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Consignment Departement of

Management and
Discussion of Form Business
Faculty of Economics
Preparation and Self and Business
Check Report Padjadjaran
Visitation ABEST21

Uniqueness in The School’s
Education and Research
Humanizing the School’s Research
and Education
• FEB Unpad have series of activities and on-going
systems to make sure our students have good
humane experience during their study period. Facing
the new era education management, FEB Unpad
primary objective as part of higher education
organization is to hold the primary function of
university, i.e. generation and diffusion of knowledge.
How to Achieve
• Student Academic Advisor and Buddy System
• Student – Centered Education
• Enhancing communication based on trust and empowering
• Students Soft Skill Development through extracurricular activities
• Enforcing high morality in education management
• Lecture-Students Collaboration in Research and Community
Development Programs
• Academic Leadership Grant (ALG)
• One Professor – One Village
Globalizing the School’s Research
and Education
• FEB Unpad has been actively expanding its partnerships, collaborations
and links, with best business and management school and faculties around
the world. The goal of collaboration is to tackle societal and fundamental
challenges, as well as to enrich, expand, and deepen capabilities of both
students and lecturers. The benefits of these networking projects include
providing a range of non-local experiential learning opportunities such as
language immersion; diversifying the student population; developing a
campus community that cherishes cross-cultural sensitivity and
multicultural understanding and appreciation; encouraging student
integration; developing joint degree programs with overseas universities;
and creating opportunities for research and knowledge transfer. Currently,
we are actively engaged with 23 foreign universities. In addition to the
active 23 universities, our faculty also has collaborations not limited to
those 23 universities but also to other institutions and organizations.

List of Foreign Universities

No. University Country

1 ESC Troyes Champagne School of Management France

2 Ritsumeikan University Japan
3 Université de La Rochelle France
4 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan
5 Fachhochschule Erfurt Germany
6 Rikkyo University Japan
7 Deakin University Australia
8 University of Göttingen Netherland
9 Chiba University Japan
10 Hochschule Bremen Germany
11 Munchen Universtiy of Applied Science Germany
12 Dhurakij Pundit University Thailand
13 Kwansei Gakuin University Japan
14 Youngsan University South Korea
15 Ajou University South Korea
16 Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
17 University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Malaysia
18 Technologico de Monterrey Chihuahua Campus Mexico
19 University of Canterbury Australia
20 University of Northampton United Kingdom
21 University of Southampton United Kingdom
Research Project
• In this program researchers from FEB Unpad
collaborate to share their knowledge and perspectives
with other researchers in solving complex problems
that are increasingly cross-disciplinary in nature.
Collaborators may be colleagues from academic
institutions, industry, non-profit organizations,
government agencies, or foreign entities abroad. This
also includes co – supervisor for Doctoral Thesis with
Professors from Universities Abroad.

List of Research Project

Name Theme Institution Date
An Impact Assessment Study of Training AVRDC - The World Vegetable Augusts 2014
Vegetables for Indonesia Project Center

Local Consultancy for Three for Research TNO (The Netherland 01 January - 31
Indonesia Organization) December 2015

