment is useful in certain conditions that are as per the following:

 If both fallopian tubes of a female partner are, missing or blocked.

 If the quality of sperm is low or sperms are produced in little quantity.
 If tubal transport mechanism is disturbed.
 In case of repeated failure of IUI.
 In the case of PCOD and Endometriosis.
There are many other conditions because of which infertility can happen and IVF might
be the best treatment for those conditions. In short, IVF incorporates these procedures:

 Controlled Ovarian stimulation

 Monitoring of follicles and egg development
 Collection of eggs and sperms
 Fertilization of eggs with sperm in an extraordinary environment inside the lab which
is present inside uterus
 Wait for 3 to 5 days after fertilization
 Egg pick up and Embryo transfer
IVF Success Rates

 When you choose the best IVF hospital in Ahmedabad, India for your infertility
treatment, you can be certainly sure that your IVF pregnancy would be successful.
However, the rate of IVF success relies upon the health conditions and lifestyle of
females who are undergoing IVF treatment.

 For instance, if you are over the age of 35 or 40, odds of successful IVF pregnancy
lower down. Likewise, if you are addicted to an unhealthy way of life like drinking
and smoking excessively, having unhealthy food, taking too much stress, and so on
then also it affects your IVF success rate.

 So, if you are eyeing for a positive IVF procedure followed by effective childbirth,
you should be physically fit and healthy alongside lead a healthy life as well. If in any
case, still, you face repeated failure in your IVF pregnancy, at that point, it is hugely
recommended that you opt for other procedure like surrogacy rather than other IVF
SUNFLOWER WOMEN’S HOSPITAL is a name that has credibility worth admiration.
We have treated a significant number of patients who vouch for our commitment to
their wellness and complete satisfaction. The only thing that we desire from you is a
smile of contentment that is indicative of your inner happiness.

 One of the best IVF centers in India equipped with sophisticated instruments & the
highest “Take Home Baby Rate” at par with world’s leading IVF centers.
 Till date we have performed more than 10,000 Successful IVF Deliveries.
 We perform all Endoscopic Surgeries.
 Our Expert Sonologist Performs Color Dopler, 3D – 4D Sonography and we do all
invasive sonography procedures. We have in house sonography facility.
 We have expertise in treating high-risk pregnancy.
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