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Designing and Developing

Applications on the Cloud

CT071-3-3-DDAC & Version VC1

Cloud Services
Topic & Structure of The Lesson

1. What is a Cloud Service?

2. Roles and Instances
3. Service Definition
4. Service Configuration
5. VM Size in Microsoft Azure
6. Networking in Microsoft Azure

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Learning Outcomes

• At the end of this topic, You should be

able to
• Identify and understand the components of
web and worker role within the context of azure
cloud service.

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Key Terms You Must Be Able To
• If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the
following terms correctly in your assignments:
• Cloud Services

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relational/document/key-value database

Application tier which hosts web services, a web API,

workflows, and business logic.

Some (scheduled) jobs running in the background.

Dashboards, views, reports or some other UI elements


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What is a Cloud Service?

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What is a Web Role?
Web Role is a Cloud Service role in Azure that is configured and
customized to run web applications developed on programming
languages/technologies that are supported by Internet Information Services
(IIS), such as ASP.NET, PHP, Windows Communication Foundation and
Fast CGI.

What is a Worker Role?

Worker Role is any role in Azure that runs applications and services level
tasks, which generally do not require IIS. In Worker Roles, IIS is not
installed by default. They are mainly used to perform supporting
background processes along with Web Roles and do tasks such as
automatically compressing uploaded images, run scripts when something
changes in the database, get new messages from queue and process and

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Azure Cloud Services are commonly used to;

• Deploy applications and API that can have anywhere from a

single compute instance to thousands of instances on top of
an auto-scalable infrastructure.
• Build applications using an integrated development
environment (IDE) with native support for Visual Studio
Azure SDK, Java, PHP, Python and more.
• Deliver a fully managed and fault tolerant hardware/server
infrastructure for web and cloud applications
• Provides a staging environment for testing the application
before deploying it into the production environment.

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What to monitor in Azure Cloud
Services for performance?
There can be dozens of metrics that must be measured on
Azure Cloud Services to ensure top performance. However,
some of the key performance metrics for Azure Cloud
Services are;

• CPU Utilization and Availability ( capacity)

• Data In / Out
• Memory Utilization and Availability (capacity)
• Disk Utilization and Availability (capacity)
• Application level performance / utilization metrics.

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What Can It Run?

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Roles and Instances

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Service Package, a .cspkg file


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Information on how you’ll be connecting to a database,
Table Storage, an API and other configurable items.

Advanced that “web.config”

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Service Definition (*.csdef)
Service Configuration (*.cscfg)

Encrypted(Zipped(Code + *.csdef)) == *.cspkg

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Service Definition

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Service Definition

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Service Configuration

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Service Configuration
• <?xml version="1.0"?>
• <ServiceConfiguration serviceName="WebDeploy"
• <Role name="Webux">
• <Instances count="1"/>
• <ConfigurationSettings>
• <Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true/>
• <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.plugins.RemoteAccess.Enabled" value="True"/>
• <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountUsername"
• <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountEncryptedPassword"
• <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountExpiration"
• <Setting name="Microsoft.Windows Azure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.Enabled" value="True"/>
• <ConfigurationSettings>
• <Certificate>
• <Certificates name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.remoteAccess.PasswordEncryption"
• </Certificate>
• </Role>
• </ServiceConfiguration>

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Microsoft Azure for .Net

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Supports Various VM Sizes
Size set on Role in Service Definition - All instances of role will be of equal size
Service can have multiple roles
Balance of Performance per node vs. High Availability from multiple nodes

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Load-balanced endpoint. Stable VIP per service.
Single port per endpoint.
Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP

Instance-to-instance communication
Supported protocols: HTTP, TCP, UDP
Port range supported

Address specific service role instance

Supported protocols: TCP, UDP

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Microsoft Azure-provided DNS service for service-level name resolution
Runtime APIs for instance identification
Bring your own DNS server

Define load balance endpoint sets

Define custom load balance probe

Load-balancing based on performance, round-robin, or failover

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Uses Staging and Production environments
Allows to quickly swap environments
Production: v1  Staging: v2, after swap then Production: v2  Staging: v1

Performs a rolling upgrade on live service

Entire service or a single role
Manual or Automatic across update domains
Cannot change Service Model

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VIP Swap

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Imperatively at Start time
Remotely any time
Configuration is saved in Storage

User can set a quota (FIFO)

On Demand

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Event Logs
Performance Counters
Trace/Debug information (logging)
IIS Logs, Failed Request Logs
Crash Dumps or Arbitrary files

Transferred into your table and/or blob storage

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Quick Review Question

• Explain what the difference between Roles

and Instances.

• Explain how a Web Role extends the

standard worker role

• Explain how and why to change the VM

Size for a Windows Azure role

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

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Question and Answer Session


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What we will cover next

• Infastructure As A Service

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