Proposal Development Training EEI (Economy and Environment 30 October 2015 - 30

Workshop Institute)-Indonesia dan ICLARM March 2016
(the International Center for
Living Aquatic Resources
Cost of Not Breastfeeding Research Alive & Thrive, managed by FHI 4 Mei - 15 October
extended study & Maternity (formerly Family Health 2016
Protection costing study in International) 360
The Improving eCBA training Training GGGI (Global Green Growth 13 September - 10
modules, curriculum and Institute) December 2016
capacity building for GGGI in
Capacity Building – Green Training GGGI (Global Green Growth 1 January - 31 Mei
Growth Measuring and Impact Institute) 2018
Student Exchange
• FEB Unpad tries to develop partnership with well reputable
university around the world to make studies abroad possible for our
students and to bring students from all over the world to our faculty.
Today we have more than 22 partner universities abroad that are
engaging actively on faculty level. We firmly believe that a semester
abroad broadens the students’ perspectives, gives valuable
knowledge about foreign cultures and business conducts, and hence
provides the students with an international network which will be
valuable in their future careers. This program is mainly conducted at
Bachelor level.
List of Foreign Incoming Students
of FEB Unpad
No Country Count
1 South Korea 2
2 Germany 38
3 Mexico 2
4 Spain 2
5 France 47
6 Japan 6
7 East Timor 18
8 Kazakstan 1
9 Sudan 1
10 Yaman 1
11 Afghanistan 2
12 Senegal 1
List of Foreign Incoming Students of
FEB Unpad
No Country Count
13 Thailand 1
14 Tunisia 1
15 Pakistan 3
16 Malaysia 2
17 Tanzania 1
18 Ukranie 1
19 Madagascar 1
20 Mongolia 1
21 The Netherlands 1
Double Degree
• Over the past few years, FEB Unpad has established further
opportunities for students to get a true international education by
developing double degree with carefully chosen overseas partners.
This program is suitable for students who plan on career in
organizations with transcend domestic borders, and also an
outstanding opportunity for students who are seeking both academic
knowledge and intercultural competence. These programs are
conducted at both undergraduates and post graduate (master) levels.
With this program the student spends their first years at FEB Unpad (2
years minimum for Undergraduate and 1 year for Master) and then the
latter academic year at the host institution. After they satisfy the
degree requirements for both institutions they will get two diplomas
Joint Conference, Seminars and
Doctoral Colloquium
• FEB Unpad has been hosting several conferences and
doctoral colloquium together with partner
universities abroad, which addressed various issues in
economics, accounting, business and management, as
well as small and medium enterprises. This program
aims to promote high-quality and high-impact
research, as well as strengthening the international
List of Conferences, Seminars, and 14

Doctoral Colloquium
Event name Category Place Date
11th Quality Innovation and Conference Monash University, Manchester 19-20 January
Knowledge (QIK) Conference Metropolitan University, The 2014
Trans, Telkom Indonesia
2nd Global Advanced Conference Dhurakij Pundhit University, 14 – 15 October
Research Conference on Kedge Business School 2015
Management & Business
3rd Global Advanced Conference University Of Caen School of 07 – 08 October
Research Conference on Management. 2016
Management & Business
BIES Economic Dialogue Seminar Australian National University 21 November
(ANU) 2016
Bies Economic Dialogue Seminar Australian National University 11 December
"Non Tariff Regulations in (ANU) 2017
Indonesia:Nominal and
Effective rates of Protection"
Visiting Scholars
• The purpose of this program is to bring scholars from
well reputable universities worldwide to the Faculty
of Economics and Business for public lectures and
postgraduate workshops. In the end the visitors also
play an important role in the development of
research, teaching and collaboration
List of Visiting Scholars
NO Name Theme Date

1 Prof.Silke Griemert Management Control in Germany 26-Jan-16

Developing Business Plan: Accounting & Financial

2 Prof. Silke Griemert 27-Jun-16

Accounting Education Today : Landscape and

3 Prof. Rozainun 24-Nov-16

Accounting Education Today : Landscape and

4 Prof. Koh Szee Kee 26-Nov-16

5 Dr. Mark Wheateon IFRS In Vietnam : Obstacles and Reform 24 Nov 16

6 Dr. Florenzs Tugas The Changing Landscape of Accounting Over 25 Nov 16

Sharing Research Work Since 1995 for Future of

7 Erlane K. Ghani, Prof. Dr (UiTM) 03-Mar-18

8 Erlane K. Ghani, Prof. Dr (UiTM) Current Research Issues on Accounting 01-Mar-18

Prof. Frances Bowen Making a Splash: What Companies Say and Do About
9 09 – Mar - 18
(Queen Mary University of London) Water?

Chapter One: Internal Quality
Criterion Isses to be Improved
1-1 The School must have an administrative To be an internationally reputable faculty, FEB
system for its operations Unpad needs to follow an international standard for
its administrative system. FEB Unpad plans to be
accredited by ISO 9001:2015 by 2021.

1-2 The School must maintain a good In order to increase the professional relationship
relationship between the committees between the faculty members, staffs, university
which deal with the administrative members, and external auditors who have
matters and the faculty meeting to international standards, FEB Unpad needs to be
examine those matters accredited by ISO 9001: 2015. A proper plan and
execution about the ISO 9001:2015 audit for both
academic and non-academic process are needed to
be conducted by the faculty.
1-5 The School must have a governance system for its Since FEB Unpad plans to be accredited by ISO
administrative operation which ensures fairness and
9001:2015, it needs to prepare the external audit
process that will be conducted by ISO auditor by the
year 2019, 2020, and 2021, beside what will be
done by Abest21 Committee.
Chapter One: Internal Quality
Criterion Isses to be Improved
1-6 The School must have the audit function The ISO 9001:2015 accreditation process needs a
of oversight (external evaluation system) high-level commitment both from the members of
of its educational and research activities the faculty as well as the board of trustee from
Unpad. Therefore, in FEB Unpad, training and
socialization about the ISO 9001:2015 process is
highly required. In addition, the support from
Unpad both financially and non-financially need to
be carried out.

