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Effective Communication Skills

What is this subject about?
• This subject will introduce students to various
strategies and skills in the area of communication.

• Students will be able to distinguish different forms

of communication – interpersonal communication,
group communication, non-verbal communication
and its elements.

• Besides basic communication knowledge,

students will also be exposed to basic forms of
public speaking skills by overcoming speech
apprehension as well as speech writing.
 To provide students with basic knowledge on the
elements in communication.
 To expose students to different forms of
communication – interpersonal, non-verbal and
group communication.
 To provide students with the necessary
knowledge on public speaking.
 To develop understanding of the key ingredients
to effective communication from writing to
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to…

 distinguish different forms of communication and

its elements.
 demonstrate communication skills in interpersonal
and group communication.
 employ non-verbal channels to communicate
thoughts and feelings more effectively.
 perform basic public speaking skills through
writing and speech.
 demonstrate listening and responding skills.
Preview of topics to be covered
in this subject
LECTURE 1 : Foundations of Communication (Part 1)

LECTURE 2 : Foundations of Communication (Part 2)

LECTURE 3 : Public Speaking (Part 1)

LECTURE 4 : Public Speaking (Part 2)

LECTURE 5 : Public Speaking (Part 3)

LECTURE 6 : Group Communication (Part 1)

LECTURE 7 : Group Communication (Part 2)

LECTURE 8 : Interpersonal Communication (Part 1)

LECTURE 9 : Interpersonal Communication (Part 2)

LECTURE 10 : Interpersonal Communication (Part 3)

LECTURE 11 : Listening

LECTURE 12 : Nonverbal Communication

1. Why do we need to study this subject?

A: Communication is part of our

…personal life
…academic life
…professional life
…personal relationship life
…civic life
2. I already know how to communicate,
why do I STILL have to take this

A: Everybody knows how to communicate,

but not everybody can communicate
• Assignment 1 (Individual Presentation) : 10%
• Assignment 2 (Group Assignment)
- Part 1 (Written) : 10% 50%
- Part 2 (Presentation) : 20%
• Mid Term Test : 10%


Total : 100%
Main Textbooks

• Verderber, K.S., Verderber, R.F. &

Sellnow, D.D. (2014). Communicate!
(14th ed.). Boston: Wadsworth.

• Hasling, J. (2010). The audience,

the message, the speaker. (8th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Additional References
• Wood, J.T. (2013). Interpersonal Communication:
Everyday encounters. (7th ed.).
Belmont: Wadsworth.

• Lucas, S.E. (2012). The art of Public Speaking.

(11th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Lecture Notes, Tutorial Questions,
Assignment Questions,
Announcements, etc.

 Web-Based Learning Environment (WBLE)

• This week no Tutorials.

Tutorials will only begin next week (Week 2).
FHHM1022 Effective Communication Skills

Lecture 1
Foundations of Communication
(Part 1)
Topics to be covered today:-

• What is communication?

• How do we communicate?

• How do we communicate effectively?

What is Communication?
What is Communication?
• From Latin word ‘communicare’ – “to share”
• Exchange of ideas or information (John Vivian, 2008)
• Sharing of experience (Tubbs & Moss, 2003)
• A systematic process in which people interact
with and through symbols to create and interpret
meanings (Julia Wood, 2011)
• The act of sending messages, ideas and opinions
from one person to another (Shirley Biagi, 2012)
• The process of information exchange by and
among people (Tyler, Kossen & Ryan, 2005)
• The simultaneous sharing and creating of
meaning through human symbolic interaction
(Seiler, Beall & Mazer, 2014)

• A complex process through which we express,

interpret and coordinate messages with others in
order to create shared meaning, meet social goals,
manage personal identity and carry out our
relationships (Verderber, Verderber & Sellnow, 2014)

“Defining communication is similar to defining love.

Intuitively, you feel you understand it,
but it’s difficult to put into words.” - (Barker, 1984)
How do we communicate?
How do we communicate?
How do we
communicate effectively?
How do we communicate effectively?
A : By being a competent communicator or
developing our communication competence.

What is communication competence?

 The perception or judgment by other people about
our ability or skill in communication.
 Our goal is to communicate in a way that people
would judge us as competent.
 Competent communication skills can be learned,
developed and improved.
 Communication competence is achieved through
personal motivation, knowledge acquisition and
skills practice (Spitzberg, 2000, p.377).
How do we judge whether a person is
a competent communicator or not?
A : By observing whether that person is able to
communicate both appropriately and effectively
in a given situation (Spitzberg, 2000, p.375).

- When it conforms to what is expected in a situation
- Saying the right thing at the right time
- Using the right words in the right context

- When it achieves its goals
- What is MEANT, is what is UNDERSTOOD

Verderber, K.S., Verderber, R.F. &

Sellnow, D.D. (2014). Communicate! (14th ed.).
Boston: Wadsworth. (pg. 7, 19, 23)
~ to be continued ~

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