Application Layer

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Lecture #21:

Application Layer

Protocols: DNS, TELNET,

e-Mail, FTP, WWW, NNTP,
TCP/IP Application Layer
Application layer User application 1 ...
Encryption/ compression/ Choice of
Presentation layer decryption expansion syntax

Session layer Session Session Session to transport Session

control synch. mapping management

Transport layer Layer and flow Error Multiplexing

control recovery

Network layer Connection Routing Addressing

Data link Error Flow Synch Framing
Link layer
establishment control control
Access to Physical and Activation/
Physical layer transm. media electrical interface deactivation of con.

OSI layers

Wide used Application protocols: DNS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP,

DNS - The purpose

 To map a hostname to an IP-address and

vice versa.


Each hostname may has zero or more corresponding IP-

Each IP-address may correspond to zero or more
hostnames. 3
DNS - Historical remarks
Host name to address mappings were maintained by the
Network Information Center (NIC) in a single file
(HOSTS.TXT) which was transferred to all hosts using FTP
(about 25 years ago).


 Ineffective – Bandwidth consumed in distributing a new version

by this scheme is proportional to the square of the number of
hosts in the network.

 The network population was also changing in character.

 The applications on the Internet were getting more

sophisticated and creating a need for general purpose name
service. 4
DNS design goals
The primary goal is a consistent name space
which will be used for referring to resources.

The database which holds the names must be


The costs of implementing such a facility

dictate that it be generally useful, and not
restricted to a single application.
DNS design goals (contd.)
Use the same name space with different
protocol families or management.

Name server transactions must be independent

of the communications system that carries

The system should be useful across a wide

spectrum of host capabilities. Both personal
computers and large timeshared hosts
(mainframes) should be able to use the system,
though perhaps in different ways. 6
Elements of the DNS
Three main componets
RECORDS, which are specifications for a tree
structured name space and data associated
with the names.
2. NAME SERVERS are server programs which
hold information about the domain tree's
structure and set information.
3. RESOLVERS are programs that extract
information from name servers in response to
client requests. 7
Elements of the DNS (contd.)
These three components roughly correspond to
the three layers or views of the DNS:

 From the user's point of view, the domain system is

accessed through a simple procedure.

 From the resolver's point of view, the domain system

is composed of an unknown number of name servers.

 From a name server's point of view, the domain

system consists of separate sets of local information
called zones. 8
Name space specifications
and terminology
 The domain name space is a tree structure
composed by nodes.
 Each node has a label, which is zero to 63
octets in length.
 The domain name of a node is the list of the
labels on the path from the node to the root of
the tree.
The name of the root node is empty string
(zero length) – “”.
Name space specifications
and terminology (contd.)
 Internally, programs that manipulate domain
names should represent them as sequences of
labels, where each label is a length octet
followed by an octet string.
 Domain names are case-insensitive using the
ASCII codes with high order zero bit.
 When a user types a domain name, the length
of each label is omitted and the labels are
separated by dots ("."). Since a complete
domain name ends with the root label, this
leads to a printed form which ends in a dot.
Example Name Space ICANN, IANA
(a graphical tree view)
One Root domain (“”)
Top Level Domains

com edu bg eu info

yahoo ucla acad see-grid

2nd Level Domains

3rd Level Domains
physics amigo val www

mary joe kevin test book

mail 11
Up to 127 levels sigma
Top Level Domains
 Generic domains (gTLD):
com, org, net, int (all around the world);
edu, gov, mil (located in USA only);
aero, biz, coop, info, museum, name, pro
(new domains, since 2000).

 Country code domains (ccTLD):

bg, uk, fr, it, ...

 Special infrastructure domain:


 Loopback domains:
localhost, localdomain

 And the domain eu for European Union! 12

Resource Records
 The distributed database which holds the
names consists of several Resource Records.

 Resource record - Set of resource information

associated with a particular name.

DNS server
A computer with software which:

1. Holds and maintains specified part of the distributed

database of resource records.

2. Responds to the name queries.

3. Exchanges the zone information with other DNS


These tasks are described in the DNS protocol (RFC 1035) located
on the Application Layer of the “TCP/IP reference model”.
The root DNS servers
At the heart of the DNS are 13 special computers,
called root servers. They are coordinated by ICANN
and are distributed around the world.

(operated by RIPE NCC)

DNS servers (contd.)