1-7 The School must review its The review process must be done systematically,
administrative operations systematically beside clarity of task distribution. The development
and periodically of complaint and input service system also

2-2 The School must share the analysis of the The quality assurance unit should upload and
self-check/self-evaluation systematically communicate regularly the evaluation results to an
integrated online platform available for access by all
stakeholders to enable a more efficient evaluation

2-3 The School must use the analysis of self- FEB Unpad should develop a digital sharing method
check/self-evaluation for the or database to facilitate easier process of finding
improvement of education quality evaluation reports. 19
Chapter One: Internal Quality
Criterion Isses to be Improved
3-2 The School must clarify systematically In the faculty level, for every room for
the issues for improvement found during improvement, the QA unit will provide a root cause
the analysis of self-check/self-evaluation analysis that should evaluated in the next quality

3-3 The School must develop a plan to solve FEB Unpad should obtain other quality assurance
the issues for improvement based on the accreditation in efforts to improve the quality
analysis of self-check/self-evaluation assurance system
Chapter Two: Mission Statement
Criterion Isses to be Improved
4-1 The School must define its mission FEB Unpad should put more emphasize in the
statement internationalization in its definition of mission
statement and statement of purposes for
undergraduate and postgraduate program.

4-2 The School must develop its mission FEB Unpad should improve its network by
statement with the aim of nurturing implementing the ABCGM (Academic, Business,
highly skilled professionals in Community, Government, and Media) Penta-helix
management who are able to meet the concept to support the development of its students
needs of globalization and human resources to meet the international
4-6 The School must collect information FEB Unpad needs to expand its questionnaire to
systematically to review its mission other stakeholders like for parent, government,
statement regularly community, and media.

5-4 The School’s mission statement must be The CDC services could be extended to the
a statement that indicates the support of membership program that is included in the
the students’ career development website for both program (undergraduate and
Chapter Two: Mission Statement
Criterion Isses to be Improved
6-1 The School must have a financial basis Since each faculty has different planning and needs,
necessary for realizing its mission university shall allow FEB Unpad to plan
statement.” independent budget activities, especially to support
the internationalization mission for the faculty

6-2 The School must develop financial FEB Unpad has to extent its further collaborations
strategies for securing the funds with industries and governments to provide the
necessary for realizing its mission faculty with the necessary facility improvements. In
statement addition, this collaboration isalso necessary for
funding the internationalization process, academic
and research activities, and increase the efficiency
of the business process in the faculty.
6-3 The School must take appropriate FEB Unpad needs to extend its collaboration
actions to secure adequate budgets networks with more partners from business
necessary for realizing its mission entities, public institution, government bodies, and
statement. alumni to secure more funding for realizing its
mission statement for both program
(undergraduate and postgraduate)
Chapter Three : Educational Programs
Criterion Isses to be Improved
7-2 The School must set the learning goals FEB UNPAD including Management and Business
according to a certain process in the Department has to develop through maintaining
organization and increasing collaborations with some industries
to keep its learning goals and curriculum relevant
yet synchronize with the needs of the industry.
7-6 The School must provide academic All of the information in the website should
assistance to students in choosing the prepared in two languages, Indonesian-English for
courses in line with their learning both program (undergraduate and postgraduate).
objectives in accordance with the
guidelines for student assistance
8-3 The School must set the curriculum FEB UNPAD has to improve both of quality and
policy taking into consideration the quantity of feedback from the stakeholders to
opinions of the stakeholders encourage the improvement.

