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Activity Sheet #3 12 Slides

Subject Earth and Life Science

Activity Title Earth as the Only Habitable Planet
Type of Activity Concept Notes and Exercises
Identify the two major requirements for a
Learning Target planet to be considered habitable.
References Earth & Life Sci. (SIBS) pp. 9-11
Slide No. 1

Our Solar System is composed of the sun

and the eight planets revolving around it. Among
those eight planets, only one can support life –
Slide No. 2

There are two major requirements for a

planet to be considered habitable

Slide No. 3
First, the star should survive long enough
for its planets to develop life. Second, the planet
should exist in a region where water could
remain liquid.
Slide No. 4
Goldilocks Zone
indicates that the distance of Earth from the
Sun is just right that the amount of energy
received is just enough to make the temperature
of Earth neither too hot nor too cold.
Slide No. 5
For the inner planets, Mercury and Venus,
since these planets are too close, the energy
received from the Sun is too much, contributing
to an increase in temperature of their surfaces.
Slide No. 6
And as for the other planets such as Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, their
distance from the Sun is too far for that the
energy received by these planets is very little
making these planets very cold.
Slide No. 7
Jovian Planets
are gas giants, meaning they are
mainly composed of gases.
Slide No. 8
Scientists believed carbon and its unique
properties is the basis of all life. Carbon has four
valence atoms, which it enable it to easily bond with
other carbon atoms and create long complex
molecules and polymers.
Slide No. 9
The Miller-Urey Experiment
made use of hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and
water vapor as their components of the early
atmosphere. Then they exposed these gases to
electrical sparks for one week. When the week ended,
they found some reddish-brown substance in the
container. Slide No. 10

The Miller-Urey

Slide No. 11

1. What are the two major requirements

for a planet to be considered habitable?
2. Explain the Miller-Urey Experiment in
simple terms. Last Slide

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