 ICANN organization delegates root DNS servers.

 The root servers delegate TLD DNS servers.

 A TLD DNS server delegates Second Level DNS server.


Primary DNS server for a given domain – holds resource records for
the zone. The zone configuration is written by the system

Secondary DNS server for a given domain – it exists for the case
when the Primary DNS server is failed or overloaded. The Secondary
server downloads the zone information from the Primary
periodically or by notification.
DNS servers (contd.)
 Every domain must have one Primary DNS server
and at least one Secondary.

The Primary and Secondary DNS servers are also

called authoritative for their domain and non-
authoritative for the rest of domains in the world. E.g.
the authoritative servers always hold up to date zone
information for the domain.

 Caching only DNS servers – they cache DNS queries

and answers for speed-up the service. These servers are
not authoritative for any domain.

Most of the authoritative DNS servers are caching too. 18

DNS query flow
1. A DNS client forms the query and sends it according the OS

2. The local resolver opens a special file called hosts and looks in case
the answer is already written here. If not then next:

3. The client calls one of the OS configured DNS servers.

4. If the DNS server knows (or already cached) the answer, then
returns it.

5. If the DNS server doesn’t know the answer, it sends a recursive

query through the DNS hierarchy, starting from the root domain.
The recursive query consists of several sub-queries to the
corresponding DNS servers.

6. The DNS servers returns the result – the answer or error message.
Reverse DNS query
 The reverse query uses the special
infrastructure domain
 The IP is written before this special domain in
reverse order of numbers separated with dots.
– Example: corresponds to

 The reverse query starts from a root DNS

server and follows the delegation path.
– Example in Unix/Linux:
dig +trace
(It traces and shows the delegation path from the
root name servers down to SOA DNS server)
DNS protocol details
The protocol uses two transport protocols from the
lower layer:

UDP on port 53 and

TCP on port 53.

The queries and answers are transferred using the

unreliable protocol UDP for speed. But it is preferred
because the OS configured DNS servers are near,
usually in the same LAN.

The zone transfers between the DNS servers are

performed through TCP, because it must be reliable.
DNS protocol details (contd.)
Resource Records described
Each resource record consists of the following
data fields
( in text readable format! ):

owner type class TTL RDATA

Resource Records
The data fields
owner - A string which is the domain name
where the RR is found.
type - which is an encoded 16 bit value that
specifies the type of the resource in this
resource record. Types refer to abstract
resources. Each abstract resource has memo
A - a host address
CNAME - identifies the canonical name of an alias
MX - identifies a mail exchange for the domain
PTR - a pointer to another part of the domain name space
DNS protocol details (contd.)
Resource Records
The data fields
 class - which is an encoded 16 bit value which
identifies a protocol family or instance of a protocol.
This memo uses the following classes:
IN - the Internet system or CH - the Chaos system

 TTL - which is the time to live of the RR. This field is a

32 bit integer in units of seconds, an is primarily used
by resolvers when they cache RRs. The TTL describes
how long a RR can be cached before it should be

 RDATA - which is the type and sometimes class

dependent data which describes the resource. 24
Resource Records
(in text readable format!) IN A IN MX 10
IN MX 20
localhost IN A
poseidon IN A
backbone IN A
iris IN A
amigo IN AAAA 2001:4b58:acad::3
unicom IN AAAA 2001:4b58:acad::9
bis-21++ IN CNAME

DNS protocol details (contd.)
The DNS message in binary format
(RR means Resource Record)

DNS protocol details (contd.)
The DNS message data fields
 The IDENTIFICATION field is set by the client and returned by the server.

 The 16-bit PARAMETER consists of:

– 0-th bit field: 0 means the message is a query,1 means it's a response.
– 1-4 bit fields - OPCODE:
• 0000 - is a normal value (Standard query).
• 0001 - an inverse query.
• 0010 - the server status request.
– 5-th bit field - Authoritative answer. The name server is authoritative for
the domain in the question section.
– 6-th bit field is set if message truncated. With UDP this means that the
total size of the reply exceeded 512 bytes, and only the first 512 bytes
the of the reply were returned.
– 7-th bit field - Recursion Desired. This bit can be set in a query and is
then returned in the response.
– 8-th bit field - Recursion Available.
– 9-11 -th bits field has to be 0.
– 12-15 -th bits field - Return Code. 0- no error, 3- name error. 27
DNS protocol details (contd.)
The DNS message data fields
 The fields labeled NUMBER OF ... give each a count of entries
in the corresponding sections in the message.