9-1 The School must design its curriculum FEB UNPAD need to have an establishment along
according to its curriculum policy with Bachelor Program, Master Program, and
Doctoral Program due to organized curriculum
policy. The faculty should update its curriculum
policy to keep it relevant with the educational
program regularly.
Chapter Three : Educational Programs
Criterion Isses to be Improved
9-6 The School must design a system which FEB UNPAD has to improve both of quality and quantity of
enables its students to take related courses engagement with professionals and other universities to
in other departments at the same university design several systems which enables the students and
and at other universities, a credit transfer support them in term of academic and to expand
system with other schools, and a system to networks for educational program, such as student
allow students to receive academic credit by exchange program, internship, etc.
completing an internship program.”
9-8 When the School provides distance FEB UNPAD should establish the distance education and
education, it must aim to maximize its distance method that aims to maximize the educational
educational effect by utilizing various media effect by utilizing various media. For instance,
teleconference facilitate, also to make it easier to be
accessed by students who are interested in the program.
10-2 The School must secure adequate classroom • The school must give a working space for all of the
hours necessary for completing one credit of research degree student, especially for PhD student.
each course in order to maintain the quality • The school must give an extra operational hour longer
level of educational content than normal working hour for several facilities such as
libary, meeting, reading, and computer rooms
because student also need the facilities to complete
off-class learning credit activities.
Chapter Three : Educational Programs
Criterion Isses to be Improved
10-9 The School must provide adequate • All of the information and guidance should be
registration guidance, learning guidance presented in dual languages, Indonesian-
and academic and career guidance to English.
respond to the needs of a diversified • The website for undergraduate program must
student body including foreign students, be more usefull and update periodically
and also provide sufficient support for
the students taking distance education
programs in order to maintain the
quality level of educational content
10-10 The School’s faculty members should The system should also give a student academic
share information about students’ progress to their parents.
course records, attendance rates for
each program, total credits earned and
academic grades, and develop initiatives
to improve students’ learning in order to
maintain the quality level of educational
11-1 The School must set a diploma policy to All of the diploma policy should be presented in
achieve the learning outcomes dual languages, Indonesian-English.
Chapter Three : Educational Programs
Criterion Isses to be Improved
13-2 The School must globalize its educational FEB UNPAD need to increase the number of foreign
program such as conducting global classes speakers for global classes due to support globalization
using advanced information communication for its educational program
technology or inviting foreign researchers to
give special classes

13-3 The School must globalize its educational • Postgraduate programs of Management
program by inviting foreign researchers Department needs to invite more foreign
through the international exchange to give researchers through international exchange. Each
special classes concentration should be facilitated to invite foreign
speakers and consider the industry 4.0 as it has a
great influence on the business world.
• Undergraduate Programs of Management
Department needs to invite more overseas
university to collaborate in international students
and lecturer exchange program. Especially for
management and business university as a core
knowledge of Management Department.
13-4 The School must provide appropriate student Career development opportunities for foreign students
support such as guidance in course also need to be provided at least through internship,
registration, study and career development for training, or field practice program
various students including foreign students
Chapter Four : Students
Criterion Isses to be Improved

14-2 “The School must provide Postgraduate Programs of Management and

opportunities for the candidates Business Department has to provide information on
to take entrance examinations in the mechanism for new student registration is
a fair and unbiased way.” presented on Management and Business
Department postgraduate's website, mirroring from
SMUP Unpad’s website. And there is no issue for
improvement for Undergraduate Programs of
Management and Business Department.
14-3 “The School must update its FEB Unpad include Management and Business
target student profile to meet the Department should focus to get a more
requirements of the School’s international student.
admission olicy on a continuous

17-1 “The School must take various FEB UNPAD needs to update information regarding
measures to provide financial the mechanism for obtaining scholarships, both
support to students who need it.” domestic and overseas scholarships;

17-1 “The School must take various FEB UNPAD can further enhance cooperation with
measures to provide financial various institution to get a financial support for
support to students who need it.” student
Chapter Four : Students
Criterion Isses to be Improved
17-2 “The School must take various There needs to be a commitment from Management and Business
measures to provide financial Department’s education staff in delivering all information for the
support to students who need it.” students concerning academic guidance, career development and
studying abroad effectively and efficiently.
17-4 “The School must provide Management and Business Department need more program and
appropriate academic support and facilities to support disabled students, such as convenience access
lifestyle support to international and facility in all buildings, special space in the classroom and
students and disabled students.” around the FEB UNPAD specially in Jatinangor area.

