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Math In Engineering

A.Luthfa Rasool
K.Hari Saran
K.G.Suriya Narayanan
Aero Space Engineering
• All engineering degree plans require a
concentration of advanced mathematics courses,
such as calculus and analytic geometry,
and aerospace engineering is no exception.
Most degree plans also require chemistry, fluid
dynamics, physics and materials courses.
Fluid Dynamics
In Maths
• Understanding how fluids flow and interact with
their environment is an extensive field of
research in applied mathematics. Equally
important to this understanding is the
mathematical modeling of the physical
phenomena and the mathematical solution
method used (e.g., analytical or computational).
Space Shuttle And History
• The Space shuttle has three parts the orbiter ,
the fuel tank, solid rocket boosters .The space
shuttle orbiter was half spacecraft and half glider
. The nose cone was like an aircraft. It had a
triangular fin at the back and two fins at the side
to produce lift.
Space Shuttle
Nose Cone Of A Rocket
• The nose cone of rockets must withstand a high
aerodynamic heating so it is made pointy at
one end t and it protects the satellite inside
after reaching outer space . The cone is also
designed to minimize aerodynamic drag.
Types Of Nose Cones

Fins Of A Rocket
• Fins used in a rocket are to maintain the stability
Of a rocket during flight . The fins help stabilize a
rocket . It shifts the center of pressure or center
of lift behind center of mass.
Types Of Fins In Rockets
• Elliptical Fins (theoretically the best)
• Trapezoidal
• Rectangular
• Clipped Delta
Grid Fins (or) Lattice fins
Crew Capsule
Why Does Space X’s Dragon 2 Have Fins
In It ?
Aeronautical Engineering
• Math is the fundamental tool of aeronautical
engineering. Whether modeling shapes,
designing on a computer, checking stresses and
strains, calculating fluid dynamics or
determining areas, math is the root of all these
Lift off
• Lift is the fundamental concept of aviation. It
requires an understanding of Bernoulli's
equations, it is about how to calculate linear
velocities and area .Without being able to
mathematically calculate a lifting force on a
wing, it would be impossible to determine if a
design for a plane would allow it to fly.

• The heavier a plane is, the more lift is required

for flight. Therefore, aeronautical engineers look
for light weight materials to use in plane
construction. However, the materials must still
have the required strengths to deal with the
loads and stresses that are a part of flight, take-
offs and landings. Math plays a vital role in
determining material strengths and their
reactions to various stresses and strains.
Calculating Strain And Stress
• An airfoil or aerofoil is the cross-sectional shape
of a wing, blade, or sail. An airfoil-shaped body
moving through a fluid produces an
aerodynamic force. The component of this force
perpendicular to the direction of motion is called
lift. The component parallel to the direction of
motion is called drag
Types Of Airfoil
Ideal Airfoil
• The leading edge is the point at the front of
the airfoil that has maximum curvature
(minimum radius). The trailing edge is defined
similarly as the point of maximum curvature at
the rear of the airfoil. The chord line is the
straight line connecting leading and trailing

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