 The QUESTION SECTION contains queries for which answers

are desired. The client fills in only the question section; the
server returns the question and answers with its response.
Each question has Query Domain Name followed by Query Type
and Query Class fields (as depicted in the next slides)


consist of a set of resource records that describe domain names
and mappings. Each resource record describes one name (as
depicted in the next slides)
DNS protocol details (contd.)
The QUESTION section format in the DNS message

The DOMAIN NAME has variable length.

Clients fill in the questions; servers return them along with the answers.
DNS protocol details (contd.)
The RESOURCE RECORD binary format returned
by the DNS servers

Further reading
 InterNIC organization - provides the public
information regarding Internet Domain Name
registration services. -

 ICANN - responsible for the global coordination of the

Internet's system of unique identifiers -

 RFC1034, RFC1035, STD0013 -

 BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) – the most popular

implementation of the DNS software -

 Paul Albitz, Cricket Liu, “DNS and BIND”, 4th edition, O’REILLY 31
TELNET protocol
 TELNET (TELecommunication NETwork) was developed in
1969 beginning with RFC 15 and standardized as IETF STD 8,
one of the first Internet standards.

 TELNET clients have been available on most Unix systems for

many years and are available for virtually all platforms. Most
network equipment and OSs with a TCP/IP stack support some
kind of TELNET service server for their remote configuration
(including ones based on MS Windows NT and later).

 Because of security issues with TELNET, it use has waned as it

is replaced by the use of SSH for remote access.

TELNET protocol (2)
 Most often, a user will be telneting to a Unix-like
server system or a simple network device such as a
switch. Once the connection is established, he would
then log in with his account information and execute
operating system commands remotely on that
computer, such as ls or cd etc.

 For testing and debugging purposes: On many

systems, the client may also be used to make
interactive raw-TCP sessions, even when that option
is not available. The sessions are equivalent to raw
TCP as long as byte 255 never appears in the data.

 TELNET works on the well known TCP port 23.

Electronic mail
 Before 1990, it was mostly used in academic area - universities and
research centers.
 During the 1990s, it became known to the public at large and grew

 The first e-mail systems simply consisted of text file transfer protocols. As
time went on, the limitations of this approach became more obvious.

 Some of the complaints were as follows:

– Sending a message to a group of people was inconvenient.

– Messages had no defined internal structure.

– The sender never knew if a message arrived or not.

– Lack of "I'm temporary away" management.

– Poor user interface.

– It was not possible to create and send messages containing a mixture of text 34
and binary data: drawings, photos, facsimile, and voice.
E-mail: Architectures and services
 Typically, e-mail systems support five basic functions:
– Composition refers to the process of creating messages
and answers.
– Transfer refers to moving messages from the originator
to the recipient. The e-mail system should do this
automatically, without bothering the user.
– Reporting has to do with telling the originator what
happened to the message.
– Displaying incoming messages is needed so people can
read their e-mail. Sometimes conversion is required or a
special viewer must be invoked.
– Disposition is the final step and concerns what the
recipient does with the message after receiving it.
(Delete, Replay, Forward, Save ...) 35
Electronic Mail
The User Agent

Paper mail e-mail 36

Reading E-mail

An example of mailbox

Message Formats – RFC 822

MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail
The original e-mail was designed
to transfer 7-bit text (ASCII) characters only, so ...
 Problems with international languages:
 Languages with accents
(French, German).
 Languages in non-Latin alphabets
(Hebrew, Cyrillic ...).
 Languages without alphabets
(Chinese, Japanese).
 Messages not containing text at all
(audio or images). 39

MIME – a multipart message example

Message Transfer example
using SMTP

Transferring a message from to

Final e-mail delivery

(a) Sending and reading mail when the receiver has a

permanent Internet connection and the user agent runs on
the same machine as the message transfer agent.
(b) Reading e-mail when the receiver has a dial-up connection
to an ISP. 43
Post Office Protocol (POP3)

Using POP3 to fetch three messages. 44

Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP. TCP port 143)
A comparison of POP3 and IMAP.

The current version of IMAP is 4 revision 1 – RFC 3501 45

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard
mechanism provided by TCP/IP for copying of any kind
of files from one host to another.