18-1 “The School must have a system Postgraduate and Undergraduate programs of Management and
that rewards students who achieve Business Department need to improve various rewards to motivate
excellent academic results.” students to make improvement in their academic works.
18-2 “The School must have a system to Management and Business Department should update information
acknowledge the social about every social activity which provide by students
contribution of its students.”
18-4 “The School must hold orientation Postgraduate Programs of Management and Business Department
programs either at the time has to providing outbound programs based on community
students enter the School or before development or community service for new students of
the new academic year begins, to Management and Business Department postgraduates. And there
provide incentives for students to is no need for improvement for undergraduate program.
achieve high standards of academic
Chapter Four : Students
Criterion Isses to be Improved

19-1 "The School must promote student Increasing exposure to internal activities of Management
mobility in response to the and Business Department study program with
globalization of economy, society, and international level, for example: international seminars
culture." that invite speakers from international partner
19-2 “The School must take measures to Increase the attractive and innovative program offered
attract a diverse student body through especially internationalization program.
its selection process.”
19-4 “The School must have a system to Update website periodically related to the offer of
send its students to foreign international exposure.
19-4 “The School must have a system to Help to find financial support for funding such programs.
send its students to foreign
19-6 “The School must review its system for Provide an online questionnaire to accommodate input
student exchange with foreign from the inbound and outbound student.
countries systematically and
19-6 “The School must review its system for Conduct a direct evaluation of students who are studying
student exchange with foreign at partner universities abroad regarding the constraints
countries systematically and and obstacles faced during their study period.
Chapter Five : Faculty
Criteria Issues to be improve
20-2 The School must maintain a sufficient number of Since a number of Professors will be retired in
full-time Professors and/or Associate Professors the near future, the acceleration of Associate
necessary for realizing its mission statement. Professors promotion to become full Professor
needs to be done.
20-3 The School must secure an adequate number of Needs to maintain the existing relationship
practically qualified faculty members to realize its with professionals and expand the network
mission statement." with other industries to get more professional
lecturers from various industries.
20-4 The School must ensure that the ratio of full-time Should increase the number of Adjunct
and part-time faculty members in its faculty Professors and qualified professionals from
organization is appropriate for realizing its mission various industries for Postgraduate program.
20-5 The School must maintain faculty diversity in terms Department of Management and Business
of age, gender, and nationality in its faculty together with FEB and Unpad need to have an
organization.” established policy for recruiting qualified
international faculty members.
22-2 The School must have a support system to secure FEB needs to strengthen relationships with
the research funds necessary for promoting faculty partners from both private and public
members’ educational and research activities.” institutions to maintain the number of
collaborations for securing adequate budget.
Chapter Five : Faculty
Criteria Issues to be improve
22-3 The School must have a support system including FEB Unpad must support student English
administrative and technical support staff necessary capability by providing an English training
for promoting faculty members’ educational and program.
research activities
22-4 The School must take appropriate steps to vitalize its FEB needs more collaboration with users.
curricula so as to promote the educational and
research activities of its faculty
22-6 The School must set a sabbatical system for its The School must set a sabbatical system for its
faculty faculty
24-1 The School’s faculty members must continuously FEB on the progress of developing an e-lecture
develop and improve their course content, materials program
used in their courses, and teaching methods based
on the results of the self-check/self-evaluation and
the student evaluation.
24-2 The School must have an exchange program system FEB Unpad must send more faculty members
for the faculty members. for exchange program to overseas universities.
24-4 The School must review its system for faculty FEB should send more faculty members for
members’ international exchange systematically and international exchange to reputable
periodically universities
Chapter Six : Educational Infrastructure
Criterion Isses to be Improved
25-5 The School must effectively utilize and • FEB has to upgrade the equipment of facilities into
maintain facilities and equipment appropriate the new technology equipment to leverage and
for its educational and research activities and optimize the function of facilities periodically.
the delivery of its educational programs • The bureaucratic process to request facilities
maintenance and repairment are need to be

Chapter One: Internal Quality
• Provide continuous review and development process for working SOP

