Virtue 2nd Step

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Solid Steps

of Christian
A Study of 2 Peter 1:1-11
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he
delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast
down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. Psalm 37:23,24

Herein is my Father
glorified, that ye bear
much fruit; so shall ye be
my disciples. John 15:8
The Inner Strength To Do Right
2 Peter 1:5
 We are commanded to meditate on virtuous things
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is
noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

 Virtue simply is doing things God’s way (Ps 18:30)

 Virtue is a strength - the ability to walk away from temptation
(Philippians 4:13)
 The opposite of Virtue is Vice
The other word for virtue is
• With men, virtue is being
MANLY, and strong, and
not a push-over, but full of
back-bone and resilience,
and grit and stamina
standing against what God
says is wrong!

• With women virtue is

being FEMININE and
strong in femininity (not a
pushover), but full of
conviction and discretion,
standing against the
world’s pressures to sin!
 Job 31:1; Psalm 101:3 – taking control of your eyes
 Ruth 3:11 – Resisting the temptation to just marry
anyone – Ruth waited
 Jesus – a life full of virtue (inner strength)
 Proverbs 12:4 – a Virtuous woman builds up her
husband instead of making him ashamed
 David most of the time was a MAN’S MAN
(1Samuel 13:14) – not easily pushed over, and
 Abigail was a STRONG woman (1Sam 25:21-35)
 In Bondage – to the haunts and
the chains of the past
 In Fear – of what will happen when caught
 In Danger – of ruin and defeat – there already is
enough against a Christian to be bringing MORE
upon your own head
 The key to protection from Satan, and blessing from
God is living a life of inner strength and virtue
instead of muscles and beauty
caving into the pressures of sin,
the world, and the devil!
 Hate the vices or the sins
 Get a life project that takes up your time
 Learn the lives of the people in the Bible – they are real
people, with real problems, whom God has recorded to show
us REAL solutions
 Constantly add virtue to your way of thinking, loving, living
 Love God’s laws– keeps you OUT of the deadly traps (snares)
of the devil
 Look always for a way of escape when facing any temptation
(1Cor 10:13) – God will give you strength

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