• Defined in RFC 959 (1985).

• FTP uses the services of TCP. It needs two TCP


• The well-known TCP port 21 is used for the control

connection and the well-known port 20 for the data
FTP operation

File transfer

FTP – the file transfer proccess

FTP – an example session

FTP - access commands

FTP – file management commands

FTP – data formatting commands

Port definition commands

FTP – file transfer commands

FTP – Miscellaneous commands

FTP – Some responses

Trivial FTP (TFTP)
A very simple file transfer protocol, with the functionality of a very
basic form of FTP. Defined in 1980.
TFTP uses UDP port 69 (not TCP!)
An example of TFTP usage for remote boot through BOOTP
protocol in a LAN:

FTP pros and cons
 Advantages:
– Simple implementation
– Universal application
– Wide used and standartized

 Disadvantages:
– Clear text passwords, unencrypted data.
– Multiple TCP/IP connections are used = > Firewalls problems.
– Hard to filter active mode FTP traffic on the client side by using a
– It is possible to abuse the protocol's built-in proxy features to tell
a server to send data to an arbitrary port of a third computer; see
– High latency.
– No integrity check on the receiver side.
– No date/timestamp attribute transfer. 57
World Wide Web
Architectural Overview
The parts of the Web model.

The Client Side

(a) A browser plug-in. (b) A helper application.

The Server Side
A multithreaded Web server with a front end and
processing modules.

The Server Side (2)
A server farm.

The Server Side (3)

(a) Normal request-reply message sequence.

(b) Sequence when TCP handoff is used. 62
The World Wide Web - HTTP
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a
communications protocol used to transfer or convey
information on intranets and the World Wide Web. Its
original purpose was to provide a way to publish and
retrieve hypertext pages, mainly scientific paper.
Created in CERN, Geneva.
 Development of HTTP was coordinated by the W3C
(World Wide Web Consortium) and the IETF (Internet
Engineering Task Force), culminating in the publication
of a series of RFCs, most notably
RFC 2616 (June 1999), which defines HTTP/1.1, the
current version.

 HTTP is a request/response protocol between a

client and a server. It works on the well known TCP
port 80. 63
HTTP - methods

HTTP - responses

HTTP - Some Message Headers

test.log partial
Example HTTP usage in a content
Trying 2610:a0:c779:b::d1ad:35b4...
TELNET session: Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet 80 >test.log <TITLE>IETF RFC Page</TITLE>
GET /rfc.html
Connection closed by foreign host.
function url() {
var x = document.form1.number.value
if (x.length == 1) {x = "000" + x }
if (x.length == 2) {x = "00" + x }
if (x.length == 3) {x = "0" + x }
document.form1.action =
"" + x +


<!-- begin new headers and page

layout -->
<body text="#000000"
bgcolor="#ffffff" >
... 66
HTTP - Caching
Hierarchical caching with 3 proxies.

URLs – Uniform Resource Locaters
Some common URLs.

Statelessness and Cookies
Some examples:

HTML – HyperText Markup
 In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was
an independent contractor at CERN, proposed
and prototyped ENQUIRE, a hypertext system
for CERN researchers to use to share
documents. In 1989, Berners-Lee and CERN
data systems engineer Robert Cailliau each
submitted separate proposals for an Internet-
based hypertext system providing similar
functionality. In 1990, they collaborated on a
joint proposal, the World Wide Web (W3)
project, which was accepted by CERN. 70
HTML (2)
 July, 1993: a draft by IETF (that is: not a standard – yet).

 November, 1995: HTML 2.0 published as IETF RFC 1866, supplemented by RFC 1867
 RFC 1942 (tables) in May 1996,
 RFC 1980 (client-side image maps) in August 1996, and
 RFC 2070 (internationalization) in January 1997;

 An HTML 3.0 standard was proposed in April 1995.

 January 14, 1997: HTML 3.2, published as a W3C Recommendation.

 HTML 3.2 was never submitted to the IETF

 December 18, 1997: HTML 4.0, published as a W3C Recommendation. It offers three "flavors":
– Strict, in which deprecated elements are forbidden,
– Transitional, in which deprecated elements are allowed,
– Frameset, in which mostly only frame related elements are allowed;

 April 24, 1998: HTML 4.0 was reissued with minor edits without incrementing the version number.