• Provide continuous discussion within faculty management about quality


• Increase the BAN-PT accreditation result for all of the study program

• Increase its administrative system by following ISO 9001:2015

• Increase knowledge and information sharing through online platform

Chapter Two : Mission Statement.
• Improve institutional network by implementing the ABCGM (Academic, Business,
Community, Government, and Media) penta-helix concept
• Distribute questionnaire to wider stakeholders like student parent, government,
community, and media
• develop the vision, mission, and goals of the school with the aim of
internationalization and globalization
• develop the CDC website system to facilitate students accessing information about
career development
• collaborate with various institutions for internationalization processes, academic
and research activities, and improve the efficiency of business processes in the
• Maintain current collaborations and make efforts to expand collaborations with
other institutions to provide sources of funding to conduct education and reserach
Chapter Three : Educational
• Update regularly of its curriculum policy to keep it relevant with the educational program
• Maintain and increase collaborations with industry to keep its learning goals and curriculum
relevant yet synchronize with the needs of an industry
• Present all of the diploma policy in dual languages, Indonesian-English
• Increase the use of distance education by utilizing various media. For instance, teleconference
facilitate, also to make it easier to be accessed by students who are interested in the program
• Update the content of student information system periodically and completely
• Improve the collaboration and partnership to increase the quality and quantity of facilities in
• Updating all of information in dual language periodically by an admin or special staff
• Make more collaboration with foreign institution
• Invite guest lecturers or lecturers who are experts in their fields, especially foreign speakers to
provide lectures for FEB Unpad’s students.
• Invite more overseas university to collaborate in international students and lecturer exchange
program. Especially for management and business university as a core knowledge of Management
and Business Department.
• Collaborate with the industry for foreign students career opportunities
Chapter Four : Students
Increase the international student

Expedite information update on all changes related to financial support for students

Paying attention to the ratio of new students to the availability of classrooms, efficiency of lecture scheduling in
accordance with the availability of lecturers, and Student ratio in the classroom must be considered, given that
the learning pattern of postgraduate level is different from that of other levels. The less number of students in the
classroom, the more effective in the process of transfer knowledge.
Provide information on the mechanism for new student registration is presented on Management and Business
Department postgraduate's website, mirroring from SMUP Unpad’s website.
Make a commitment from Management and Business Department’s education staff in delivering all information
for the students concerning academic guidance, career development and studying abroad effectively and
Providing outbound programs based on community development or community service for new students of
Management and Business Department postgraduates.
Increasing exposure to internal activities of Management and Business Department study program with
international level, for example: international seminars that invite speakers from international partner
Improve program and facilities to support disabled students, such as convenience access and facility in all
buildings, special space in the classroom and around the FEB UNPAD specially in Jatinangor area
Improve various rewards to motivate students to make improvement in their academic works
Chapter Five : Faculty
Promoting Associate Professors to become full Professors.
Provide a budget for lecturers to follow international activities such as seminars
or scientific researches and give the lecturers opportunities to follow those
Broadening and strengthening the collaboration with alumni and professionals
from various industries.
Involving retired professors in teaching activities while obtaining their national
Improve fair and objective online system to accommodate faculty performance
promotion system
Establishing policy recruiting the qualified international faculty member.
Increasing the number of publications in top tier journals.
Chapter Six : Educational
• Simplify the bureaucratic process in facilities maintenance and repairmen

• Upgrade the equipment into the newly technology infrastructure especially in

digitalization learning and research activities

Chapter One : Internal Quality
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

• Analyze of work process • Prepare & apply all of SOP • Review and develop all of
that require SOP, and needed applied SOP
prepare a part of it • Impelement and evaluate • Impelement and evaluate
• Make a routine quality quality improvement quality improvement
discussion meetings for initiative from Year-1, also initiative from Year-2, also
improvement manage by prepare for next year prepare for next year
faculty level improvement initiative improvement initiative
• 70% study programs in • 80% study programs in • 90% study programs in
FEB/each department have FEB/each department have FEB/each department have
an A BAN-PT accreditation an A BAN-PT accreditation an A BAN-PT accreditation
• Continue ISO 9001:2015 • Have an accreditation of • Maintain an accreditation
accreditation process ISO 9001:2015 (manage by of ISO 9001:2015 (manage
(manage by Dean office) Dean office) by Dean office)
• 70% of information about • 80% of information about • 90% of information about
academic or non-academic academic or non-academic academic or non-academic
documentations shared documentations shared documentations shared
through online platform through online platform through online platform
Chapter Two : Mission Statement