 December 24, 1999: HTML 4.01, published as a W3C Recommendation. It offers the same three flavors as
HTML 4.0, and its last errata was published May 12, 2001.

 HTML 4.01 and ISO/IEC 15445:2000 are the most recent and final versions of HTML.

 May 15, 2000: ISO/IEC 15445:2000 ("ISO HTML", based on HTML 4.01 Strict), published as an ISO/IEC
international standard.
 HTML 5 is still an Editor’s Draft, and not endorsed by W3C yet.
HTML (3)

(a) The HTML for a sample page. (b) The formatted page.


HTML (3)
A selection of common HTML tags. some can
have additional parameters (attributes).

HTML Tables
(a) An HTML table.

(b) A possible rendition

of this table.

HTML Forms
(a) The HTML for an order form.

(b) The formatted page.

HTML Forms (2)
A possible response from the browser to the
server with information filled in by the user.

eXtensible Markup Language
A simple Web page in XML.

eXtensible Stylesheet Language
A style sheet in XSL.

Dynamic Web Documents

Steps in processing the information from an HTML form.

Dynamic Web Documents (2)
A sample HTML page with embedded PHP script.

“Web Services”
 The W3C defines a Web Service as
“A software system designed to support
interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a
Web services are frequently just Web APIs that can be
accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed
on a remote system hosting the requested services.

 The W3C Web Service definition encompasses many

different systems, but in common usage the term refers to
clients and servers that communicate using XML messages
that follow the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
standard. Common in both the field and the terminology is
the assumption that there is also a machine readable
description of the operations supported by the server
written in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
The latter is not a requirement of a SOAP endpoint, but it is
a prerequisite for automated client-side code generation in 81
the mainstream Java, .NET SOAP etc. frameworks.
Network News Transfer Protocol
 An Internet application protocol used primarily
for reading and posting Usenet articles (aka
netnews or simply: news), as well as
transferring news among news servers.
 Created by Brian Kantor of the University of
California, San Diego.
 Phil Lapsley of the University of California,
Berkeley completed RFC 977 (1986).
 Originally designed around the UUCP (Unix to
Unix CoPy) network, with most article transfers
taking place over direct computer-to-computer
telephone links. 82
NNTP (2)
 Because networked Internet-compatible
filesystems were not yet widely available, it was
decided to develop a new text protocol that
resembled SMTP, but was tailored for reading
 The well-known TCP port 119 is reserved for
NNTP. TCP port 563 is used for connectiong
through SSL (a.k.a. NNTPS).
 IETF released RFC 3977 in Oct 2006, which
updates the NNTP protocol.
 The IMAP protocol can also be used for
reading newsgroups. 83
An e-mail client as a News reader

Public News servers:
Simple Network Management Protocol
 Application layer protocol within the OSI model.
It uses UDP as transport.

 “The protocol that specifies how a network

management station communicates with agent
software in remote devices such as routers.
SNMP defines the format of messages and their
 - Computer Networks and Internets by
Douglas E. Comer. 85
SNMP – some history
 Size and number of networks required a
standard protocol in order to communicate with
devices on the network.

 1970’s - SNMPv1, the first network

management protocol.
– Originally designed as a “quick-fix” .

 1988 - SNMPv2 standard designed.

 2004 – SNMPv3, the current version

– RFC 3411 – RFC 3418 (also known as STD0062). 86
SNMP Technology
 Exchanges network information through PDU’s.
 Part of the Internet Network Management Architecture

 Internet Management Model User

– Network elements
– Agents Network

– Managed objects

– MIB’s (Management Information Bases) SNMP SNMP SNMP

– Syntax notation
– SMI (Structure of Management Info) Agent Agent Agent

– NMS (Network-management systems)

– Parties MIB MIB MIB

– Management protocols Managed Device Managed Device Managed Device

SNMP Operations
 SNMP is a simple “request/response” protocol
which uses six operations:

– Get
– GetNext
– GetBulk
– Set
– Trap
– Inform

SNMP v1 Packet Format
 SNMP v1 packets contain two parts:
– First part contains version and community name.
– Second part contains PDU.

Version Community SNMP PDU

PDU Request Error Error Object 1, Object 2, Object X,

Type ID Status Index Value 1 Value 2 Value X ...

SNMP v2 Packet Format
 Like SNMP v1, SNMP v2 contain two parts:
– First part is called a wrapper which contains authentication,
privacy information and a context.
– Second contains a PDU with similarities to SNMP v1.

Wrapper SNMP PDU

PDU Request Error OR Error OR Object 1, Object X,

Type ID Status Index Value 1 Value X ...

SNMP v1 and v2
Advantages and Disadvantages

 Advantages  Disadvantages
– Simple design. – Security holes.
– Easy implementation – Old technology.
– Wide spread usage.
– Expandability.

The new SNMP v3
 Structure, components and architecture similar to v1 and v2.

 New features include:

– Authentication and privacy.
– Authorization and access control.
– Naming of entities.
– People and policies.
– Usernames and key management.
– Notification destinations.
– Remotely configurable via SNMP operations.

SNMP Conclusion
 The goals: Integrated network management,
Interoperability, Standards.

 Network management applications based on SNMP

rely on the standards based TCP/IP protocol to
effectively oversee large heterogeneous networks.

 SNMP sits on the application layer and uses UDP

protocol to communicate with each network device.

 SNMP is essential in order to effectively

maintain today’s large networks. 93
NTP - Introduction
 Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes clocks of hosts
and routers in the Internet.

 NTP provides nominal accuracies of low tens of milliseconds on

WANs, submilliseconds on LANs, and submicroseconds using a
precision time source such as a cesium oscillator or GPS
 NTP software has been ported to almost every workstation and
server platform available today - from PCs to Crays - Unix,
Windows, VMS and embedded systems, even home routers and
battery backup systems.
 The NTP architecture, protocol and algorithms have been
evolved over the last two decades to the latest NTP Version 4
software distributions.
Needs for precision time
 Distributed database transaction journalling and logging
 Stock market buy and sell orders
 Secure document timestamps (with cryptographic certification)
 Aviation traffic control and position reporting
 Radio and TV programming launch and monitoring
 Intruder detection, location and reporting
 Multimedia synchronization for real-time teleconferencing
 Interactive simulation event synchronization and ordering
 Network monitoring, measurement and control
 Early detection of failing network infrastructure devices and air
conditioning equipment
 Differentiated services traffic engineering
 Distributed network gaming and training
 ... and Grid computing
NTP summary
 Primary (stratum 1) servers synchronize to national time
standards via radio, satellite and modem.
 Secondary (stratum 2, ...) servers and clients synchronize
to primary servers via hierarchical subnet.
 Clients and servers operate in master/slave, symmetric
and multicast modes with or without cryptographic
 Reliability assured by redundant servers and diverse
network paths.
 Engineered algorithms reduce jitter, mitigate multiple
sources and avoid improperly operating servers.
 The system clock is disciplined in time and frequency using
an adaptive algorithm responsive to network time jitter
and clock oscillator frequency wander.
NTP architecture overview
Clock Discipline
Peer 1 Filter 1
and Combining
Peer 2 Filter 2 Loop Filter
Clustering Algorithm
P/F-Lock Loop
Peer 3 Filter 3
NTP Messages VFO

 Multiple servers/peers provide redundancy and diversity.

 Clock filters select best from a window of eight time offset
 Intersection and clustering algorithms pick best truechimers and
discard falsetickers.
 Combining algorithm computes weighted average of time offsets.
 Loop filter and variable frequency oscillator (VFO) implement
hybrid phase/frequency-lock (P/F) feedback loop to minimize jitter
and wander. 97
NTP subnet configurations
S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S2

* *
S4 S3 S3

Workstation Clients
(a) (b)

S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1

* * *
S2 S2 S2

Clients * to buddy (S2)