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

• Find and make a follow-up • Find and make a follow-up • Find and make a follow-up
at least one of each at least one of each at least one of each
ABCGM new potential ABCGM new potential ABCGM new potential
collaboration (also related collaboration (also related collaboration (also related
with academic, faculty, with academic, faculty, with academic, faculty,
research, and student research, and student research, and student
support) support) support)
• Develop questionnaire • Distribute and habituate • Distribute and habituate
template for student questionnaire for student questionnaire for student
parent, government, parent, government, parent, government,
community, and media community, and media community, and media

Chapter Three : Educational Programs
1st year 2nd Year 3rd Year
• Habituate • Habituate • Habituate
curriculum policy update at curriculum policy update at curriculum policy update at
least once a year least once a year least once a year
• Invite the industry to give an • Invite the industry to give an • Invite the industry to give an
input for learning goals and input for learning goals and input for learning goals and
curriculum update at least once curriculum update at least once curriculum update at least once
a year (also related with a year (also related with a year (also related with
academic, faculty, research, and academic, faculty, research, and academic, faculty, research, and
student support) student support) student support)
• Draft the dual language of • Prepare & finalize the dual • Update the dual language of
diploma policy language of diploma policy diploma policy
• Sosialize the distance education • Increase 10% of distance • Increase 20% of distance
feauture and media to the education uses from prior year education uses from prior year
faculty members • Habituatate the update of • Habituatate the update of
• Habituatate the update of student information student information
student information periodically and completely periodically and completely
periodically and completely • Approach potential • Implement collaboration for
• Find potential collaboration for collaboration for foreign foreign students career
foreign students career students career opportunities opportunities (also related with
opportunities (also related with (also related with academic, academic, faculty, research, and
academic, faculty, research, and faculty, research, and student student support)
student support) support)
Chapter Four : Students
1st Year
2nd Year 3rd Year
• Increase international student
by 2 students from prior intake • Increase international student • Increase international student
• update scholarship information by 4 students from prior intake by 6 students from prior intake
periodically and completely • Update scholarship • Update scholarship
• Find a new potential information periodically and information periodically and
collaboration (also related with completely completely
academic, faculty, research, • Approach a new potential • Implement a new
and student support) collaboration (also related with collaboration (also related with
• Formulate a new program for academic, faculty, research, academic, faculty, research,
internationalization and student support) and student support)
• Analyze program and • Develop internationalization • Develop internationalization
infrastructure needs for program program
disabled student, especially in • Implement program and • Complete program and
Jatinangor campus area infrastructure needs for infrastructure needs for
• Update information about disabled student, especially in disabled student, especially in
student social activity Jatinangor campus area Jatinangor campus area
continuously • Update information about • Update information about
• Update the offer of student social activity student social activity
international exposure continuously continuously
periodically • Update the offer of • Update the offer of
• Develop and distribute an international exposure international exposure
online questionnaire to periodically periodically
inbound and outbound student • Continue and habituate an • Continue and habituate an
online questionnaire to online questionnaire to
inbound and outbound student inbound and outbound student
Chapter Five : Faculty
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

• Create SOP for faculty • Implement faculty promotion • Implement faculty promotion
promotion system system in an online system system in an online system
• Sosialize the distance education • Increase 10% of distance • Increase 20% of distance
feauture and media to the education uses from prior year education uses from prior year
faculty members • Approach potential • Implement collaboration for
• Find potential collaboration for collaboration for educational educational and research
educational and research and research activities (also activities (also related with
activities (also related with related with academic, faculty, academic, faculty, research, and
academic, faculty, research, and research, and student support) student support)
student support) • Organize English training • Organize English training
• Organize English training program & test for 50% of program & test for 70% of
program & test for 30% of faculty member and staff faculty member and staff
faculty member and staff • Increase faculty mobility by 3 • Increase faculty mobility by 4
• Increase faculty mobility by 2 faculty members from prior faculty members from prior
faculty members from prior year year
year • Prepare & apply an SOP for • Implement and review an SOP
• Analyze an SOP for sabbatical sabbatical system for sabbatical system
Chapter Six : Educational

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

• Analyze and make an SOP • Implement and review an • Implement and review an
about facilities SOP about facilities SOP about facilities
maintenance and maintenance and maintenance and
repairment repairment repairment
• Analyze the needs of • Upgrade some of • Upgrade some of
newly technology infrastructure to the newly infrastructure to the newly
infrastructure technology infrastructure technology infrastructure

Terima kasih!

Thank you!


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