 (a) Workstations use multicast mode with multiple department

 (b) Department servers use client/server modes with multiple
campus servers and symmetric modes with each other.
 (c) Campus servers use client/server modes with up to six
different external primary servers and symmetric modes with 98
each other and external secondary (buddy) servers.
NTP - Goals and non-goals
 Goals
– Provide the best accuracy under prevailing network and server
– Resist many and varied kinds of failures, including two-face, fail-stop,
malicious attacks and implementation bugs.
– Maximize utilization of Internet diversity and redundancy.
– Automatically organize subnet topology for best accuracy and reliability.
– Self contained cryptographic authentication based on both symmetric
key and public key infrastructures and independent of external services.
 Non-goals
– Local time – this is provided by the operating system.
– Access control - this is provided by firewalls and address filtering.
– Privacy - all protocol values, including time values, are public.
– Non-repudiation - this can be provided by a layered protocol if necessary.
– Conversion of NTP timestamps to and from other time representations
and formats. 99
NTP Version 4
 Current NTP v3 has been in use since 1992, with nominal
accuracy in the low milliseconds.
 Modern workstations and networks are much faster today, with
attainable accuracy in the low microseconds.
 NTP v4 architecture, protocol and algorithms have been
evolved to achieve this degree of accuracy.
– Improved clock models which accurately predict the time and frequency
adjustment for each synchronization source and network path.
– Engineered algorithms reduce the impact of network jitter and oscillator
wander while speeding up initial convergence.
– Redesigned clock discipline algorithm operates in frequency-lock, phase-
lock and hybrid modes.
 The improvements, confirmed by simulation, improve accuracy
by about a factor of ten, while allowing operation at much
longer poll intervals without significant reduction in accuracy. 100
NTP v4 Autonomous System model
 Fire-and-forget software
– Single software distribution can be compiled and installed automatically
on most host architectures and operating systems.
– Run-time configuration can be automatically determined and maintained
in response to changing network topology and server availability.
 Optional autonomous configuration (Autoconfigure)
– Multicast survey nearby network environment to construct a list of
suitable servers.
– Select best servers from among the list using a defined metric.
– Reconfigure the subnet for best accuracy with overhead constraints.
– Periodically refresh the list in order to adapt to changing topology.
 Optional autonomous authentication (Autokey)
– For each new server found, fetch and verify its cryptographic credentials.
– Authenticate each message received using engineered protocol.
– Regenerate keys in a timely manner to resist compromise. 101
An example of a busy NTP server
 NTP primary (stratum 1) server rackety is a server supporting
734 clients all over the world.
 This machine supports NFS, NTP, RIP, IGMP and a mess of
printers, radio clocks and an 8-port serial multiplexor
 The mean input packet rate is 6.4 packets/sec, which
corresponds to a mean poll interval of 157 seconds for each
 Each input packet generates an average of 0.64 output
packets and requires a total of 2.4 ms of CPU time for the
input/output transaction
 In total, the NTP service requires 1.54% of the available CPU
time and generates 10.5, 608-bit packets per second, or 0.41%
of a T1 line
 The conclusion is that even a slow machine can support
substantial numbers of clients with no significant degradation
on other network services. 102
Precision timekeeping equipment
(prior to 2000)

Austron 2200A GPS Receiver

Austron 2000 LORAN-C Receiver

Spectracom 8170 WWVB Reciver

Hewlett Packard 5061A Cesium Beam

Frequency Standard

NTP primary time server rackety

Squeezing the nanoseconds

 This shows the residual error measured between the Austron

2201 GPS receiver and the HP 5061A cesium clock
 The GPS receiver is stabilized using the LORAN-C receiver,
which improves its accuracy to about 50 ns, in spite of the
intentional degradation introduced in the GPS signal available to
the public
NTP resources
 NTP home:
 NTP v3 Specification RFC 1305
 Simple NTP (SNTP) v4 specification RFC 2030
– Applicable to IPv4, IPv6 and ISO CNLS

 List of public NTP time servers (as of Dec 2007)

– 177 active primary (stratum 1) servers
– 278 active stratum 2 servers

 – A a big virtual cluster of timeservers striving to

provide reliable easy to use NTP service for millions ofclients
without putting a strain on the big popular timeservers.
Miscellaneous Application Protocols
 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a technology that
allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or
procedure to execute in another address space
(commonly on another computer on a shared
network) without the programmer explicitly coding the
details for this remote interaction. RPC may be
referred to as remote invocation or remote method
invocation (RMI).
 Strictly said: RPC is a part of the OSI Session layer.

 Many different (!) implementations of RPC: ONC RPC,

Miscellaneous Application Protocols (2)
 Network File System (NFS) – a protocol for
sharing files and directories for access over a
network. It is based on RPC. Developed by Sun
Microsystems, 1984. The current version is 4
(RFC 3530)
 Common features:
– Several security mechanisms
– the COMPOUND procedure
– Filesystem Replication and Migration
– File OPEN and CLOSE (net)operations
– File locking
– Client Caching and Delegation

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